
Detailed Translations for better from English to Dutch


good [the ~] nomen

  1. the good (item; article; object; )
    het goed; het artikel; het voorwerp; het item; het ding; het object; de zaak
  2. the good
    – A tangible item for sale or use, often produced for later consumption. 1
    het product

Translation Matrix for good:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
akkoord acceptance; access; admission; admittance; agreement; alliance; allowance; approval; association; bond; chord; clearance; come to terms; concurrence; consent; granting; league; make a compromise; pact; permission; settlement; union
artikel article; gadget; good; item; matter; object; thing article; clause; column; item; newspaper column; piece; proviso; publication; section of the law; stipulation
ding article; gadget; good; item; matter; object; thing
goed article; gadget; good; item; matter; object; thing cloth; clothes; clothing material; things; washing
item article; gadget; good; item; matter; object; thing Outlook item; item
object article; gadget; good; item; matter; object; thing object
product good benefit; creation; gain; manufacture; output; product; profit; return; yield
voorwerp article; gadget; good; item; matter; object; thing
zaak article; gadget; good; item; matter; object; thing affair; bargain; business; business enterprise; case; commercial enterprise; company; concern; deal; employment; enterprise; firm; industry; issue; matter; occupation; point of discussion; question; shop; transaction
- commodity; goodness; trade good
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aangenaam easy going; good; lovely; nice; pleasant agreeable; benevolent; comfortable; cosy; cozy; enjoyable; good-natured; how do you do; kind; mild; nice; pleasant; pleased to meet you; pleasing; pleasurable; snug
behaaglijk easy going; good; lovely; nice; pleasant agreeable; comfortable; cosy; cozy; pleasant; pleasurable; snug
bekwaam able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; adroit; capable; dexterous; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
braaf good; honest; well-behaved honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright
capabel able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled
competent able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled
deskundig able; capable; competent; efficient; good
deugdzaam good; honest; well-behaved clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy
fijn easy going; good; lovely; nice; pleasant agreeable; delicate; enjoyable; fine; fragile; frail; nice; petite; pleasant; slender; slim; small-boned; subtle; tender; thin
geschikt able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled agreeable; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; capable for work; effective; efficient; fair; fine; fit; fitting; genial; good-natured; great; moderate; pleasant; proper; reasonable; relevant; right; suitable; valid
goed accurate; correct; precise; right
leuk easy going; good; lovely; nice; pleasant appealing; comic; comical; congenial; cute; droll; endearing; engaging; farcical; funny; hilarious; humorous; humourous; likable; nice; pleasant; sympathetic; winsome
lief good; honest; well-behaved adorable; affectionate; amiable; angelical; appealing; beloved; cherished; cherubic; congenial; cute; dear; devote; enchanting; endearing; engaging; likable; lovable; loved; lovely; nice; popular; precious; sweet; sympathetic; winsome
oordeelkundig able; capable; competent; efficient; good
plezant easy going; good; lovely; nice; pleasant
plezierig easy going; good; lovely; nice; pleasant agreeable; benevolent; comfortable; cosy; cozy; good-natured; kind; mild; pleasant; pleasing
prettig easy going; good; lovely; nice; pleasant agreeable; alluring; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; endearing; engaging; enjoyable; entrancing; likable; lovely; nice; pleasant; sweet; winsome
vakbekwaam able; capable; competent; efficient; good
vakkundig able; capable; competent; efficient; good
voorbeeldig good; honest; well-behaved exemplary; model
zoet good; honest; well-behaved sweet; sweeted
- adept; beneficial; dear; dependable; effective; estimable; expert; full; honest; honorable; honourable; in effect; in force; just; near; practiced; practised; proficient; respectable; right; ripe; safe; salutary; secure; serious; skilful; skillful; sound; undecomposed; unspoiled; unspoilt; upright; well
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- soundly; thoroughly; well
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
akkoord O.K.; allright; alright; done; it's a deal; you're on
- benefit; clever; welfare
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
akkoord agree; correct; fine; good; right
in orde agree; correct; fine; good; right
mee eens agree; correct; fine; good; right
ter zake kundig able; capable; competent; efficient; good

Related Words for "good":

Synonyms for "good":

Antonyms for "good":

Related Definitions for "good":

  1. promoting or enhancing well-being2
    • the experience was good for her2
  2. having the normally expected amount2
    • gives good measure2
    • a good mile from here2
  3. with or in a close or intimate relationship2
    • a good friend2
  4. thorough2
    • had a good workout2
    • gave the house a good cleaning2
  5. generally admired2
    • good taste2
  6. exerting force or influence2
    • a warranty good for two years2
  7. resulting favorably2
    • it's a good thing that I wasn't there2
    • it is good that you stayed2
  8. not left to spoil2
    • the meat is still good2
  9. not forged2
    • a good dollar bill2
  10. having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified2
    • good news from the hospital2
    • a good report card2
    • when she was good she was very very good2
    • a good knife is one good for cutting2
    • this stump will make a good picnic table2
    • a good check2
    • a good joke2
    • a good exterior paint2
    • a good secretary2
    • a good dress for the office2
  11. morally admirable2
  12. tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health2
    • a good night's sleep2
  13. in excellent physical condition2
    • good teeth2
    • I still have one good leg2
  14. appealing to the mind2
    • good music2
  15. agreeable or pleasing2
    • we all had a good time2
    • good manners2
  16. most suitable or right for a particular purpose2
    • a good time to plant tomatoes2
  17. capable of pleasing2
    • good looks2
  18. deserving of esteem and respect2
    • ruined the family's good name2
  19. of moral excellence2
    • a genuinely good person2
  20. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude2
    • a good mechanic2
  21. financially sound2
    • a good investment2
  22. (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well')2
    • the baby can walk pretty good2
  23. completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly')2
    • we beat him good2
  24. articles of commerce2
  25. moral excellence or admirableness2
    • there is much good to be found in people2
  26. that which is pleasing or valuable or useful2
    • weigh the good against the bad2
    • among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization2
  27. benefit2
    • for your own good2
    • what's the good of worrying?2
  28. A tangible item for sale or use, often produced for later consumption.1

Wiktionary Translations for good:

  1. the forces of good
  1. beneficial; worthwhile
  2. favourable
  3. effective
  4. of people, competent or talented
  5. pleasant; enjoyable
  6. healthful
  7. of food, having a particularly pleasant taste
  8. of food, edible; not stale or rotten
  9. useful for a particular purpose (it’s a good watch)
  10. acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions
  1. kwaliteit bezittend
  1. iets concreets of abstracts dat men in bezit kan hebben

Cross Translation:
good aardig; beminnelijk; lief; vriendelijk; voorkomend aimable — Qui mériter d’aimer.
good goed bien — Opposé du mal
good goed bien — Possession en argent, en immeuble, ou autrement
good goed; okee bon — À trier
good dapper; eerlijk; vriendelijk; braaf bravecourageux ; vaillant
good verstandig; vroed; wijs sage — Qui est prudent, circonspect, judicieux; qui a un sentiment juste des choses. (Sens général).
good boud; dapper; kloek; koen; moedig; eerlijk; vriendelijk; braaf vaillant — Qui a de la vaillance, qui est courageux.

better form of well:

well [the ~] nomen

  1. the well
    de bron; de wel; de waterput; de put

Translation Matrix for well:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bron well data source; resource; river source; source; source of information; source of inspiration; spring; water spring
put well
waterput well
wel well
- fountainhead; wellspring
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- swell
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
fit fighting fit; fit; healthy; in good health; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; well
getraind fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well
gezond fighting fit; fit; flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; well beneficial to one's health; healthy
welgesteld flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of prosperous; well-off; well-to-do
welvarend flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of
- good
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
wel indeed; well
- advantageously; comfortably; considerably; easily; good; intimately; substantially
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
fit fit
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- gush; light-court; spring
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
blakend fit; flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; thriving; well
blakend van gezondheid fighting fit; healthy; in good health; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; well
florerend flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of
jawel indeed; well actual; actually; certainly; definitely; in truth; it's true; real; really; to be sure; truly; verily; yes indeed
tja indeed; well
welnu well
zonder ziekte fighting fit; flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; well

Related Words for "well":

Synonyms for "well":

Antonyms for "well":

Related Definitions for "well":

  1. wise or advantageous and hence advisable2
    • it would be well to start early2
  2. resulting favorably2
    • it is well that no one saw you2
    • all's well that ends well2
  3. in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury2
    • appears to be entirely well2
    • the wound is nearly well2
    • a well man2
    • I think I'm well; at least I feel well2
  4. (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well')2
    • the children behaved well2
    • a task well done2
    • the party went well2
    • he slept well2
    • a well-argued thesis2
    • a well-seasoned dish2
    • a well-planned party2
  5. without unusual distress or resentment; with good humor2
    • took the joke well2
    • took the tragic news well2
  6. indicating high probability; in all likelihood2
    • I might well do it2
    • you may well need your umbrella2
    • he could equally well be trying to deceive us2
  7. thoroughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining form2
    • The problem is well understood2
    • she was well informed2
    • shake well before using2
    • in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked2
    • well-done beef2
    • well-satisfied customers2
    • well-educated2
  8. favorably; with approval2
    • their neighbors spoke well of them2
    • he thought well of the book2
  9. to a suitable or appropriate extent or degree2
    • the project was well underway2
    • the fetus has well developed organs2
    • his father was well pleased with his grades2
  10. in financial comfort2
    • They live well2
  11. in a manner affording benefit or advantage2
    • she married well2
  12. to a great extent or degree2
    • I'm afraid the film was well over budget2
  13. with skill or in a pleasing manner2
    • she dances well2
    • he writes well2
  14. with prudence or propriety2
    • You would do well to say nothing more2
    • could not well refuse2
  15. with great or especially intimate knowledge2
    • we knew them well2
  16. (used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully2
    • a book well worth reading2
    • was well aware of the difficulties ahead2
    • suspected only too well what might be going on2
  17. a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine2
  18. an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e.g. fish or a plane's landing gear or for protecting something as e.g. a ship's pumps2
  19. an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)2
  20. a cavity or vessel used to contain liquid2
  21. an abundant source2
    • she was a well of information2
  22. come up, as of a liquid2
    • Tears well in her eyes2
    • the currents well up2

Wiktionary Translations for well:

  1. -
  1. in good health
  1. hole sunk into the ground
  2. spring
  1. to issue forth
  1. in goede lichamelijke conditie
  2. in staat tot werken en normaal functioneren
  1. op goede wijze
  2. drukt verbazing of verontwaardiging uit
  1. put waaruit men water haalt

Cross Translation:
well put Brunnen — Tiefbauwerk zur Gewinnung von Grundwasser oder Uferfiltrat, manchmal, vor allem früher, auch Bauwerke zur Gewinnung von Quellwasser
well waterput Brunnen — Entnahmestelle, oft mit Auffangbecken, zur Bereitstellung in der Nähe oder in der Ferne gewonnenen Wassers
well schacht SchachtBergbau: vertikaler Grubenbau zu einem Stollen
well schacht SchachtBauwerk: hohler, meist senkrechter Raum
well dan alors — En ce temps-là
well goed bien — Marque un certain degré de perfection et d’utilité.
well bron; wel; welput fontaine — Translations
well put puits — Trou pour tirer de l'eau
well fit; gezond; valide sain — Qui est de bonne constitution, qui n’a pas de tares en son organisme. Qui n’est pas altéré, qui est en bon état.
well ontspringen; opborrelen; opwellen; voortkomen; wellen émaner — Se dégager par particules impondérables d’un corps dont la substance n’en est ni diminuer, ni altérer sensiblement.


better adj

  1. better (improved; enhanced)
  2. better (superior; classy)

to better verb (betters, bettered, bettering)

  1. to better (improve; correct; renew; get better; make better)
    corrigeren; verbeteren; herstellen; bijwerken; goedmaken; beteren; repareren; herzien; renoveren
    • corrigeren verb (corrigeer, corrigeert, corrigeerde, corrigeerden, gecorrigeerd)
    • verbeteren verb (verbeter, verbetert, verbeterde, verbeterden, verbeterd)
    • herstellen verb (herstel, herstelt, herstelde, herstelden, hersteld)
    • bijwerken verb (werk bij, werkt bij, werkte bij, werkten bij, bijgewerkt)
    • goedmaken verb (maak goed, maakt goed, maakte goed, maakten goed, goedgemaakt)
    • beteren verb (beter, betert, beterde, beterden, gebeterd)
    • repareren verb (repareer, repareert, repareerde, repareerden, gerepareerd)
    • herzien verb (herzie, herziet, herzag, herzagen, herzien)
    • renoveren verb (renoveer, renoveert, renoveerde, renoveerden, gerenoveerd)
  2. to better (complete; improve; finish; perfect; make better)
    completeren; voltooien; vervolledigen; afmaken; perfectioneren; volledig maken; vervolmaken
    • completeren verb (completeer, completeert, completeerde, completeerden, gecompleteerd)
    • voltooien verb (voltooi, voltooit, voltooide, voltooiden, voltooid)
    • vervolledigen verb (vervolledig, vervolledigt, vervolledigde, vervolledigden, vervolledigd)
    • afmaken verb (maak af, maakt af, maakte af, maakten af, afgemaakt)
    • perfectioneren verb (perfectioneer, perfectioneert, perfectioneerde, perfectioneerden, geperfectioneerd)
    • volledig maken verb (maak volledig, maakt volledig, maakte volledig, maakten volledig, volledig gemaakt)
    • vervolmaken verb (vervolmaak, vervolmaakt, vervolmaakte, vervolmaakten, vervolmaakt)

Conjugations for better:

  1. better
  2. better
  3. betters
  4. better
  5. better
  6. better
simple past
  1. bettered
  2. bettered
  3. bettered
  4. bettered
  5. bettered
  6. bettered
present perfect
  1. have bettered
  2. have bettered
  3. has bettered
  4. have bettered
  5. have bettered
  6. have bettered
past continuous
  1. was bettering
  2. were bettering
  3. was bettering
  4. were bettering
  5. were bettering
  6. were bettering
  1. shall better
  2. will better
  3. will better
  4. shall better
  5. will better
  6. will better
continuous present
  1. am bettering
  2. are bettering
  3. is bettering
  4. are bettering
  5. are bettering
  6. are bettering
  1. be bettered
  2. be bettered
  3. be bettered
  4. be bettered
  5. be bettered
  6. be bettered
  1. better!
  2. let's better!
  3. bettered
  4. bettering
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for better:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
afmaken finishing; killing off; massacre; slaughtering
goedmaken atoning for; making up for; redeem
superieur Superior; boss; chief; leader; master; principal
verbeteren make things better
- bettor; punter; wagerer
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
afmaken better; complete; finish; improve; make better; perfect accomplish; bring to an end; commit murder; complete; eliminate; end; finish; finish off; get done; get ready; kill; murder
beteren better; correct; get better; improve; make better; renew better one's life; cure; get better; get well; improve; recover; regain one's health
bijwerken better; correct; get better; improve; make better; renew improve; modify; retouch; touch up; update
completeren better; complete; finish; improve; make better; perfect accomplish; add; bring to an end; complete; count up; end; fill up; finish; finnish; get done; get ready; replenish; round off; to make complete; total; wind up
corrigeren better; correct; get better; improve; make better; renew correct; put straight; rectify; set right
goedmaken better; correct; get better; improve; make better; renew compensate for; correct; counterbalance; fix; make good; make up; mend; put straight; reconcile; rectify; repair; restore; set right; settle
herstellen better; correct; get better; improve; make better; renew exchange; fix; interchange; mend; recover; redeem; redevelop; redress; renew; renovate; repair; restore; resume; swap; trade
herzien better; correct; get better; improve; make better; renew alter; amend; change; create; interchange; invent; make; modify; reform; reshape; review; revise; rewrite; switch; transform; vary
perfectioneren better; complete; finish; improve; make better; perfect bring to perfection; improve; perfect; refine
renoveren better; correct; get better; improve; make better; renew exchange; fix up; interchange; redevelop; renew; renovate; resume; swap; trade
repareren better; correct; get better; improve; make better; renew fix; mend; repair; restore
verbeteren better; correct; get better; improve; make better; renew correct; exchange; improve; interchange; make progress; progress; put straight; rectify; redevelop; renew; renovate; resume; set right; swap; trade
vervolledigen better; complete; finish; improve; make better; perfect complete; finnish
vervolmaken better; complete; finish; improve; make better; perfect
volledig maken better; complete; finish; improve; make better; perfect complete; finnish
voltooien better; complete; finish; improve; make better; perfect accomplish; bring to an end; complete; end; finish; get done; get ready
- ameliorate; amend; break; improve; meliorate
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
beter better; enhanced; improved
superieur better; classy; superior
- best
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- best
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
herstellen restore
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- superior

Related Words for "better":

  • betters, bettering, betterment

Synonyms for "better":

Antonyms for "better":

Related Definitions for "better":

  1. (comparative and superlative of `well') wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable2
    • it would be better to speak to him2
  2. (comparative of `good') superior to another (of the same class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability; more highly skilled than another2
    • You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din2
    • a better coat2
    • a better type of car2
    • a suit with a better fit2
    • a better chance of success2
    • produced a better mousetrap2
    • she's better in math than in history2
  3. (comparative of `good') changed for the better in health or fitness2
    • her health is better now2
    • I feel better2
  4. more than half2
    • argued for the better part of an hour2
  5. comparative of `well'; in a better or more excellent manner or more advantageously or attractively or to a greater degree etc.2
    • She had never sung better2
    • a deed better left undone2
    • better suited to the job2
  6. from a position of superiority or authority2
  7. something superior in quality or condition or effect2
    • a change for the better2
  8. the superior one of two alternatives2
    • chose the better of the two2
  9. a superior person having claim to precedence2
    • the common man has been kept in his place by his betters2
  10. someone who bets2
  11. get better2
  12. to make better2
  13. surpass in excellence2
    • She bettered her own record2

Wiktionary Translations for better:

  1. comparative form of the adverb well
  2. comparative of the adjectives good or well

Cross Translation:
better verbeteren; veredelen améliorerrendre meilleur.
better bij voorkeur; eer; liefst; liever; veeleer mieux — Ce qui est meilleur.

Related Translations for better


Detailed Translations for better from Dutch to English