
Detailed Translations for horribleness from English to French


horribleness form of horrible:

horrible adj

  1. horrible
  2. horrible (terrifying; dreadful; terrible; frightful)
  3. horrible (horrific; hideous; monstrous)
  4. horrible (ghastly; ominous; obnoxious; )
  5. horrible (hideous; ghastly; ugly as sin; ugly as hell)

Translation Matrix for horrible:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
malicieux cleverness; cunning; sagacity; shrewdness; slyness
sinistre calamity; catastrophe; insurance claim
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- atrocious; frightful; horrifying; ugly
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
malicieux evil
- dreadful; frightful; horrid; terrifying
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abominable ghastly; hideous; horrible; ugly as hell; ugly as sin abominable; alarming; appalling; barbaric; brutal; creepy; cruel; dangerous; detestable; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; nefarious; perilous; risky; scary; spooky; terrifying; very malignant
affreusement horrible abhorrent; abominable; appalling; awful; barbaric; brutal; cruel; dreadful; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; terrible
affreux ghastly; hideous; horrible; horrific; monstrous; ugly as hell; ugly as sin abhorrent; abominable; alarming; appalling; barbaric; brutal; creepy; cruel; dangerous; dreadful; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; heinous; horribly; inhuman; inhumane; monstrous; obnoxious; perilous; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; risky; scary; spooky; terribly; terrifying; ugly; unattractive
atroce hideous; horrible; horrific; monstrous abhorrent; abominable; alarming; appalling; awful; barbaric; brutal; creepy; cruel; dangerous; dreadful; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; perilous; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; risky; scary; spooky; terrible; terrifying
atrocement horrible abhorrent; abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting
de façon sinistre abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy creepy; eerie; lugubrious; ominous; scary; sinister
détestable ghastly; hideous; horrible; ugly as hell; ugly as sin abominable; detestable; nefarious; ugly; unsightly
détestablement ghastly; hideous; horrible; ugly as hell; ugly as sin ugly; unsightly
effroyable abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy alarming; appalling; awful; creepy; dangerous; dreadful; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; huge; perilous; risky; scary; spooky; terrible; terrifying; tremendous
exécrable ghastly; hideous; horrible; ugly as hell; ugly as sin confoundedly; cursed; damned; darned; disgraceful; disgusting; outrageous; scandalous
haïssable horrible
hideusement ghastly; hideous; horrible; ugly as hell; ugly as sin abhorrent; abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting
hideux ghastly; hideous; horrible; ugly as hell; ugly as sin abhorrent; abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; ugly; unattractive
horrible dreadful; frightful; ghastly; hideous; horrible; horrific; monstrous; terrible; terrifying; ugly as hell; ugly as sin alarming; appalling; awful; creepy; dangerous; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; huge; imminent; impending; perilous; risky; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening; tremendous
horriblement ghastly; hideous; horrible; ugly as hell; ugly as sin
lamentable horrible a flop; abominable; deplorable; distressed; distressful; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; pathetic; pitiable; pitiful; poky; poor; terrible; woeful; wretched
malicieusement abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy blackguardly; boy-like; boyish; demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; mischievous; naughty; playful; rascally; roguish; satanic; scoundrelly; villainous; waggish
malicieux abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy amiss; bad; bitchy; blackguardly; boy-like; boyish; cunning; demonic; devilish; diabolic; false; faulty; foul; hateful; inaccurate; incorrect; invidious; malicious; mischievous; naughty; off; off target; playful; rascally; roguish; satanic; scoundrelly; slick; sly; snide; spiteful; vicious; villainous; waggish; wrong; wrongly
maligne abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy clever; demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; ingenious; keen; malicious; resourceful; satanic; sharp
misérablement dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying awful; distressed; distressful; miserable; pathetic; pitiful; rotten; shabby; wretched
monstrueux ghastly; hideous; horrible; ugly as hell; ugly as sin abhorrent; abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; monstrous; obnoxious; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting
odieusement horrible abominable; detestable; hateful; invidious; malicious; mean; nefarious; pedestrian; snide; spiteful; vile
odieux horrible abominable; detestable; hateful; invidious; malicious; mean; nefarious; pedestrian; sheet; snide; sordid; spiteful; vile
pitoyable dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying abominable; deplorable; distressed; distressful; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; parched; pathetic; pitiable; pitiful; poor; terrible; woeful; wretched
pitoyablement dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying distressed; distressful; miserable; pathetic; pitiful; woeful; wretched
qui donne le frisson abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy creepy; eerie; frightening; lugubrious; ominous; scary; sinister; terrifying
repoussant hideous; horrible; horrific; monstrous distasteful; forbidding; nasty; nauseous; repellant; repellent; repelling; repulsive; revolting; shocking; sick; sickly; unappetising; unappetizing; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
répugnant ghastly; hideous; horrible; ugly as hell; ugly as sin abhorrent; abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; dirty; disgusting; distasteful; filthy; forbidding; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; loathsome; nasty; nauseous; obnoxious; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repellant; repellent; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; shocking; sick; sickening; sickly; sordid; ugly; unappetising; unappetizing; unattractive; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
sinistre abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy cheerless; creepy; dubious; eerie; gloomy; grimy; joyless; lugubrious; macabre; moody; nasty; obscure; ominous; pensive; problematic; questionable; sad; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; somber; sombre; spooky; suspect; suspicious; triste; uncertain; unreliable; wistful
terrible dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying abhorrent; abominable; appalling; awful; barbaric; brutal; cool; cruel; dreadful; fantastic; gross; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; outrageous; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; super; terrible
terriblement abominable; appalling; detestable; dreadful; frightful; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; terrifying; unholy appalling; awful; blast; damn it; darned; dash it; dreadful; frightful; horribly; terrible; terribly
terrifiant dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying abominable; alarming; appalling; awful; barbaric; brutal; creepy; cruel; dangerous; disquieting; disturbing; dreadful; fearfull; frightening; frightful; frightning; ghastly; grisly; grizly; gruesome; hazardous; heinous; horribly; huge; imminent; impending; inhuman; inhumane; ominous; perilous; risky; scary; sinister; spooky; terribly; terrifying; threatening; tremendous
à faire fremir abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy
épouvantable dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying a flop; abominable; alarming; appalling; awful; barbaric; brutal; cruel; disquieting; disturbing; dreadful; fearfull; formidable; frightening; frightful; frightning; grizly; gruesome; heinous; horribly; huge; inhuman; inhumane; mighty; ominous; powerful; scary; sinister; terrible; terribly; terrifying; tremendous
épuvantablement abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy

Related Words for "horrible":

Synonyms for "horrible":

Related Definitions for "horrible":

  1. provoking horror1
    • war is beyond all words horrible1

Wiktionary Translations for horrible:

  1. causing horror, terrible
Cross Translation:
horrible terrible vreselijk — bijzonder erg, schrikwekkend
horrible abominable; affreux; horrible; atroce abominabelveraltet: Abscheu erregend, Schrecken verursachend
horrible terrible; horrible schrecklich — (Angst und) Schrecken, Entsetzen auslösend

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