English to Swedish:   more detail...
  1. text:
  2. Text:
  3. Wiktionary:
Swedish to English:   more detail...
  1. text:
  2. Text:
  3. Wiktionary:


Detailed Translations for text from English to Swedish


text [the ~] nomen

  1. the text (documented; script; wording)
    ordalydelse; text; skrift; dokument
  2. the text (writing; document; script; scripture; manuscript)
    dokument; text; manuskript; skrivet stycke; skrift

text verb

  1. text
    – To send and receive text messages from a mobile phone or device. 1

Translation Matrix for text:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
dokument document; documented; manuscript; script; scripture; text; wording; writing document; documents; message; pieces of writing; texts; works
manuskript document; manuscript; script; scripture; text; writing manuscript
ordalydelse documented; script; text; wording formulation; wording
skrift document; documented; manuscript; script; scripture; text; wording; writing account; article; composition; lecture; paper; project; publication; report; scribe; written character
skrivet stycke document; manuscript; script; scripture; text; writing
text document; documented; manuscript; script; scripture; text; wording; writing lyric; lyric poetry; poetry
- school text; schoolbook; text edition; textbook; textual matter
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
SMS:a, skicka textmeddelande text
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
predikotext sermon text; text

Related Words for "text":

Synonyms for "text":

Antonyms for "text":

  • trade edition

Related Definitions for "text":

  1. the words of something written2
    • there were more than a thousand words of text2
    • they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech2
    • he wants to reconstruct the original text2
  2. the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.)2
    • pictures made the text easier to understand2
  3. a book prepared for use in schools or colleges2
    • the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy2
  4. a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon2
    • the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon2
  5. In word processing and desktop publishing, the main portion of a document, as opposed to headlines, tables, figures, footnotes, and other elements.1
  6. Data that consists of characters representing the words and symbols of human speech.1
  7. To send and receive text messages from a mobile phone or device.1

Wiktionary Translations for text:

  1. a written passage
  2. a brief written message transmitted between mobile phones
  1. send a text message to

Cross Translation:
text text tekst — verzameling letters en/of woorden
text text TextLinguistik: mündliche oder schriftliche Folge von Satz, die miteinander syntaktisch und semantisch verbunden sind (Kohärenz, Kohäsion), eine abgeschlossene Einheit bilden (Kompletion) und eine bestimmte kommunikative Funktion (Textfunktion) [[er
text text textesuite ordonnée de mots écrits.


Text [the ~] nomen

  1. the Text
    – A field data type that can contain up to 255 characters or the number of characters specified by the Fieldsize property, whichever is less. 1

Translation Matrix for Text:

Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Text Text Subtitle

Related Definitions for "Text":

  1. A tool that lets you create blocks of text characters. Each character in a text block can have its own stroke and fill.1
  2. A field data type that can contain up to 255 characters or the number of characters specified by the Fieldsize property, whichever is less.1

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for text


Detailed Translations for text from Swedish to English


text [-en] nomen

  1. text (dokument; ordalydelse; skrift)
    the text; the script; the wording; the documented
  2. text (skrivet stycke; dokument; manuskript; skrift)
    the document; the script; the writing; the scripture; the text
    the manuscript
    – the form of a literary work submitted for publication 2
  3. text (dikt; lyrik; poesi; poetiskt stycke)
    the lyric poetry; the lyric; the poetry

Translation Matrix for text:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
document dokument; manuskript; skrift; skrivet stycke; text bevismaterial; dokument; dokumentera; meddelande; officiell dokument; äkthetsbevis
documented dokument; ordalydelse; skrift; text
lyric dikt; lyrik; poesi; poetiskt stycke; text lyrik; poesi; sångtext
lyric poetry dikt; lyrik; poesi; poetiskt stycke; text
manuscript dokument; manuskript; skrift; skrivet stycke; text manus; manuskript
poetry dikt; lyrik; poesi; poetiskt stycke; text dikt; diktkonst; lyrik; poesi; vers
script dokument; manuskript; ordalydelse; skrift; skrivet stycke; text handstil; skript; skrivstil; textbok
scripture dokument; manuskript; skrift; skrivet stycke; text
text dokument; manuskript; ordalydelse; skrift; skrivet stycke; text
wording dokument; ordalydelse; skrift; text formulering; ordalydelse; ordval
writing dokument; manuskript; skrift; skrivet stycke; text kalligrafi; skrivarbete; skönskrift; skönskrivningskonst
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
document arkivera; dokumentera; förvara; ordna; spara
text SMS:a, skicka textmeddelande
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
documented dokumenterat; uppskriven; uppskrivet
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
document aktstycke; urkund
poetry skaldekonst
text predikotext
wording avfattning; lydelse
writing författande; författarverksamhet; skrivande; skriveri; skrivning

Synonyms for "text":

Wiktionary Translations for text:

  1. a written passage

Cross Translation:
text text tekst — verzameling letters en/of woorden
text text TextLinguistik: mündliche oder schriftliche Folge von Satz, die miteinander syntaktisch und semantisch verbunden sind (Kohärenz, Kohäsion), eine abgeschlossene Einheit bilden (Kompletion) und eine bestimmte kommunikative Funktion (Textfunktion) [[er
text text; words; lyrics textesuite ordonnée de mots écrits.



  1. Text
    the Subtitle
    – A title animation in Windows Movie Maker. 1
  2. Text
    the Text
    – A field data type that can contain up to 255 characters or the number of characters specified by the Fieldsize property, whichever is less. 1
    • Text [the ~] nomen

Translation Matrix for Text:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Subtitle Text
Text Text

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for text