
Detailed Translations for switcher from English to French


Translation Matrix for switcher:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- whipper

Synonyms for "switcher":

Related Definitions for "switcher":

  1. a person who administers punishment by wielding a switch or whip1

switcher form of switch:

to switch verb (switches, switched, switching)

  1. to switch (exchange; swop; interchange; )
    – exchange or give (something) in exchange for 1
    changer; échanger; changer de place; faire un échange; échanger contre; alterner; substituer; altérer
    • changer verb (change, changes, changeons, changez, )
    • échanger verb (échange, échanges, échangeons, échangez, )
    • alterner verb (alterne, alternes, alternons, alternez, )
    • substituer verb (substitue, substitues, substituons, substituez, )
    • altérer verb (altère, altères, altérons, altérez, )
  2. to switch (alter; change; interchange; )
    – the act of changing one thing or position for another 1
    changer; modifier; transformer; alterner; échanger; altérer; varier; permuter
    • changer verb (change, changes, changeons, changez, )
    • modifier verb (modifie, modifies, modifions, modifiez, )
    • transformer verb (transforme, transformes, transformons, transformez, )
    • alterner verb (alterne, alternes, alternons, alternez, )
    • échanger verb (échange, échanges, échangeons, échangez, )
    • altérer verb (altère, altères, altérons, altérez, )
    • varier verb (varie, varies, varions, variez, )
    • permuter verb (permute, permutes, permutons, permutez, )
  3. to switch
  4. to switch (exchange; swap; change; barter; trade in)
    – exchange or give (something) in exchange for 1
    confondre; échanger; renvoyer; troquer; changer; troquer contre; faire un échange; transformer; varier; substituer; permuter; modifier; annuler; embarrasser; tourner en sens contraire
    • confondre verb (confonds, confond, confondons, confondez, )
    • échanger verb (échange, échanges, échangeons, échangez, )
    • renvoyer verb (renvoie, renvoies, renvoyons, renvoyez, )
    • troquer verb (troque, troques, troquons, troquez, )
    • changer verb (change, changes, changeons, changez, )
    • transformer verb (transforme, transformes, transformons, transformez, )
    • varier verb (varie, varies, varions, variez, )
    • substituer verb (substitue, substitues, substituons, substituez, )
    • permuter verb (permute, permutes, permutons, permutez, )
    • modifier verb (modifie, modifies, modifions, modifiez, )
    • annuler verb (annule, annules, annulons, annulez, )
    • embarrasser verb (embarrasse, embarrasses, embarrassons, embarrassez, )
  5. to switch (swop; swap)
    – exchange or give (something) in exchange for 1
    échanger; changer
    • échanger verb (échange, échanges, échangeons, échangez, )
    • changer verb (change, changes, changeons, changez, )
  6. to switch
    – To change the modality of a conversation from, say, voice call to video, starting from a pop-up notification. 2
    • basculer verb (bascule, bascules, basculons, basculez, )

Conjugations for switch:

  1. switch
  2. switch
  3. switches
  4. switch
  5. switch
  6. switch
simple past
  1. switched
  2. switched
  3. switched
  4. switched
  5. switched
  6. switched
present perfect
  1. have switched
  2. have switched
  3. has switched
  4. have switched
  5. have switched
  6. have switched
past continuous
  1. was switching
  2. were switching
  3. was switching
  4. were switching
  5. were switching
  6. were switching
  1. shall switch
  2. will switch
  3. will switch
  4. shall switch
  5. will switch
  6. will switch
continuous present
  1. am switching
  2. are switching
  3. is switching
  4. are switching
  5. are switching
  6. are switching
  1. be switched
  2. be switched
  3. be switched
  4. be switched
  5. be switched
  6. be switched
  1. switch!
  2. let's switch!
  3. switched
  4. switching
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

switch [the ~] nomen

  1. the switch (button; stud)
    – control consisting of a mechanical or electrical or electronic device for making or breaking or changing the connections in a circuit 1
    le bouton; le bouton-pression
  2. the switch (substitute; replacement; sub)
    – an event in which one thing is substituted for another 1
    le rentrant; le remplaçant
  3. the switch (light switch)
    – control consisting of a mechanical or electrical or electronic device for making or breaking or changing the connections in a circuit 1
    le bouton; l'interrupteur; le commutateur; le disjoncteur
  4. the switch
    – the act of changing one thing or position for another 1
  5. the switch (exchange; change)
    – make a shift in or exchange of 1
    l'échange; la conversion; le changement; la substitution; la permutation
  6. the switch
    – reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action) 1
  7. the switch (track)
    – railroad track having two movable rails and necessary connections; used to turn a train from one track to another or to store rolling stock 1
  8. the switch (current-reverser; commutator; reverser)
    – control consisting of a mechanical or electrical or electronic device for making or breaking or changing the connections in a circuit 1
  9. the switch
    – A circuit element that has two states, on and off. 2
    le commutateur
  10. the switch
    – A device used to connect computers on a network that forwards packets to specific ports rather than broadcasting every packet to every port. 2
    le commutateur

Translation Matrix for switch:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aiguille switch; track commerotative column; diamond needle; hand; memorial pillar; needle; obelisk; pointer; sepulchral obelisk
annuler cancellation; cancelling
bifurcation de la voie ferrée switch; track
bifurcation du chemin de fer switch; track
bouton button; light switch; stud; switch button; mouse button; pimple; pock; push; spot; swelling; swollen spot; tuning knob
bouton-pression button; stud; switch button; popper; press-stud
changement change; exchange; switch alteration; altering; amendment; barter; bartering; bending; change; change of; change of form; changing; changing to; commutation; conversion; deputizing; detour; exchange; metamorphosis; modification; mutation; permutation; reformation; remodelling; replacement; shifting; substitute; swap; switch-over; swop; trade-in; transfer; transformation; transition; transposition; turn; variation; wheeling and dealing
changement de voie ferrée switch; track
changeur switch cambist; money-changer
commutateur light switch; switch commutator
conversion change; exchange; switch alteration; altering; barter; bartering; change; change of; change of form; changing; conversion; deputizing; detour; exchange; permutation; reduction; reformation; remodelling; replacement; shifting; simplification; substitute; swap; swop; trade-in; transformation; transposition; wheeling and dealing
disjoncteur light switch; switch contact-breaker; main switch
distributeur de monnaie switch
interrupteur light switch; switch contact-breaker; interrupter
inverseur commutator; current-reverser; reverser; switch reverser
permutation change; exchange; switch delay; deputizing; displacement; overthrowing; permutation; postponement; replacement; respite; shifting; substitute; suspension; transposition
remplaçant replacement; sub; substitute; switch delegate; deputy; mandatary; palliative; replacement; representative; stand-in; substitute; surrogate; temporary helper
rentrant replacement; sub; substitute; switch
substitution change; exchange; switch change of; deputizing; palliative; permutation; replacement; rollover; substitute; substitution; surrogate; transposition
échange change; exchange; switch alteration; altering; barter; bartering; business; change; change of; change of form; changing; commerce; conversion; deputizing; exchange; goods trade; haggling; interchanges; market; market place; permutation; reformation; remodelling; replacement; shady dealings; substitute; swap; swapping; switch-over; swop; trade; trade-in; trading; transfer; transformation; transposition; wheeling and dealing
- electric switch; electrical switch; permutation; replacement; shift; substitution; switching; transposition
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
alterner alter; change; change for; convert; create; exchange; interchange; invent; make; shunt; swap; switch; swop; trade; transform; vary
altérer alter; change; change for; convert; create; exchange; interchange; invent; make; shunt; swap; switch; swop; trade; transform; vary alter; amend; bend; change; distort; modify; reform; reshape; review; revise; rewrite; twist
annuler barter; change; exchange; swap; switch; trade in abandon; abolish; annul; cancel; cancel an appointment; desist; drop; hold up; neutralise; neutralize; nullify; postpone; render thanks; rescind; resign; return; say thank you to; slacken; terminate; thank; undo; unhitch; unpick; void
basculer switch be a failure; be overthrown; capsize; drop; fall; fall down; fall over; flip; hit over; knock down; overturn; somersault; strike down; take a nosedive; trip up; tumble; turn over; upend
changer alter; barter; change; change for; convert; create; exchange; interchange; invent; make; shunt; swap; switch; swop; trade; trade in; transform; vary alter; barter; bend; change; change for; change over; convert; exchange; interchange; mix; modify; reappoint; redevelop; reform; remodel; renew; renovate; reorganise; reorganize; replace; reshape; resume; reverse; rewrite; shift; stop over; substitute; swap; swop; trade; trade in; transpose; turn
changer de place change; change for; convert; exchange; interchange; shunt; swap; switch; swop; trade barter; change for; exchange; swap; swop; trade
changer de vitesse switch
confondre barter; change; exchange; swap; switch; trade in
embarrasser barter; change; exchange; swap; switch; trade in antagonise; antagonize; bother; bully; embarrass; hamper; harass; hinder; impede; obstruct; pester; provoke; stonewall; tease
faire un échange barter; change; change for; convert; exchange; interchange; shunt; swap; switch; swop; trade; trade in barter; change for; exchange; swap; swop; trade; trade in
modifier alter; barter; change; create; exchange; interchange; invent; make; swap; switch; trade in; transform; vary alter; amend; bend; change; convert; differentiate; edit; modify; nuance; reform; remodel; reorganise; reorganize; reshape; reverse; review; revise; rewrite; transpose
passer les vitesses switch arrange; assort; group; select; shunt; sift; sort out
permuter alter; barter; change; create; exchange; interchange; invent; make; swap; switch; trade in; transform; vary Swap; barter; change for; exchange; swap; swop; trade; trade in
renvoyer barter; change; exchange; swap; switch; trade in adjourn; be dismissed; be reflected; cast back; deter; direct; discharge; dismiss; drop; echo; file off; fire; fob off with; frighten away; frighten off; lay off; march off; mirror; not follow up; pay back; postpone; put off; refer to; reflect; refund; release; remove; resound; return; reverberate; sack; scare off; send; send back; sound; throw to
substituer barter; change; change for; convert; exchange; interchange; shunt; swap; switch; swop; trade; trade in exchange; mix; override; trade in
tourner en sens contraire barter; change; exchange; swap; switch; trade in slacken
transformer alter; barter; change; create; exchange; interchange; invent; make; swap; switch; trade in; transform; vary alter; amend; change; change form; convert; deform; disfigure; modify; process; rebuild; reconstruct; reduce; reform; regenerate; remodel; reorganise; reorganize; reshape; reverse; review; revise; revolve; rewrite; roll; rotate; simplify; swing around; switch over the current; trace back; transform; transmogrify; transpose; turn; twist; twist words; use up; whirl
troquer barter; change; exchange; swap; switch; trade in barter; change for; exchange; swap; swop; trade; trade in
troquer contre barter; change; exchange; swap; switch; trade in exchange; trade in
varier alter; barter; change; create; exchange; interchange; invent; make; swap; switch; trade in; transform; vary alternate with; differ; diverge; range; variate; vary
échanger alter; barter; change; change for; convert; create; exchange; interchange; invent; make; shunt; swap; switch; swop; trade; trade in; transform; vary barter; change for; exchange; mix; swap; swop; trade; trade in
échanger contre change; change for; convert; exchange; interchange; shunt; swap; switch; swop; trade
- alternate; change; change over; exchange; flip; flip-flop; interchange; shift; swap; switch over; swop; tack; throw; trade
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
modifier change
échange interchange
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- circuit closer; closing switch
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
remplaçant acting; ad interim; deputy; substitute; temporary
rentrant incoming; retractable; retractile

