English to French: more detail...
return on invested capital:
return on invested capital → rendement de l’investissement -
Synonyms for "return on invested capital":
return on investment; ROI; rate of return
Detailed Translations for return on invested capital from English to French
return on invested capital: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- return: retour; rentrée; bénéfice; avantage; gain; profit; rendement; productivité; faire demi-tour; rendre; remettre; ramener; renvoyer; annuler; restituer; inverse; en arrière; rétrograde; à contresens; en marche arrière; rentabilité; remboursement; copie; réparation; restitution; réhabilitation; reproduction; revenir; rentrer; reculer; tourner; retourner; renverser; détourner; se retourner; aller de retour; aller en arrière; compensation; service en retour; match retour; relancer; rejeter; remonter à; dater de; se répéter; rapporter
- on: sur; en; de; à; après; dans; dessus; y; au-dessus; là; à côté de
- invest: investir; placer
- capital: majuscule; capital; fortune; fonds; ressources; finances; moyens financiers; réserve d'argent; important; considérable; remarquable; considérablement; notable; substantiel; notablement; de manière importante; capitale; ville capitale
return on invested capital:
Translation Matrix for return on invested capital:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | ROI; return on investment |
Synonyms for "return on invested capital":
Related Definitions for "return on invested capital":
Wiktionary Translations for return on invested capital:
return on invested capital
travail|fr Quotient du bénéfice net par le capital investi.
External Machine Translations: