English to Dutch: more detail...
- abstract:
- abstractness → abstractheid
- abstract → zich terugtrekken, abstraheren, afleiden, onttrekken, samenvatten, terugtrekken, ontvreemden, afzonderen, concluderen
- abstract → algemeen, vaag, abstract, theoretisch, afwezig, verstrooid, gescheiden, afgezonderd, onttrokken
- abstract → uittreksel, abstractie, korte inhoud, samenvatting
- abstract → samenvatting, abstract, resumeren, samenvatten, excerperen, inkorten, verminderen, afkorten, bekorten, excerpt, overzicht, resumé, uittreksel, abstraheren, afgetrokken, abstractie, abstract begrip, afleiden, besluiten, concluderen, een gevolgtrekking maken, verstrooien, deduceren, gappen, ontvreemden, stelen, afpellen, jassen, schillen, beroven, ontnemen, ontdoen, ontvellen, stropen, villen, ontbloten, ontdekken, aftrekken, afnemen, afpakken, weghalen, wegnemen, afsnijden, afsteken, afhalen, rissen, ritsen, aftellen, inhouden, korten
Detailed Translations for abstractness from English to Dutch
Synonyms for "abstractness":
Antonyms for "abstractness":
Related Definitions for "abstractness":
Wiktionary Translations for abstractness:
the quality of being abstract
- abstractness → abstractheid
abstractness form of abstract:
the abstract (summary; recapitulation)
Translation Matrix for abstract:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
excerpt | abstract; recapitulation; summary | |
extract | abstract; recapitulation; summary | |
resumé | abstract; recapitulation; summary | CV; curriculum vitae; resume |
samenvatting | abstract; recapitulation; summary | summary |
uittreksel | abstract; recapitulation; summary | |
- | abstraction; outline; precis; synopsis | |
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
abstract | abstract | |
- | abstractionist; nonfigurative; nonobjective |
Related Words for "abstract":
Synonyms for "abstract":
Antonyms for "abstract":
Related Definitions for "abstract":
Wiktionary Translations for abstract:
Cross Translation:
to withdraw oneself
- abstract → zich terugtrekken
to perform the process of abstraction
- abstract → abstraheren
to draw off
- abstract → afleiden
to extract by means of distillation
- abstract → onttrekken
to consider abstractly
- abstract → abstraheren
to abridge, epitomize, or summarize
- abstract → samenvatten
to create an artistic abstraction of
- abstract → abstraheren
to remove; to take away; to withdraw
- abstract → terugtrekken
to steal
- abstract → ontvreemden
to separate; to disengage
- abstract → afzonderen
general as opposed to particular
- abstract → algemeen
difficult to understand
art: free from representational qualities
- abstract → abstract
apart from practice or reality; not concrete
- abstract → abstract; theoretisch
absent in mind
- abstract → afwezig; verstrooid
- abstract → gescheiden; afgezonderd
- abstract → onttrokken
an extract of a vegetable substance
- abstract → uittreksel
an abstraction
- abstract → abstractie
an abrigement or summary
- abstract → korte inhoud; samenvatting
(overgankelijk) tot een besluit komen
Cross Translation: