
Detailed Translations for sticking from English to French


sticking [the ~] nomen

  1. the sticking (gluing; clinging; glueing together; pasting; sticking together)
    le collage; le fait de coller
  2. the sticking (gluing)
    le coller; l'action de coller
  3. the sticking (pricking; stinging)
    la piqûres

Translation Matrix for sticking:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
action de coller gluing; sticking
collage clinging; glueing together; gluing; pasting; sticking; sticking together collage
coller gluing; sticking glueing together; sticking together
fait de coller clinging; glueing together; gluing; pasting; sticking; sticking together
piqûres pricking; sticking; stinging bites; mosquito bites
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
coller adhere; affix; attach; attach to; burn; cake; cling; connect; fasten; glue; glue in; glue together; gum; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; patch; press; secure; stick; stick in; stick to; stick to the pan; stick together; suture; wedge; with glue
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- jutting; projected; projecting; protruding; relieved; sticking out
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
adhérant à joining; linking; sticking
qui devient membre de joining; linking; sticking
s'affiliant à joining; linking; sticking
s'enrolant dans joining; linking; sticking

Related Words for "sticking":

Synonyms for "sticking":

Related Definitions for "sticking":

  1. extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary1
    • a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck1

sticking form of stick:

to stick verb (sticks, sticked, sticking)

  1. to stick (cling; paste; adhere; glue; gum)
    attacher; adhérer; coller
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • adhérer verb (adhère, adhères, adhérons, adhérez, )
    • coller verb (colle, colles, collons, collez, )
  2. to stick (glue; stick together; glue together; patch)
    attacher; coller; se coller; adhérer; plaquer; ne pas décoller; s'attacher; engluer; s'attacher à
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • coller verb (colle, colles, collons, collez, )
    • se coller verb
    • adhérer verb (adhère, adhères, adhérons, adhérez, )
    • plaquer verb (plaque, plaques, plaquons, plaquez, )
    • s'attacher verb
    • engluer verb (englue, englues, engluons, engluez, )
  3. to stick (glue; patch; stick together; glue together)
    coller; attacher; adhérer; engluer
    • coller verb (colle, colles, collons, collez, )
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • adhérer verb (adhère, adhères, adhérons, adhérez, )
    • engluer verb (englue, englues, engluons, engluez, )
  4. to stick (stagnate; falter; waver; stop; stay put)
    être bloqué; hésiter; tomber à plat
    • hésiter verb (hésite, hésites, hésitons, hésitez, )
  5. to stick (glue together; stick together; glue)
    plaquer; se coller; engluer; coller ensemble
    • plaquer verb (plaque, plaques, plaquons, plaquez, )
    • se coller verb
    • engluer verb (englue, englues, engluons, engluez, )
  6. to stick (stay attached; maintain; hold on; hang in)
    pendre; s'attarder
    • pendre verb (pends, pend, pendons, pendez, )
    • s'attarder verb
  7. to stick (stagnate; stay put)
    stagner; rester court; piétiner; ramer; être bloqué; être au point mort
    • stagner verb (stagne, stagnes, stagnons, stagnez, )
    • piétiner verb (piétine, piétines, piétinons, piétinez, )
    • ramer verb (rame, rames, ramons, ramez, )
  8. to stick (glue together; glue; stick together)
    coller; scotcher; engluer; fixer avec de la colle
    • coller verb (colle, colles, collons, collez, )
    • scotcher verb
    • engluer verb (englue, englues, engluons, engluez, )
  9. to stick (stick together)
    • coller verb (colle, colles, collons, collez, )
  10. to stick (be tied up; be stuck; be jammed)
  11. to stick (snatch away; grasp; caught; )
    prendre; piquer; chiper; attraper; souffler; barboter
    • prendre verb (prends, prend, prenons, prenez, )
    • piquer verb (pique, piques, piquons, piquez, )
    • chiper verb (chipe, chipes, chipons, chipez, )
    • attraper verb (attrape, attrapes, attrapons, attrapez, )
    • souffler verb (souffle, souffles, soufflons, soufflez, )
    • barboter verb (barbote, barbotes, barbotons, barbotez, )

Conjugations for stick:

