
Detailed Translations for holds from English to French


holds [the ~] nomen

  1. the holds (ship's holds)
    la cales

Translation Matrix for holds:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
cales holds; ship's holds shores; struts

Related Words for "holds":


to hold verb (holds, held, holding)

  1. to hold (don't let go of; retain; keep)
    tenir; retenir; ne pas laisser aller; garder; garder chez soi
    • tenir verb (tiens, tient, tenons, tenez, )
    • retenir verb (retiens, retient, retenons, retenez, )
    • garder verb (garde, gardes, gardons, gardez, )
  2. to hold (realize; contain; grasp; get to know; realise)
    concevoir; se rendre compte; percevoir; reconnaître; entendre; saisir; voir; percer
    • concevoir verb (conçois, conçoit, concevons, concevez, )
    • percevoir verb (perçois, perçoit, percevons, percevez, )
    • reconnaître verb (reconnais, reconnaît, reconnaissons, reconnaissez, )
    • entendre verb (entends, entend, entendons, entendez, )
    • saisir verb (saisis, saisit, saisissons, saisissez, )
    • voir verb (vois, voit, voyons, voyez, )
    • percer verb (perce, perces, perçons, percez, )
  3. to hold (stand firm; maintain; preserve; )
    maintenir; se maintenir; garder; retenir; conserver
    • maintenir verb (maintiens, maintient, maintenons, maintenez, )
    • garder verb (garde, gardes, gardons, gardez, )
    • retenir verb (retiens, retient, retenons, retenez, )
    • conserver verb (conserve, conserves, conservons, conservez, )
  4. to hold (arrest; apprehend; pick up; )
    arrêter; enchaîner; saisir; écrouer; prendre; mettre en état d'arrestation
    • arrêter verb (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • enchaîner verb (enchaîne, enchaînes, enchaînons, enchaînez, )
    • saisir verb (saisis, saisit, saisissons, saisissez, )
    • écrouer verb (écroue, écroues, écrouons, écrouez, )
    • prendre verb (prends, prend, prenons, prenez, )
  5. to hold
    tenir; maintenir; garder à la main
    • tenir verb (tiens, tient, tenons, tenez, )
    • maintenir verb (maintiens, maintient, maintenons, maintenez, )
  6. to hold (put in gaol; detain; lock up)
    emprisonner; tenir; détenir; conserver; retenir; garder
    • emprisonner verb (emprisonne, emprisonnes, emprisonnons, emprisonnez, )
    • tenir verb (tiens, tient, tenons, tenez, )
    • détenir verb (détiens, détient, détenons, détenez, )
    • conserver verb (conserve, conserves, conservons, conservez, )
    • retenir verb (retiens, retient, retenons, retenez, )
    • garder verb (garde, gardes, gardons, gardez, )
  7. to hold
    – To temporarily suspend an active phone call. 1

Conjugations for hold:

  1. hold
  2. hold
  3. holds
  4. hold
  5. hold
  6. hold
simple past
  1. held
  2. held
  3. held
  4. held
  5. held
  6. held
present perfect
  1. have held
  2. have held
  3. has held
  4. have held
  5. have held
  6. have held
past continuous
  1. was holding
  2. were holding
  3. was holding
  4. were holding
  5. were holding
  6. were holding
  1. shall hold
  2. will hold
  3. will hold
  4. shall hold
  5. will hold
  6. will hold
continuous present
  1. am holding
  2. are holding
  3. is holding
  4. are holding
  5. are holding
  6. are holding
  1. be held
  2. be held
  3. be held
  4. be held
  5. be held
  6. be held
  1. hold!
  2. let's hold!
  3. held
  4. holding
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

hold [the ~] nomen

  1. the hold (barrel; bucket; vat; )
    la tonne; le seau; le fût; le tonneau; le baril; la cuvette; la bassine; la cuve
  2. the hold (having a grip)
    la prise; la saisie
  3. the hold
    la clé; la cléf
  4. the hold (ship's hold)
    la cale
  5. the hold
    – A restriction that prevents a document from being posted or transactions from being entered for a specified record. 1
    le blocage

