English to French: more detail...
thankless wretch:
The word thankless wretch exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to French.-
Synonyms for "thankless wretch":
ingrate; ungrateful person; unwelcome person; persona non grata
Synonyms for "thankless wretch":
Detailed Translations for thankless wretch from English to French
thankless wretch: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- thank: abandonner; remercier; refuser; rejeter; annuler; résilier; dénier
- less: moins; plus petit; à un moindre degré
- wretch: coquin; canaille; misérable; emmerdeur; charogne; casse-cul; sale type; mendiant; clochard; con; connard; pus; triste sire; malheureux; pauvre type; pauvre diable; paresseux; cloche; fainéant; nouille; lambin; bon à rien; musard; propre à rien
thankless wretch:
Translation Matrix for thankless wretch:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | ingrate; ungrateful person |