English to Dutch: more detail...
- tops:
- dop; sluitdop; dak; overdekking; afdekkap; koepel; kap; overkapping; top; piek; summum; hoogtepunt; toppunt; bergtop; hoogst haalbare; hoogste punt; kruin; climax; huif
- knotten; afknotten; hoger bieden
- bovenste
- Wiktionary:
Dutch to English: more detail...
- peak; mountain top; summit; pinnacle; top; culminating point; apex; climax; tip; vertex; crest; crown; zenith; summmit; ridge; roof-ridge; spike
- top-class; first-class; first-rate; exemplary; tops; perfect
- Wiktionary:
Detailed Translations for tops from English to Dutch
the tops
the tops (bestsellers; crackers; hits)
the tops (crowns; heads)
tops (first-rate; top-class; first-class; exemplary; perfect)
uitstekend; eersteklas; tot de beste klasse behorend; eersterangs; top-
uitstekend adj
eersteklas adj
eersterangs adj
top adj
Translation Matrix for tops:
Related Words for "tops":
Synonyms for "tops":
Related Definitions for "tops":
the top (lid; cap)
the top (cover up roof; roof; covering; cover; roofing over)
the top (summit; culminating point; apex; climax)
the top (summit; peak; mountain top; pinnacle)
the top (apex; peak; tip; vertex; summit; crest; pinnacle; mountain top)
the top (crest; crown; peak)
the top (climax; highest point; peak; culmination; zenith; pinnacle; summit; termination; result)
the top (cover up roof; gauntlet; canopy; cowl; cowling)
the top (peak; spike)
to top (head; truncate; clip)
to top
to top (offer more)
Conjugations for top:
- top
- top
- tops
- top
- top
- top
simple past
- topped
- topped
- topped
- topped
- topped
- topped
present perfect
- have topped
- have topped
- has topped
- have topped
- have topped
- have topped
past continuous
- was topping
- were topping
- was topping
- were topping
- were topping
- were topping
- shall top
- will top
- will top
- shall top
- will top
- will top
continuous present
- am topping
- are topping
- is topping
- are topping
- are topping
- are topping
- be topped
- be topped
- be topped
- be topped
- be topped
- be topped
- top!
- let's top!
- topped
- topping
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they
Translation Matrix for top:
Related Words for "top":
Synonyms for "top":
Antonyms for "top":
Related Definitions for "top":
Wiktionary Translations for top:
Cross Translation:
uppermost part
- top → bovenkant
uppermost part of a visual field
- top → bovenkant
lid, cap, cover
- top → deksel
garment worn to cover the torso
- top → bovenkleding; topje
child’s spinning toy
- top → uitmunten
slang: to murder
- top → van kant maken
informal: best
- top → top-
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• top | → top | ↔ Gipfel — die höchste Stelle eines Berges oder eines Gebirgszuges |
• top | → deksel; dekplaat | ↔ couvercle — pièce fixer ou non à un récipient et qui s’adapter à son ouverture pour le fermer plus ou moins hermétiquement. |
• top | → topje; kroon; kruin; top | ↔ faîte — Le comble, la partie la plus élever d’un bâtiment, d’un édifice. |
• top | → topje; kroon; kruin; top | ↔ haut — élévation, hauteur. |
• top | → afknotten; verminken | ↔ mutiler — retrancher un membre ou quelque autre partie extérieure du corps. |
• top | → boven-; bovenste; opperste; prevalent; superieur | ↔ supérieur — Qui est situé au-dessus. |
• top | → tol | ↔ toupie — Jouet qu’on fait tourner sur la pointe en lui imprimant un mouvement de rotation |
Related Translations for tops
Detailed Translations for tops from Dutch to English
de top (bergtop; piek)
de top (summum; piek; hoogtepunt; toppunt)
de top (hoogst haalbare)
de top (hoogste punt; kruin)
de top (hoogtepunt; zenit; toppunt; piek)
de top (hoogst bereikbare punt)
de top (dakvorst; nok)
de top (hoogste punt; piek)
top (eersterangs; uitstekend; eersteklas; tot de beste klasse behorend)
top-class; first-class; first-rate; exemplary; tops; perfect-
top-class adj
first-class adj
first-rate adj
exemplary adj
tops adj
perfect adj
Translation Matrix for top:
Related Words for "top":
Synonyms for "top":
Antonyms for "top":
Related Definitions for "top":
Wiktionary Translations for top:
Cross Translation:
highest part of an arch
in geometry: topmost vertex of a cone or pyramid
moment of greatest success, expansion, etc
highest point
top, or uppermost point, of anything; the summit
peak, top of mountain
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• top | → peak; summit; top | ↔ Gipfel — die höchste Stelle eines Berges oder eines Gebirgszuges |
• top | → peak | ↔ Spitze — der hoch Punkt eines Berges |
• top | → treetop | ↔ Wipfel — Botanik: Baumspitze, oberste Teil des Baumes |
• top | → peak; point; summit; tip; apex; highlight; zenith; acme; end; ending; conclusion; finish; termination | ↔ bout — partie extrême d’une chose. |
• top | → peak; point; summit; tip; apex; highlight; zenith; acme; climax; culmination | ↔ cime — La partie la plus haute d’une montagne, d’un rocher, d’un arbre, etc. |
• top | → summit; surface; top | ↔ faîte — Le comble, la partie la plus élever d’un bâtiment, d’un édifice. |
• top | → top; height; summit; surface | ↔ haut — élévation, hauteur. |
• top | → peak; point; summit; tip; apex; highlight; zenith; acme | ↔ pointe — extrémité piquante et aiguë de quelque chose que ce être. |