
Detailed Translations for soundest from English to Dutch

soundest form of sound:

to sound verb (sounds, sounded, sounding)

  1. to sound (telephone; call; make a call; )
    bellen; opbellen; telefoontje plegen; iemand opbellen
    • bellen verb (bel, belt, belde, belden, gebeld)
    • opbellen verb (bel op, belt op, belde op, belden op, opgebeld)
    • telefoontje plegen verb (pleeg telefoontje, pleegt telefoontje, pleegde telefoontje, pleegden telefoontje, telefoontje gepleegd)
  2. to sound (give a sound)
    klinken; klank voortbrengen
    – een helder klinkend geluid laten horen 1
    • luiden verb (luid, luidt, luidde, luidden, geluid)
      • de klok luidt1
  3. to sound (probe)
    sonderen; met sonde onderzoeken
  4. to sound (chime; ring)
    – een helder klinkend geluid laten horen 1
    • luiden verb (luid, luidt, luidde, luidden, geluid)
      • de klok luidt1
    • beieren verb (beier, beiert, beierde, beierden, gebeierd)
  5. to sound
    • doorklinken verb (klink door, klinkt door, klonk door, klonken door, doorgeklonken)
  6. to sound (toll)
    – een helder klinkend geluid laten horen 1
    • luiden verb (luid, luidt, luidde, luidden, geluid)
      • de klok luidt1
  7. to sound (echo; reverberate; resound)
    resoneren; echoën; weerkaatsen; weerklinken; weerschallen; galmen; schallen; weergalmen
    • resoneren verb
    • echoën verb (echo, echoot, echode, echoden, geëchood)
    • weerkaatsen verb (weerkaats, weerkaatst, weerkaatste, weerkaatsten, weerkaatst)
    • weerklinken verb (weerklink, weerklinkt, weerklonk, weerklonken, weerklonken)
    • weerschallen verb (weerschal, weerschalt, weerschalde, weerschalden, weerschald)
    • galmen verb (galm, galmt, galmde, galmden, gegalmd)
    • schallen verb
    • weergalmen verb (weergalm, weergalmt, weergalmde, weergalmden, weergalmd)

Conjugations for sound:

  1. sound
  2. sound
  3. sounds
  4. sound
  5. sound
  6. sound
simple past
  1. sounded
  2. sounded
  3. sounded
  4. sounded
  5. sounded
  6. sounded
present perfect
  1. have sounded
  2. have sounded
  3. has sounded
  4. have sounded
  5. have sounded
  6. have sounded
past continuous
  1. was sounding
  2. were sounding
  3. was sounding
  4. were sounding
  5. were sounding
  6. were sounding
  1. shall sound
  2. will sound
  3. will sound
  4. shall sound
  5. will sound
  6. will sound
continuous present
  1. am sounding
  2. are sounding
  3. is sounding
  4. are sounding
  5. are sounding
  6. are sounding
  1. be sounded
  2. be sounded
  3. be sounded
  4. be sounded
  5. be sounded
  6. be sounded
  1. sound!
  2. let's sound!
  3. sounded
  4. sounding
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

sound [the ~] nomen

  1. the sound (noise; fuss)
    – the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause 2
    het geluid
    – wat je kunt horen 1
    • geluid [het ~] nomen
      • plotseling klonk er een geluid in het stille bos1
    het rumoer
  2. the sound (intonation; tone; pitch; )
    de klank; de toon; klankgeluid
  3. the sound (intonation; timbre; pitch; )
    het timbre; de intonatie; de klankkleur; klanktint
  4. the sound (strait)
    de zeestraat; zeeëngte

Translation Matrix for sound:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bellen call; ringing; ringing the bell
geluid fuss; noise; sound
intonatie intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour cadence; inflection; intonation; modulation; tone of voice
klank intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone
klankgeluid intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone
klankkleur intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour
klanktint intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour
opbellen call
rumoer fuss; noise; sound bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; fuss; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; movement; noise; pandemonium; racket; roar; rumor; rumour; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
timbre intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour
toon intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone color; colour; musical note; note; pitch; shade; tincture; tint; tone
zeestraat sound; strait
zeeëngte sound; strait
- audio; auditory sensation; phone; speech sound; strait
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
beieren chime; ring; sound
bellen call; call up; give a ring; make a call; phone; phone someone; ring; ring up; sound; telephone call; call up; give a ring; make a call; phone; phone someone; ring; ring the doorbell; ring up; telephone
doorklinken sound
echoën echo; resound; reverberate; sound echo; parrot; reflect; repeat; resound; reverberate; say after; strike back
galmen echo; resound; reverberate; sound echo; resound; reverberate
iemand opbellen call; call up; give a ring; make a call; phone; phone someone; ring; ring up; sound; telephone
klank voortbrengen give a sound; sound
klinken give a sound; sound drive in nails; hammer; nail; nail down; rivet together; spike
klokluiden sound; toll
luiden chime; give a sound; ring; sound; toll brush against; bump against; call; ring; tinkle
met sonde onderzoeken probe; sound
opbellen call; call up; give a ring; make a call; phone; phone someone; ring; ring up; sound; telephone
resoneren echo; resound; reverberate; sound
schallen echo; resound; reverberate; sound echo; resound; reverberate
sonderen probe; sound
telefoontje plegen call; call up; give a ring; make a call; phone; phone someone; ring; ring up; sound; telephone
weergalmen echo; resound; reverberate; sound
weerkaatsen echo; resound; reverberate; sound echo; mirror; reflect; reverberate; strike back
weerklinken echo; resound; reverberate; sound be audible; echo; resound; reverberate
weerschallen echo; resound; reverberate; sound echo; resound; reverberate
- fathom; go; vocalise; vocalize; voice
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aannemelijk convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid acceptable; believable; credible; lawful; legitimate; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable; valid
betrouwbaar durable; reliable; solid; sound; substantial
degelijk convincing; durable; legitimate; reasonable; reliable; solid; sound; substantial; valid consummate; deep; firm; in depth; penetrating; perfect; profound; solid; stable; stout; substantial; thorough
deugdelijk durable; reliable; solid; sound; substantial efficacious; examined; tested
doortimmerd sound
gedegen reliable; solid; sound
gefundeerd convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid exhaustive; founded; thorough; underpinned
gegrond convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid founded; justified; legitimate; reasoned; warranted; well thought-out; well-founded
kredietwaardig creditworthy; solvent; sound
logisch convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid apparently; coherent; consistent; indeed; logical; naturally; obviously; of course; ordered; rational; to be sure; without doubt
solide convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid firm; muscular; solid; stable; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; well built
solvabel creditworthy; solvent; sound
solvent creditworthy; solvent; sound
steekhoudend convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid
- effectual; good; healthy; heavy; intelligent; legal; level-headed; levelheaded; profound; reasoned; wakeless; well-grounded
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- inarticulate sound; narrow passage; probe
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
degelijke solid; sound
op goede gronden steunend convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid
van goede hoedanigheid reliable; solid; sound

Related Words for "sound":

Synonyms for "sound":

Antonyms for "sound":

Related Definitions for "sound":

  1. thorough2
    • a sound thrashing2
  2. (of sleep) deep and complete2
    • a sound sleeper2
  3. in excellent physical condition2
    • a sound mind in a sound body2
  4. exercising or showing good judgment2
    • a sound approach to the problem2
    • sound advice2
    • no sound explanation for his decision2
  5. free from moral defect2
    • a man of sound character2
  6. financially secure and safe2
    • sound investments2
    • a sound economy2
  7. in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay2
    • a sound timber2
    • the wall is sound2
    • a sound foundation2
  8. having legal efficacy or force2
    • a sound title to the property2
  9. logically valid2
    • a sound argument2
  10. the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause2
    • the sound of rain on the roof2
    • the beautiful sound of music2
  11. the subjective sensation of hearing something2
    • he strained to hear the faint sounds2
  12. the audible part of a transmitted signal2
  13. (phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language2
  14. the sudden occurrence of an audible event2
    • the sound awakened them2
  15. a large ocean inlet or deep bay2
    • the main body of the sound ran parallel to the coast2
  16. a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water2
  17. mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium2
    • falling trees make a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them2
  18. measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line2
  19. utter with vibrating vocal chords2
  20. appear in a certain way2
    • This sounds interesting2
  21. give off a certain sound or sounds2
    • This record sounds scratchy2
  22. make a certain noise or sound2
  23. cause to sound2
    • sound the bell2
    • sound a certain note2
  24. announce by means of a sound2
    • sound the alarm2

Wiktionary Translations for sound:

  1. complete, solid, or secure
  2. -
  1. sensation perceived by the ear
  2. -
  1. to produce a sound
  1. trillingen in de lucht of andere substantie die door het oor waargenomen kunnen worden
  2. in het algemeen wordt hiermee het totaal aan eigenschappen van een geluid aangeduid
  1. een bepaalde klank voortbrengen
  2. iemand vragen naar zijn mening, interesse voor iets

Cross Translation:
sound opklinken; weerklinken erschallengehoben, (intransitiv) laut ertönen, laut hörbar werden
sound verstandig; vroed; wijs; betamelijk; gepast; geschikt; passend; toepasselijk raisonnable — Qui douer de raison, qui a la faculté de raisonner.
sound verstandig; vroed; wijs sage — Qui est prudent, circonspect, judicieux; qui a un sentiment juste des choses. (Sens général).
sound geluid; klank; toon; gerucht son — Quelque chose que l’on peut écouter, entendre.
sound peilen sonder — À trier
sound bellen; aanbellen; luiden; schellen; aflopen; beieren; galmen; kleppen; schalmen; overgaan; gaan; klinken; slaan sonnerrendre un son.
sound kletteren; klingelen; rinkelen; tingelen; aflopen; beieren; galmen; kleppen; luiden; schalmen; overgaan tinterfaire sonner lentement une cloche, en sorte que le battant ne frapper que d’un côté.
sound capaciteit; inhoud volumeampleur, grosseur d’une masse ; espace occuper par un corps ou celui pouvant être délimité par une ou des surfaces.
sound waar; echt; eigenlijk; heus; waarachtig; gegrond; gelijk hebbend; juist vrai — Qui est conforme à la vérité, à ce qui est réellement.