English to Swedish: more detail...
lead by the nose:
The word lead by the nose exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Swedish.-
Synonyms for "lead by the nose":
bamboozle; snow; hoodwink; pull the wool over someone's eyes; play false; deceive; betray; lead astray
Synonyms for "lead by the nose":
Detailed Translations for lead by the nose from English to Swedish
lead by the nose: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- lead: leda; anföra; dirigera; kommendera; bly; försprång; hint; kabel; wire; ledning; ledande; frontposition; tips; spår; utgångspunkt; ledtråd; indikation; fingervisning; startpunkt; rätta; glacera med bly; plomb; anförande; lead; kundleads
- by: i överensstämmelse med; per; medelst; utav; invid
- the: den; det
- nose: näsa; nos; nosande; sniffning; snabel; betaga; strosa runt; väderkorn; spårsinne
lead by the nose:
Translation Matrix for lead by the nose:
Verb | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | bamboozle; hoodwink; play false; pull the wool over someone's eyes; snow |
Synonyms for "lead by the nose":
Related Definitions for "lead by the nose":
External Machine Translations: