
Detailed Translations for sprigs from English to French


sprigs [the ~] nomen

  1. the sprigs (twigs)
    l'osier; le branchage; le sièges; le fauteuils
  2. the sprigs (cuttings; shoots)
    la crossettes; la boutures; le plançons
  3. the sprigs (osiers; twigs)
    l'osier; le branchage

Translation Matrix for sprigs:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
boutures cuttings; shoots; sprigs
branchage osiers; sprigs; twigs
crossettes cuttings; shoots; sprigs
fauteuils sprigs; twigs benches; chairs; seats; settees
osier osiers; sprigs; twigs
plançons cuttings; shoots; sprigs
sièges sprigs; twigs benches; chairs; crocks; crutches; perches; settees; stools

Related Words for "sprigs":

sprigs form of sprig:

sprig [the ~] nomen

  1. the sprig (bough of a tree; branch; branch of a tree; bough)
    la tige; la branche; le greffon; l'ente; la branche d'arbre
  2. the sprig (cutting; sprout; shoot)
    la bouture
  3. the sprig (twig; branch; stick; )
    le scion; le brin; le rameau; la ramification; la branche
  4. the sprig (branch; twig; limb)
    la branche; le secteur; la discipline

Translation Matrix for sprig:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bouture cutting; shoot; sprig; sprout cutting; shoot; sprout
branche bough; bough of a tree; branch; branch of a tree; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig branch; branch of industry; brigade; department; detachment; division; economic sector; element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; line of business; offshoot; parliamentary party; part; portion; principle ingredient; section; sector of industry; segment; share; side-branch; specialism; tendril; ward
branche d'arbre bough; bough of a tree; branch; branch of a tree; sprig
brin branch; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig a little bit; blade; blade of grass; little; stalk
discipline branch; limb; sprig; twig by-law; decision; defining; determination; discipline; field of study; fixing; order; ordinance; regularity; regulation; regulations; rules; science discipline; specialism; subject; submission
ente bough; bough of a tree; branch; branch of a tree; sprig
greffon bough; bough of a tree; branch; branch of a tree; sprig
rameau branch; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig
ramification branch; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig bifurcation; branch; brigade; crossroads; crossways; department; detachment; division; fork; fork of a road; road junction; section; splitting; three forked road; ward
scion branch; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig
secteur branch; limb; sprig; twig area; branch; branch of industry; county; department; district; domain; dominion; economic sector; line of business; pie slice; province; region; sector of industry; sphere; territory; zone
tige bough; bough of a tree; branch; branch of a tree; sprig halm; handle; haulm; offshoot; rod; shank; stalk; stem; stick; tendril; tendrils
- branchlet; twig
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
branche branch; branch element; conditional branch

Related Words for "sprig":

Synonyms for "sprig":

Related Definitions for "sprig":

  1. an ornament that resembles a spray of leaves or flowers1
  2. a small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division); usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year1

Wiktionary Translations for sprig:

  1. small shoot or twig

External Machine Translations: