

Detailed Translations for standards from English to Swedish


standard [the ~] nomen

  1. the standard (norm; measure)
    standard; norm
  2. the standard
    standard; stöd
  3. the standard
  4. the standard
    standar; fana
  5. the standard (banner; flag; pendant; )
  6. the standard (criterion; touchstone; reagent; test)
    kriterium; rättesnöre; norm

Translation Matrix for standard:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
fana standard banner; banners; vane
flagga banner; flag; pendant; pendent; pennant; pennon; standard flag
kriterium criterion; reagent; standard; test; touchstone condition; criterion
norm criterion; measure; norm; reagent; standard; test; touchstone
rättesnöre criterion; reagent; standard; test; touchstone compass
standar standard
standard measure; norm; standard
stöd standard aid; assistance; back support; backing; buttress; help; maintenance; prop; rest; shore; support
- banner; criterion; measure; monetary standard; touchstone
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
flagga flag
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- received; stock
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
fullödig standard; thorough
fullödigt standard; thorough
likare gauge; standard
lödig standard; sterling
lödigt standard; sterling

Related Words for "standard":

  • standards

Synonyms for "standard":

Antonyms for "standard":

  • nonstandard

Related Definitions for "standard":

  1. commonly used or supplied1
    • standard procedure1
    • standard car equipment1
  2. regularly and widely used or sold1
    • a standard size1
  3. established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence1
    • a standard reference work1
  4. conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind1
    • windows of standard width1
    • standard sizes1
    • the standard fixtures1
    • standard brands1
    • standard operating procedure1
  5. conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers1
    • standard English1
    • received standard English is sometimes called the King's English1
  6. any distinctive flag1
  7. an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support)1
    • distance was marked by standards every mile1
    • lamps supported on standards provided illumination1
  8. the ideal in terms of which something can be judged1
    • they live by the standards of their community1
  9. a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated1
    • the schools comply with federal standards1
  10. the value behind the money in a monetary system1
  11. a board measure = 1980 board feet1

Wiktionary Translations for standard:

Cross Translation:
standard fana; flagga; flagg; standar vlag — een lap stof met op vaste wijze geschikte kleuren die gevoerd wordt als symbool van een partij of natie
standard webannons; banner Banner — Werbe-Grafik(en) auf Internetseiten
standard baner BannerFahne, welche an der Querstange sowie am Fahnenschaft befestigt ist
standard flagga Flagge — als Erkennungszeichen und Verständigungsmittel
standard flagga Flagge — an einer Leine befestigte Fahne als Hoheits- oder Ehrenzeichen eines Staates
standard standar; flagg; flagga drapeaupièce d’étoffe qu’on attacher à une espèce de lance, de manière qu’elle pouvoir se déployer et flotter au vent, et qui sert à donner un signal, à indiquer un point de ralliement, à distinguer la nation ou le groupement d’individus qui l’[
standard påle; stör poteaupièce de bois de charpente, posée debout.
standard hingst étalon — hippologie|fr cheval mâle utilisé pour la reproduction.
standard standar étendarddrapeau, en particulier militaire et terrestre cf|pavillon|lang=fr pour la marine.

External Machine Translations:

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