
Detailed Translations for checking from English to Swedish


checking [the ~] nomen

  1. the checking (counting over)


  1. checking
  2. checking

Translation Matrix for checking:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
kontroll checking; counting over adjusting knob; analysis; assertion; check up; command; control; examination; inspection; mastership; mastery; medical examination; regulator; right of say; service; visitation
kontrollräkning checking; counting over
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
avprickning checking
hämmande checking

Related Words for "checking":

Wiktionary Translations for checking:

Cross Translation:
checking prov Prüfung — Die Handlung des Kontrollierens; nachschauen oder testen, ob alles funktioniert bzw. in Ordnung ist


to check verb (checks, checked, checking)

  1. to check (verify; examine; audit; inspect)
    undersöka; kolla; höra; testa; förhöra; inspektera
    • undersöka verb (undersöker, undersökte, undersökt)
    • kolla verb (kollar, kollade, kollat)
    • höra verb (hör, hörde, hört)
    • testa verb (testar, testade, testat)
    • förhöra verb (förhör, förhörde, förhört)
    • inspektera verb (inspekterar, inspekterade, inspekterat)
  2. to check (trace; affirm; investigate; check out; go through again)
    • spåra verb (spårar, spårade, spårat)
  3. to check (test; examine; verify; )
    testa; undersöka; kontrollera; kolla; pröva
    • testa verb (testar, testade, testat)
    • undersöka verb (undersöker, undersökte, undersökt)
    • kontrollera verb (kontrollerar, kontrollerade, kontrollerat)
    • kolla verb (kollar, kollade, kollat)
    • pröva verb (prövar, prövade, prövat)
  4. to check (examine; test; control; hear)
    undersöka; kontrollera
    • undersöka verb (undersöker, undersökte, undersökt)
    • kontrollera verb (kontrollerar, kontrollerade, kontrollerat)
  5. to check (run over again; count again)
    • kontrollera verb (kontrollerar, kontrollerade, kontrollerat)
  6. to check (look at; examine; view; )
    besiktiga; titta på; kontrolera
    • besiktiga verb (besiktigar, besiktigade, besiktigat)
    • titta på verb (tittar på, tittade på, tittat på)
    • kontrolera verb (kontrolerar, kontrolerade, kontrolerat)
  7. to check (test; examine; pretest; )
    undersöka; kolla; testa
    • undersöka verb (undersöker, undersökte, undersökt)
    • kolla verb (kollar, kollade, kollat)
    • testa verb (testar, testade, testat)
  8. to check (curb; restrain)
    bromsa; tygla; lägga band på; hålla i schack
    • bromsa verb (bromsar, bromsade, bromsat)
    • tygla verb (tyglar, tyglade, tyglat)
    • lägga band på verb (lägger band på, lade band på, lagt band på)
    • hålla i schack verb (håller i schack, höll i schack, hållit i schack)
  9. to check (mark; tick)
    pricka av; markera
    • pricka av verb (prickar av, prickade av, prickat av)
    • markera verb (markerar, markerade, markerat)
  10. to check (look up; verify; research)
    kolla; undersöka; slå upp
    • kolla verb (kollar, kollade, kollat)
    • undersöka verb (undersöker, undersökte, undersökt)
    • slå upp verb (slår upp, slog upp, slagit upp)
  11. to check (try out; try; endeavour; )
    försöka; pröva ut
    • försöka verb (försöker, försökte, försökt)
    • pröva ut verb (prövar ut, prövade ut, prövat ut)
  12. to check (recount; count again)
    räkna om
    • räkna om verb (räknar om, räknade om, räknat om)

Conjugations for check:

  1. check
  2. check
  3. checks
  4. check
  5. check
  6. check
simple past
  1. checked
  2. checked
  3. checked
  4. checked
  5. checked
  6. checked
present perfect
  1. have checked
  2. have checked
  3. has checked
  4. have checked
  5. have checked
  6. have checked
past continuous
  1. was checking
  2. were checking
  3. was checking
  4. were checking
  5. were checking
  6. were checking
  1. shall check
  2. will check
  3. will check
  4. shall check
  5. will check
  6. will check
continuous present
  1. am checking
  2. are checking
  3. is checking
  4. are checking
  5. are checking
  6. are checking
  1. be checked
  2. be checked
  3. be checked
  4. be checked
  5. be checked
  6. be checked
  1. check!
  2. let's check!
  3. checked
  4. checking
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

check adj

  1. check (checkered; chequered)

check [the ~] nomen

  1. the check
  2. the check (cheque)
    – A written order on a bank to pay a sum of money from funds in an account. Checks show the name of the company or individual receiving payment, the signature and account number of the person issuing the check, the payment amount and the current date. Checks usually are numbered in sequence. 1