  1. stick
  2. stick
  3. sticks
  4. stick
  5. stick
  6. stick
simple past
  1. sticked
  2. sticked
  3. sticked
  4. sticked
  5. sticked
  6. sticked
present perfect
  1. have sticked
  2. have sticked
  3. has sticked
  4. have sticked
  5. have sticked
  6. have sticked
past continuous
  1. was sticking
  2. were sticking
  3. was sticking
  4. were sticking
  5. were sticking
  6. were sticking
  1. shall stick
  2. will stick
  3. will stick
  4. shall stick
  5. will stick
  6. will stick
continuous present
  1. am sticking
  2. are sticking
  3. is sticking
  4. are sticking
  5. are sticking
  6. are sticking
  1. be sticked
  2. be sticked
  3. be sticked
  4. be sticked
  5. be sticked
  6. be sticked
  1. stick!
  2. let's stick!
  3. sticked
  4. sticking
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

stick [the ~] nomen

  1. the stick (bar; truncheon; stave; )
    le bâton; le barreau; la barre; le lingot; le rayon; la tringle; le rai
  2. the stick (shank)
    la verge; la tige
  3. the stick (knout; cudgel; bat; baton)
    le gourdin; la trique; le knout
  4. the stick (gear handle; rake; poker)
    le ringard; le tisonnier; le pique-feu; le levier de changement de vitesses
  5. the stick (twig; branch; sprig; )
    le scion; le brin; le rameau; la ramification; la branche
  6. the stick (shank; trunk)
    le tronc; le phylum
  7. the stick (bat)
    le taillis
  8. the stick (hockey stick)

Translation Matrix for stick:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
barre bar; baton; cane; club; rod; stave; stick; truncheon balcony; bar; bar of chocolate; court; court of justice; court of law; file; law court; line; rank; row; scratch; stand; stripe; tablet; tribunal; witness box; witness stand
barreau bar; baton; cane; club; rod; stave; stick; truncheon baluster; bar
branche branch; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig bough; bough of a tree; branch; branch of a tree; branch of industry; brigade; department; detachment; division; economic sector; element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; limb; line of business; offshoot; parliamentary party; part; portion; principle ingredient; section; sector of industry; segment; share; side-branch; specialism; sprig; tendril; twig; ward
brin branch; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig a little bit; blade; blade of grass; little; stalk
bâton bar; baton; cane; club; rod; stave; stick; truncheon bar; bar of chocolate; baton; conducting staff; folding ruler; gauge; stake; strip; tablet
coller glueing together; gluing; sticking; sticking together
crosse de hockey hockey stick; stick
engluer glueing together; sticking together
gourdin bat; baton; cudgel; knout; stick
knout bat; baton; cudgel; knout; stick
levier de changement de vitesses gear handle; poker; rake; stick gear-control; gear-lever; gear-shift
lingot bar; baton; cane; club; rod; stave; stick; truncheon ingot
pendre dangling; hanging
phylum shank; stick; trunk
pique-feu gear handle; poker; rake; stick poker
rai bar; baton; cane; club; rod; stave; stick; truncheon spoke
rameau branch; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig
ramification branch; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig bifurcation; branch; brigade; crossroads; crossways; department; detachment; division; fork; fork of a road; road junction; section; splitting; three forked road; ward
rayon bar; baton; cane; club; rod; stave; stick; truncheon area; beam; board; book case; book shelf; branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; element; elementary component; flicker; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; parliamentary party; part; plank; portion; principle ingredient; rack; radiation; radius; ray; ray beam; section; segment; share; shelf; shelve; spark; spoke; ward
ringard gear handle; poker; rake; stick poker
scion branch; limb; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; spray; sprig; stick; twig
scotcher glueing together; sticking together
taillis bat; stick coppices; copse forests; copse wood; farm forests; firewood; logs
tige shank; stick bough; bough of a tree; branch; branch of a tree; halm; handle; haulm; offshoot; rod; sprig; stalk; stem; tendril; tendrils
tisonnier gear handle; poker; rake; stick poker
tringle bar; baton; cane; club; rod; stave; stick; truncheon stair rod
trique bat; baton; cudgel; knout; stick
tronc shank; stick; trunk body; collecting-box; collection box; offertory box; poor box; torso; tree trunk; trunk
verge shank; stick
- control stick; joint; joystick; marijuana cigarette; peg; pin; reefer; spliff
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
adhérer adhere; cling; glue; glue together; gum; paste; patch; stick; stick together adhere; attach to; become a member; co-operate; connect; couple; fasten; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; join; join in; participate; stick to; take part; with glue
attacher adhere; cling; glue; glue together; gum; paste; patch; stick; stick together affix; attach; attach to; bind; bind fast; bind round; bind together; bind up; binding; bookbinding; buckle; burn; button; button up; cake on; cant; combine; confirm; connect; couple; crust; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; glue; glue together; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; join; knot; lace; lash; link; moor; paste in; paste on; paste together; pinion; secure; stick to the pan; strap; string; suture; tack up; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up; unite
attraper catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn arrest; badger; capture; catch; catch on the way; clamp; clasp; contract; fool; get; get hold of; grab; grasp; grip; hoax; hoodwink; intercept; lay hold of; lay one's hands on; make fun; receive; seize; snatch; sneak up on; swindle; take hold of; take in custody; take prisoner; take unaware; tattle; tease; trap; trick; twig; vex
avoir des difficultés be jammed; be stuck; be tied up; stick be in want of; be stuck
barboter catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn cadge; collar; expropriate; filch; go thieving; make off with; nick; paddle; pilfer; pinch; purloin; rob; snatch; snitch; steal; swipe; take; take away
chiper catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn cadge; cajole; coax; collar; cuddle; expropriate; filch; go thieving; make off with; mooch; munch; nibble; nick; nybble; obtain by begging; pilfer; pinch; purloin; rob; snatch; snitch; steal; swipe; take; take away; wheedle
coller adhere; cake; cling; glue; glue together; gum; paste; patch; stick; stick together adhere; affix; attach; attach to; burn; connect; fasten; glue; glue in; glue together; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; press; secure; stick in; stick to; stick to the pan; suture; wedge; with glue
coller ensemble glue; glue together; stick; stick together
engluer glue; glue together; patch; stick; stick together affix; attach; attach to; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; stick to; suture
fixer avec de la colle glue; glue together; stick; stick together
hésiter falter; stagnate; stay put; stick; stop; waver be doubtful; be indecised; brood over; defer; delay; deter; doubt; hesitate; linger; procrastinate; put off; question; tarry; vacillate; waver
ne pas décoller glue; glue together; patch; stick; stick together
pendre hang in; hold on; maintain; stay attached; stick hang; hang down; hang out; hang outside; hang up
piquer catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn administer a medecin w a syringe; anger; annoy; arouse; banquet; bite; cadge; cajole; catch; cause irritation; chafe; coax; collar; corrode; cuddle; cut; excite; expropriate; feast; filch; give offence; gnaw; go thieving; grate; irritate; make off with; mooch; nick; obtain by begging; pilfer; pinch; plane; prick; purloin; regale; rise to the bait; rob; seize; smooth; snap; snatch; snatch away; snatch off; sneak up on; snitch; spout; spurt; steal; stimulate; sting; stir up; swipe; take; take away; take unaware; tattle; twig; vex; wheedle
piétiner stagnate; stay put; stick dance; stamp one's foot; trample down; tread flat
plaquer glue; glue together; patch; stick; stick together
prendre catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn absorb; accept; accept a gift; annex; apprehend; arrest; bear a grudge; bear malice; begin; blame; blame someone of; cadge; captivate; capture; catch; chain; choose; clamp; clasp; collar; collect; come round for; commence; conquer; deprive; detain; discredit; dive in; employ; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; expropriate; fall to; fascinate; fetch; filch; gather; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; get something; glean; go thieving; grab; grasp; grip; handle; harbour a grudge; hold; imprison; intrigue; lap up; lay one's hands on; make inaccessible; make off with; make use of; nick; obtain; occupy; overcome by; pick; pick out; pick up; pilfer; pinch; practice; practise; prefer; purloin; rancor; rancour; rebuke; receive; receive for one's portion; recruit; reprimand; reproach; rob; secure; seize; seize upon; select; serve oneself; set in motion; set up; shackle; single out; sip up; snatch; snitch; sort out; start; start to; steal; strike up; swipe; take; take along; take away; take hold of; take in; take off; take on; take possession of; take up; take upon oneself; trap; undertake; use; utilise; utilize
ramer stagnate; stay put; stick paddle; row; scull
rester court stagnate; stay put; stick break down; break off
s'attacher glue; glue together; patch; stick; stick together affix; attach; be rooted; do one's best; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; root; suture; take root
s'attacher à glue; glue together; patch; stick; stick together attach to; couple; stick to
s'attarder hang in; hold on; maintain; stay attached; stick hang about; hang around; linger
scotcher glue; glue together; stick; stick together
se coller glue; glue together; patch; stick; stick together
souffler catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn blow; breathe; breathe out; draw breath; exchange confidences; gasp; hum; inhale; pant; prompt; puff; suggest; tell; wheeze; whisper; whisper in someone's ear; whistle
stagner stagnate; stay put; stick stagnate
tomber à plat falter; stagnate; stay put; stick; stop; waver
être au point mort stagnate; stay put; stick
être bloqué falter; stagnate; stay put; stick; stop; waver stagnate
être coincé be jammed; be stuck; be tied up; stick be jammed; be stuck
- adhere; baffle; beat; bewilder; bind; bond; cleave; cling; cohere

Related Words for "stick":

Synonyms for "stick":

Antonyms for "stick":

Related Definitions for "stick":

  1. threat of a penalty1
    • the policy so far is all stick and no carrot1
  2. marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking1
  3. an implement consisting of a length of wood1
    • he collected dry sticks for a campfire1
    • the kid had a candied apple on a stick1
  4. a long thin implement resembling a length of wood1
    • cinnamon sticks1
    • a stick of dynamite1
  5. a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane1
  6. a long implement (usually made of wood) that is shaped so that hockey or polo players can hit a puck or ball1
  7. informal terms for the leg1
    • fever left him weak on his sticks1
  8. a rectangular quarter pound block of butter or margarine1
  9. a small thin branch of a tree1
  10. be a mystery or bewildering to1
  11. saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous1
  12. come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation1
  13. stick to firmly1
  14. pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed1
  15. pierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument1
  16. put, fix, force, or implant1
    • stick your thumb in the crack1
  17. fasten into place by fixing an end or point into something1
    • stick the corner of the sheet under the mattress1
  18. fasten with or as with pins or nails1
    • stick the photo onto the corkboard1
  19. fasten with an adhesive material like glue1
    • stick the poster onto the wall1
  20. cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface1
    • stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it1
  21. stay put (in a certain place)1
  22. be loyal to1
  23. be a devoted follower or supporter1
    • She sticks to her principles1
  24. endure1
  25. be or become fixed1
    • The door sticks--we will have to plane it1

Wiktionary Translations for stick:

  1. long piece of wood
  2. cane or walking stick
  3. hockey stick
  1. to glue; to adhere (transitive)
  2. to become attached, to adhere (intransitive)
  3. to jam
  4. to persist
  5. to place, set down quickly
  6. to press into with a sharp point
  7. to propagate plants by cuttings
  1. Fixer
  2. Serrer, mettre dans l’impossibilité de se mouvoir.
  3. joindre et faire tenir deux choses ensemble avec de la colle.
  4. a Mettre au fond, pousser vers le fond, faire pénétrer bien avant.
  5. Faire entrer par la pointe.
  6. attacher, affermir, rendre immobile, maintenir en place.
  7. Introduire, faire entrer une chose dans une autre
  8. Cacher
  9. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  10. Enfoncer un objet pointu.
  11. Poignarder quelqu’un.
  1. Petit bâton mince
  2. Morceau de bois assez long
  3. Sorte de petit bâton tailler en pointe par les deux bouts et qui sert à un jeu d’enfants.
  4. (Sport) Bâton courbé à son extrémité, utilisé dans certains sports
  5. aéro|fr militaire|fr Équipe de parachutistes devant sauter par la même porte d'un aéronef au cours d'un même passage sur la zone de saut.
  6. Cigarette au cannabis
  7. Baguette d’officier.
  8. verge métallique, en plastique ou en bois, menue, ronde et longue, servir à soutenir un rideau, une draperie, etc.

Cross Translation:
stick manche stuurknuppel — knuppel of stok waarmee gestuurd kan worden in een vliegtuig
stick barre stok — langwerpig voorwerp om te stoten, slaan, aanraken, aangeven (van toon), steken, te likken of te prikken
stick levier pook — versnellingshendel van een auto
stick coller kleven — (overgankelijk) met een lijm bevestigen
stick attacher aanbakken — door het bakken aankoeken, vasthechten
stick coller backenheften
stick coller backenhaften
stick coller kleben — dauernd an etwas haften
stick coller kleben — zwei Gegenstände mit einem Hilfsstoff (Klebstoff) zum dauernden Aneinanderhaften bringen

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for sticking