Related Words for "switch":

Synonyms for "switch":

Related Definitions for "switch":

  1. the act of changing one thing or position for another1
    • his switch on abortion cost him the election1
  2. a basketball maneuver; two defensive players shift assignments so that each guards the player usually guarded by the other1
  3. a flexible implement used as an instrument of punishment1
  4. control consisting of a mechanical or electrical or electronic device for making or breaking or changing the connections in a circuit1
  5. railroad track having two movable rails and necessary connections; used to turn a train from one track to another or to store rolling stock1
  6. hairpiece consisting of a tress of false hair; used by women to give shape to a coiffure1
  7. an event in which one thing is substituted for another1
  8. reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)1
  9. change over, change around, as to a new order or sequence1
  10. make a shift in or exchange of1
    • First Joe led; then we switched1
  11. lay aside, abandon, or leave for another1
    • switch to a different brand of beer1
    • She switched psychiatrists1
  12. flog with or as if with a flexible rod1
  13. cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation1
    • switch on the light1
  14. exchange or give (something) in exchange for1
  15. A circuit element that has two states, on and off.2
  16. A device used to connect computers on a network that forwards packets to specific ports rather than broadcasting every packet to every port.2
  17. To change the modality of a conversation from, say, voice call to video, starting from a pop-up notification.2
  18. In operating systems such as MS-DOS, an argument used to control the execution of a command or an application, typically starting with a slash character (/).2

Wiktionary Translations for switch:

  1. Device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow
  2. Thin rod used as a whip
  1. To exchange
  2. To change (something) to the specified state using a switch
  3. To hit with a switch (rod)
  4. To change places / tasks
  1. baguette mince et souple que l’on porte en guise de canne, ou dont on se sert pour battre les habits ou pour donner des coups de fouet.
  2. mécanique|fr appareil qui sert à changer à volonté dans une machine la direction d’un mouvement ou à l’interrompre.
  3. réseau|fr équipement qui relie plusieurs segments (câbles ou fibres) dans un réseau informatique, le plus souvent avec l’apparence d’un concentrateur (hub).
  4. élec|nocat=1 organe qui a pour but d’interrompre un circuit électrique et le passage du courant.
  1. changer.
  2. angl|fr informatique|fr changer d’un système d’exploitation pour un autre, d’un navigateur pour un autre, d’une manière générale d’un matériel ou composant informatique pour un autre.
  3. donner une chose contre une autre.

Cross Translation:
switch interrupteur SchalterTechnik: elektrisches Bauelement zur Herstellung oder Unterbrechung einer elektrischen Verbindung
switch commutateur réseau SwitchInformationstechnik: ein Gerät, mit dem mehrere Geräte verbunden werden können
switch coupler schalten — einen Schalter betätigen
switch changer umsteigen — ein Verkehrsmittel verlassen und in ein anderes einsteigen
switch contact contact — een elektrische schakelaar
switch aiguillage wissel — speciale constructie in een spoorweg om een voertuig naar een ander spoor te leiden

External Machine Translations: