Detailed Translations for glutton from English to Dutch
the glutton (gobbler; greedy-guts)
the glutton (sweet tooth; someone with a sweet tooth)
the glutton (guzzler)
Translation Matrix for glutton:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
brasser | glutton; guzzler | |
gulzigaard | glutton; gobbler; greedy-guts | |
iemand die graag snoept | glutton; someone with a sweet tooth; sweet tooth | |
schrokop | glutton; gobbler; greedy-guts | |
slokop | glutton; gobbler; greedy-guts | |
snoeper | glutton; someone with a sweet tooth; sweet tooth | connoisseur; gastronome; gourmand |
veelvraat | glutton; gobbler; greedy-guts | |
vreetzak | glutton; gobbler; greedy-guts | |
zwelger | glutton; guzzler | carouser; feaster; reveler; reveller |
- | Gulo gulo; gourmand; gourmandizer; trencherman; wolverine | |
Other | Related Translations | Other Translations |
veelvraat | wolverine |
Related Words for "glutton":
Synonyms for "glutton":
Related Definitions for "glutton":
Wiktionary Translations for glutton:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• glutton | → slokop; gulzigerd; smulpaap | ↔ glouton — Personne ou animal qui mange avidement sa nourriture. |
• glutton | → veelvraat; warg | ↔ glouton — zoologie|fr mammifère carnivore (Gulo gulo) de l'Hémisphère Nord (Amérique du Nord, Scandinavie, Eurasie), ressemblant à un petit ours avec une queue velue. |