
Detailed Translations for signing from English to French


Translation Matrix for signing:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- sign language

Synonyms for "signing":

Related Definitions for "signing":

  1. language expressed by visible hand gestures1


to sign verb (signs, signed, signing)

  1. to sign
    • signer verb (signe, signes, signons, signez, )
  2. to sign
    – To bind an identity, such as a network login, hardware ID, or certificate, to a message, file, or other piece of digitally encoded information. 2
    • signer verb (signe, signes, signons, signez, )

Conjugations for sign:

  1. sign
  2. sign
  3. signs
  4. sign
  5. sign
  6. sign
simple past
  1. signed
  2. signed
  3. signed
  4. signed
  5. signed
  6. signed
present perfect
  1. have signed
  2. have signed
  3. has signed
  4. have signed
  5. have signed
  6. have signed
past continuous
  1. was signing
  2. were signing
  3. was signing
  4. were signing
  5. were signing
  6. were signing
  1. shall sign
  2. will sign
  3. will sign
  4. shall sign
  5. will sign
  6. will sign
continuous present
  1. am signing
  2. are signing
  3. is signing
  4. are signing
  5. are signing
  6. are signing
  1. be signed
  2. be signed
  3. be signed
  4. be signed
  5. be signed
  6. be signed
  1. sign!
  2. let's sign!
  3. signed
  4. signing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

sign [the ~] nomen

  1. the sign (indication; symptom; evidence; omen)
    l'indication; le symptôme; l'augure; la manifestation; le signe précurseur; le présage
  2. the sign (signal)
    le signal; le signe; l'avertissement; l'avis; l'indice; le signe de tête
  3. the sign (signal)
    le signal; la marque; le signe; l'indice; l'avertissement; le geste
  4. the sign (notice board)
    la pancarte; l'écriteau; le panneau d'affichage
  5. the sign (phenomenon; symptom)
    le phénomène; le symptôme; la manifestation
  6. the sign (notice board; bill board; pin board; cork board; push pin board)
    l'écriteau; la pancarte; le porte-affiche; l'enseigne; le tableau d'affichage

Translation Matrix for sign:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
augure evidence; indication; omen; sign; symptom divine messenger; forecast; prediction; prognosis; prophet
avertissement sign; signal admonition; announcement; demand; gesture; information; notice; notification; reminder; summons; urgent request; warning
avis sign; signal advice; advising; angle; announcement; announcements; aspect; attitude; call; conception; conviction; convocation; counsel; creed; demand; disposition; examination; idea; inclination; information; insight; inspection; interpretation; judgement; message; news; notice; notification; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; piece of news; point of view; position; proclamation; proclamations; reading; reminder; report; stand; statement; subpoena; suggestion; summons; taking cognizance; urgent request; version; view; vision; warrant; way of thinking
enseigne bill board; cork board; notice board; pin board; push pin board; sign bill board; colour sergeant; ensign-bearer; notice board; standard-bearer
geste sign; signal act; action; deed; gesture; gymnastics; physical exercise
indication evidence; indication; omen; sign; symptom allusion; assignment; clue; command; hint; indicating; indication; innuendo; instruction; lead; order; pointer; pointing out; reference; showing; starting point; suggestion; tip
indice sign; signal allusion; area code; attribute; character description; character profile; characterisation; characteristic; characterization; clue; dialling code; feature; gesture; guide number; hint; index; index figure; index number; innuendo; lead; prefix; property; quality; reference; stock index; stock-exchange index; tip; trait
manifestation evidence; indication; omen; phenomenon; sign; symptom assembly; campaign; conference; congress; demonstration; disclosure; discovery; exposure; gathering; manifestation; meeting; protest; public protest; rally; surprising discovery; symposium; unmasking
marque sign; signal attribute; badge; body of evidence; brand; brand name; character description; character profile; characterisation; characteristic; characterization; characterizing someone; decoration; distinctive mark; distinguishing mark; evidence; feature; gesture; hallmark; honor; honour; identification mark; identifying mark; impress; imprint; knighthood; licence number; licence plate; logo; mark; medal; name; number plate; order; piece of evidence; proof; property; quality; registration number; seal; stamp; token; trademark; trait; weal; welt
pancarte bill board; cork board; notice board; pin board; push pin board; sign advertising poster; bill; bill board; nameplate; notice board; placard; play bill; poster
panneau d'affichage notice board; sign scoreboard
phénomène phenomenon; sign; symptom
porte-affiche bill board; cork board; notice board; pin board; push pin board; sign bill board; notice board
présage evidence; indication; omen; sign; symptom
signal sign; signal attribute; characteristic; feature; gesture; property; trait
signe sign; signal attribute; badge; blink; body of evidence; character; characteristic; characterizing someone; clue; cue; decoration; evidence; feature; font; gesture; hint; honor; honour; identification mark; identifying mark; knighthood; lead; licence number; licence plate; mark; medal; number plate; order; piece of evidence; pointer; proof; property; registration number; sign of the Zodiac; tip; tip-off; token; trait; type; typeface; wink
signe de tête sign; signal clue; cue; hint; lead; nod; pointer; tip; tip-off
signe précurseur evidence; indication; omen; sign; symptom forerunner; harbinger; herald
symptôme evidence; indication; omen; phenomenon; sign; symptom characterizing someone; identification mark; licence number; licence plate; mark; number plate; registration number
tableau d'affichage bill board; cork board; notice board; pin board; push pin board; sign bill board; notice board; scoreboard
écriteau bill board; cork board; notice board; pin board; push pin board; sign bill board; nameplate; notice board
- augury; foretoken; house; mansion; mark; planetary house; polarity; preindication; sign of the zodiac; signal; signaling; signboard; star sign
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
signer sign initial; legally bind; paraph; sign up
- bless; contract; ratify; sign on; sign up; signal; signalise; signalize; subscribe
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- gestural; sign-language; signed
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
avertissement warning
indice subscript

Related Words for "sign":

Synonyms for "sign":

Related Definitions for "sign":

  1. used of the language of the deaf1
  2. structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be posted1
  3. a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened)1
    • he showed signs of strain1
    • they welcomed the signs of spring1
  4. any nonverbal action or gesture that encodes a message1
  5. a public display of a message1
    • he posted signs in all the shop windows1
  6. a character indicating a relation between quantities1
    • don't forget the minus sign1
  7. a gesture that is part of a sign language1
  8. a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified1
    • The bond between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary1
  9. an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come1
    • it was a sign from God1
  10. (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided1
  11. having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges)1
    • charges of opposite sign1
  12. (medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease1
    • there were no signs of asphyxiation1
  13. make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate1
  14. be engaged by a written agreement1
    • He signed to play the casino on Dec. 181
    • The soprano signed to sing the new opera1
  15. communicate in sign language1
    • I don't know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin1
  16. mark with one's signature; write one's name (on)1
    • She signed the letter and sent it off1
    • Please sign here1
  17. communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs1
    • He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture1
  18. place signs, as along a road1
    • sign an intersection1
    • This road has been signed1
  19. engage by written agreement1
    • They signed two new pitchers for the next season1
  20. approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation1
    • Have you signed your contract yet?1
  21. To bind an identity, such as a network login, hardware ID, or certificate, to a message, file, or other piece of digitally encoded information.2

Wiktionary Translations for sign:

  1. visible indication
  2. flat object bearing a message
  3. traffic sign
  4. meaningful gesture
  5. any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols
  6. astrological sign
  7. positive or negative polarity
  8. linguistic unit in sign language
  9. sign language in general
  10. omen
  1. to make (a document) official by writing one's signature
  2. to write one's signature on a document
  3. to write one's signature somewhere
  4. to persuade a sports player etc. to sign a contract.
  1. feuille souple ou rigide affichant un message, ou une image, imprimer ou écrire que l’on appliquer contre les murs pour donner connaissance au public de quelque chose.
  2. astrologie (2)
  3. marque, indice servir à faire reconnaître quelque chose. Dans ce sens, il ne s’employer qu’au pluriel dans la locution adverbiale À bonnes enseignes et la locution conjonctive À telles enseignes que.
  4. document ancien compilant le résumé d’actes notarial sur parchemin ou sur papier.
  5. Pièce de bois, plaque métallique, toile tendue sur un cadre, etc., portant des indications destinées.
  6. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  7. indice, marque d’une chose.
  8. Position où se trouvent les astres
  9. action de témoigner ; rapport d’un ou de plusieurs témoins sur un fait, soit de vive voix, soit par écrit.
  10. Inscription
  1. Revêtir de sa signature
  2. Avaliser un acte
  3. Communiquer en langue des signes

Cross Translation:
sign enseigne AushängeschildSchild, unmittelbar vor einem Geschäft stehend, welches Werbung für genau diesen Laden macht
sign indice IndizHinweis; Andeutung; eine Information, die bestimmte Ereignisse wahrscheinlich macht
sign écriteau; panneau Schild — beschriftete Platte zu Informationszwecken
sign signe du zodiaque TierkreiszeichenAstrologie, Astronomie: jeweils ein Zwölftel der Sonnenbahn am Himmel (Tierkreis, Ekliptik), benannt nach dem Sternbild, welches etwa im Jahre 0 sich dort befand
sign signe ZeichenReligion: außergewöhnliches Geschehen, Wunder
sign signe ZeichenTierkreiszeichen
sign signe Zeichen — eine Andeutung, ein Vorzeichen für etwas Kommendes
sign signe Zeichen — Gebärde, Geste oder Laut, um auf etwas aufmerksam zu machen oder hinzuweisen
sign marque Zeichen — etwas sinnlich vernehmbares, das als Hinweis für etwas dient
sign signer signieren — etwas unterzeichnen
sign signer unterschreiben — ein Dokument mit der Unterschrift des eigenen Namens versehen
sign signer; ratifier; solder; acquitter; contresigner; parapher; quittancer; enregistrer; inscrire; attester; souscrire zeichnen — (transitiv) unterzeichnen

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