Translation Matrix for hold:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
arrêter coming to a stop; halting; stopping
baril barrel; bucket; butt; cask; drum; hold; pail; pan; tub; vat; vessel
bassine barrel; bucket; butt; cask; drum; hold; pail; pan; tub; vat; vessel
blocage hold blockade; blocking; deadlock; roadblock
cale hold; ship's hold cleat; clothes pin; clothes-peg; garboard; garboard strake; key; peg; pulley-block; quoin; wedge
clé hold key; monkey-wrench; spanner; wrench
cléf hold
cuve barrel; bucket; butt; cask; drum; hold; pail; pan; tub; vat; vessel barrel; cistern; container; feeding-trough; food-trough; holder; reservoir; tank; trough; tub; water reservoir; water tank
cuvette barrel; bucket; butt; cask; drum; hold; pail; pan; tub; vat; vessel coal-scuttle; dip; ewer; hollow; hollow in the dunes; jug; sink; valley; wash-hand basin; washbasin; water jug
fût barrel; bucket; butt; cask; drum; hold; pail; pan; tub; vat; vessel
prise having a grip; hold absorption; capture; catch; coming over; conquest; handle; insertion; intake; interception; laying hands on; overpowering; plug; stealing over; support; taking; taking hold of; walker; walking frame
saisie having a grip; hold attachment; batter; confiscation; forfeiture; seizure; taking up
seau barrel; bucket; butt; cask; drum; hold; pail; pan; tub; vat; vessel bucket; ladle; scoop
tonne barrel; bucket; butt; cask; drum; hold; pail; pan; tub; vat; vessel ton
tonneau barrel; bucket; butt; cask; drum; hold; pail; pan; tub; vat; vessel ton
- appreciation; cargo area; cargo deck; cargo hold; clasp; clench; clutch; clutches; custody; delay; detainment; detention; grasp; grip; handgrip; handle; keep; postponement; storage area; time lag; wait
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
arrêter apprehend; arrest; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize abandon; arrest; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; bring to an end; capture; cease; come to a standstill; come to an end; conclude; cross; decide; delay; desist from; deter; disconnect; discourage; dissuade; end; end a call; extinguish; finish; finish off; give up; halt; hinder; hold back; make out; matter; obstruct; oppose; prevent; put out; put to a stop; restrain; retard; sabotage; set out; shut down; stand still; staunch; stem; stop; switch off; take in custody; take prisoner; terminate; thwart; turn off; upset; wind up
concevoir contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize be on to; comprehend; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; contrive; create; design; devise; estimate; get; grasp; invent; make; manufacture; plan; plot; prepare; rumble to; see through; set up; understand
conserver detain; hang on; hold; lock up; maintain; preserve; put in gaol; stand by; stand firm; uphold aid someone financially; back someone; balm; can; collect; conserve; cure; detain; embalm; gather together; glean; guard; guard from; horde; keep; keep up; lay up; maintain; pick up; pickle; preserve; protect; provide for; put up; retain; salt; save; secure; shield; souse; stock; store; support; tin
détenir detain; hold; lock up; put in gaol blur; conceal; detain; disguise; gloss over; hide; hold captive; hush up; mantle; suppress; veil
emprisonner detain; hold; lock up; put in gaol detain
enchaîner apprehend; arrest; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize arrange; assort; attach; captivate; chain; clamp; combine; connect; couple; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fetter; group; handcuff; hijack; intrigue; join; kidnap; link; link up; make a match; pander; select; shackle; shunt; sift; sort out; tie
entendre contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize aim at; be on to; capture; catch; grab; grip; hear; hear out; interpret; learn; listen; listen to; mean; rumble to; see through; seize; take up; trap; understand
garder detain; don't let go of; hang on; hold; keep; lock up; maintain; preserve; put in gaol; retain; stand by; stand firm; uphold allocate; conserve; detain; equip with an alarm system; guard; herd; keep; keep and eye on; keep free; keep watch over; lay; lay aside; monitor; patrol; place; preserve; protect; put; put aside; put away; put down; reserve; restrain; safeguard; save; secure; set aside; shield; store; supervise; watch
garder chez soi don't let go of; hold; keep; retain keep at home
garder à la main hold
maintenir hang on; hold; maintain; preserve; stand by; stand firm; uphold bear; conserve; continue; endure; guard; hold up; insist; keep; keep up; maintain; not revoke; not take back; persist; preserve; protect; render permanent; save; shield; stand; tolerate
mettre en attente hold dehydrate
mettre en état d'arrestation apprehend; arrest; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize
ne pas laisser aller don't let go of; hold; keep; retain
percer contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize bore; bore through; break through; break up; come through; convert; dig; drill; encode; filter; get through; hint; impress; imprint; instil; instill; leak through; penetrate; perforate; pierce; pierce through; plough; plough up; prick; put in; reform; run through; stab; stab through; stick in
percevoir contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize acquire; attend; become aware of; behold; cash; claim; collect money; come by; demand; feel; find; gain; notice; observe; obtain; perceive; procure; see; see in; sense; witness
prendre apprehend; arrest; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize absorb; accept; accept a gift; annex; bear a grudge; bear malice; begin; blame; blame someone of; cadge; captivate; capture; catch; caught; chain; choose; clamp; clasp; clutch; collar; collect; come round for; commence; conquer; deprive; discredit; dive in; drag; employ; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; expropriate; fall to; fascinate; fetch; filch; gather; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; get something; glean; go thieving; grab; grasp; grip; handle; harbour a grudge; intrigue; lap up; lay one's hands on; make inaccessible; make off with; make use of; nick; obtain; occupy; overcome by; pick; pick out; pick up; pilfer; pinch; practice; practise; prefer; purloin; rancor; rancour; reach; rebuke; receive; receive for one's portion; recruit; reprimand; reproach; rob; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; secure; seize; seize upon; select; serve oneself; set in motion; set up; shackle; single out; sip up; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snitch; snout; sort out; start; start to; steal; stick; strike up; swipe; take; take along; take away; take hold of; take in; take off; take on; take possession of; take up; take upon oneself; toil and moil; trap; undertake; use; utilise; utilize; yearn
reconnaître contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize accede; admit; admit the truth; allow; authorise; authorize; explore; identify; permit; prospect; recognise; recognize; scan; tolerate
retenir detain; don't let go of; hang on; hold; keep; lock up; maintain; preserve; put in gaol; retain; stand by; stand firm; uphold allocate; blur; charter; conceal; control; cross; crush; deduct; detain; discourage; disguise; dissuade; gloss over; grab; have got hold of; hide; hinder; hold back; hush up; keep back; keep in control; keep under control; mantle; moderate; obstruct; oppose; prevent; pulverise; pulverize; put aside; put away; recant; record; remain standing; remember; reserve; restrain; retract; revoke; rub fine; sabotage; set aside; stand still; stay put; stem; stop; subdue; suppress; take back; thwart; upset; veil; withhold
saisir apprehend; arrest; contain; detain; get to know; grasp; hold; imprison; pick up; realise; realize; seize arrest; be on to; captivate; capture; catch; catch on the way; chain; clamp; clasp; clutch; comprehend; confiscate; dive in; enchain; enchant; enclose with the hands; enthral; enthrall; fall to; fascinate; get; get hold of; get one's hands on; grab; grasp; grip; intercept; intrigue; lay one's hands on; look through; obtain; overcome by; receive; receive for one's portion; rumble to; see through; seize; seize upon; serve oneself; shackle; strike; take; take hold of; take in custody; take prisoner; trap; understand
se maintenir hang on; hold; maintain; preserve; stand by; stand firm; uphold hold one's ground; keep it up; stand firm; stand one's grounds
se rendre compte contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize comprehend; get; grasp; understand
tenir detain; don't let go of; hold; keep; lock up; put in gaol; retain bear; detain; endure; have; have got hold of; own; persist; possess; stand; tolerate
voir contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize attend; become aware of; behold; cast an eye on; check; comprehend; control; examine; feel; find; get; glance; go through; grasp; inspect; look; look at; look on; notice; observe; perceive; scrutinise; scrutinize; see; see in; sense; understand; verify; view; watch; witness
écrouer apprehend; arrest; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize
- accommodate; adjudge; admit; agree; apply; arrest; bear; bind; book; carry; check; concord; concur; confine; contain; control; curb; declare; deem; defend; defy; entertain; give; go for; guard; halt; harbor; harbour; have; have got; hold back; hold in; hold up; keep; keep back; maintain; make; moderate; nurse; obligate; oblige; obtain; prevail; reserve; restrain; retain; support; sustain; take; take for; take hold; throw; view as; withstand
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- be in possession of; have

Related Words for "hold":

Synonyms for "hold":

Antonyms for "hold":

Related Definitions for "hold":

  1. the act of grasping2
    • she kept a firm hold on the railing2
  2. the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo2
  3. the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it2
  4. a cell in a jail or prison2
  5. a stronghold2
  6. power by which something or someone is affected or dominated2
    • he has a hold over them2
  7. understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something2
  8. a state of being confined (usually for a short time)2
    • the prisoner is on hold2
  9. time during which some action is awaited2
  10. keep from exhaling or expelling2
    • hold your breath2
  11. remain committed to2
    • I hold to these ideas2
  12. assert or affirm2
    • Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good2
  13. keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view2
    • hold these truths to be self-evident2
    • I hold him personally responsible2
  14. hold the attention of2
    • The soprano held the audience2
    • This story held our interest2
    • She can hold an audience spellbound2
  15. be in accord; be in agreement2
    • I hold with those who say life is sacred2
  16. declare to be2
    • judge held that the defendant was innocent2
  17. bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted2
    • He's held by a contract2
    • I'll hold you by your promise2
  18. protect against a challenge or attack2
  19. aim, point, or direct2
  20. drink alcohol without showing ill effects2
    • He can hold his liquor2
  21. have or hold in one's hands or grip2
    • A crazy idea took hold of him2
  22. be the physical support of; carry the weight of2
    • The beam holds up the roof2
    • What's holding that mirror?2
  23. to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement2
    • This holds the local until the express passengers change trains2
    • About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade2
    • The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center2
    • The terrorists held the journalists for ransom2
  24. cover as for protection against noise or smell2
    • She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate2
    • hold one's nose2
  25. support or hold in a certain manner2
    • She holds her head high2
  26. organize or be responsible for2
    • hold a reception2
  27. maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)2
  28. cause to stop2
  29. have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense2
    • She holds a Master's degree from Harvard2
  30. secure and keep for possible future use or application2
  31. have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices2
    • He held the governorship for almost a decade2
  32. take and maintain control over, often by violent means2
    • The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week2
  33. keep from departing2
  34. arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance2
    • please hold a table at Maxim's2
  35. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits2
    • hold your tongue2
    • hold your temper2
  36. stop dealing with2
    • hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting2
  37. be valid, applicable, or true2
    • This theory still holds2
  38. be pertinent or relevant or applicable2
    • This theory holds for all irrational numbers2
  39. keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g.,2
    • hold in place2
    • She always held herself as a lady2
  40. remain in a certain state, position, or condition2
    • The weather held2
    • They held on the road and kept marching2
  41. contain or hold; have within2
    • The canteen holds fresh water2
  42. be capable of holding or containing2
    • The flask holds one gallon2
  43. resist or confront with resistance2
    • The bridge held2
  44. have room for; hold without crowding2
    • The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people2
  45. have as a major characteristic2
    • The novel holds many surprises2
    • The book holds in store much valuable advise2
  46. A restriction that prevents a document from being posted or transactions from being entered for a specified record.1
  47. To temporarily suspend an active phone call.1

Wiktionary Translations for hold:

  1. to detain
  2. to organise an event or meeting
  3. to cause to wait
  4. to keep possession
  5. to reserve
  6. to contain
  7. to grasp
  1. cargo area
  1. Partie basse d'un bateau
  2. autorité absolue.
  3. Vaste salle
  4. faculté de prendre, de saisir.
  5. marine|fr réduit ménagé dans les étages inférieurs d’un navire et qui sert de magasin pour les munitions de guerre, pour les provisions, etc.
  1. être cause de ; occasionner, provoquer.
  2. Retenir quelqu’un
  3. Contenir
  4. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  5. faire obtenir à une personne quelque avantage par son crédit, par ses soins.
  6. enfermer de nouveau.
  7. Arrêter, maintenir, faire demeurer.
  8. placer, poser en certain endroit par rapport à l’exposition, à l’aspect, au voisinage, etc.
  9. mettre quelque chose sous séquestre.
  10. Avoir en main, entre les bras, de manière à ne pas laisser aller.

Cross Translation:
hold saisir vastpakken — iets of iemand grijpen en vasthouden
hold saisir vastgrijpen — iets of iemand grijpen en vasthouden
hold cale Laderaum — Teil des Schiffes, in dem die Fracht untergebracht wird
hold tenir abhalten — etwas veranstalten
hold tenir haltenphysisch: etwas durch Ausüben einer Gegenkraft an der Bewegung hindern

External Machine Translations:

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