Translation Matrix for check:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
check check; cheque bill; cheque
höra hearing; listening; listening to
inspektera inspection; view; visit
kontrollera check
titta på having a look
- arrest; assay; balk; bank check; baulk; bridle; check mark; check-out procedure; checkout; cheque; chip; chit; confirmation; curb; deterrent; halt; handicap; hinderance; hindrance; hitch; impediment; stay; stop; stoppage; substantiation; tab; tick; verification
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
besiktiga check; control; examine; inspect; look at; scrutinise; scrutinize; verify; view; watch
bromsa check; curb; restrain drag out; retard; slacken; slow down; temporise; temporize
förhöra audit; check; examine; inspect; verify grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; question; subsidise; subsidize
försöka attempt; check; endeavor; endeavour; examine; pretest; strive; test; try; try out attempt; endeavor; endeavour; go to great pains; stress; strive; take pains; try; try hard; urge on
hålla i schack check; curb; restrain
höra audit; check; examine; inspect; verify eavesdropping; hear; hearing; listen; listening
inspektera audit; check; examine; inspect; verify control; examine; inspect; look; look at; look on; look over; see; see over; see round; survey; view; visit; watch
kolla audit; check; control; count again; examine; inspect; look up; pretest; recount; research; test; try; try out; verify inspect; keep an eye on; look over; observe; spectate; survey; watch
kontrolera check; control; examine; inspect; look at; scrutinise; scrutinize; verify; view; watch
kontrollera check; control; count again; examine; hear; inspect; run over again; test; try; verify bring to submission; bring under control; control; examine; have under control; inspect; keep under control; overpower; restrain; subject; suppress; survey; tame; view
lägga band på check; curb; restrain restrain
markera check; mark; tick clearly define; define; demarcate; fence; fence in; fence off; highlight; map out; mark; mark out; outline; select; subselect; tick off; trace out
pricka av check; mark; tick mark; tick off
pröva check; control; examine; inspect; test; try; verify audit; proof; put to the test; sample; taste; test; try; try s.o.'s mettle
pröva ut attempt; check; endeavor; endeavour; examine; pretest; strive; test; try; try out
räkna om check; count again; recount convert
slå upp check; look up; research; verify pour in
spåra affirm; check; check out; go through again; investigate; trace trace; track
testa audit; check; control; count again; examine; inspect; pretest; recount; test; try; try out; verify examine; proof; put to the test; test; try; try s.o.'s mettle
titta på check; control; examine; inspect; look at; scrutinise; scrutinize; verify; view; watch glance at; look at; observe; see; spectate; view; watch
tygla check; curb; restrain restrain
undersöka audit; check; control; count again; examine; hear; inspect; look up; pretest; recount; research; test; try; try out; verify control; examine; grope about; inspect; investigate; look at; probe; research; rummage about; rummage around; search; search for; see; see over; see round; sniff around; sound; study; survey; view; visit
- agree; arrest; ascertain; assure; break; check into; check off; check out; check over; check up on; checker; chequer; chink; condition; contain; control; correspond; crack; curb; delay; determine; discipline; ensure; find out; fit; gibe; go over; hold; hold back; hold in; insure; jibe; learn; look into; mark; mark off; match; moderate; retard; see; see to it; stop; suss out; tally; tick; tick off; train; turn back; watch
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
checka check
koll check
kontramärke check
kontrollmärke check; controlling-mark
mota bar the way for; block the way for; check; head off
stävja check; put a stop to
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
rutig check; checkered; chequered checked; chequered
rutigt check; checkered; chequered checked; chequered

Related Words for "check":

Synonyms for "check":

Antonyms for "check":

Related Definitions for "check":

  1. the act of inspecting or verifying2
    • they made a check of their equipment2
  2. (chess) a direct attack on an opponent's king2
  3. obstructing an opponent in ice hockey2
  4. the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess2
  5. a textile pattern of squares or crossed lines (resembling a checkerboard)2
    • she wore a skirt with checks2
  6. a mark left after a small piece has been chopped or broken off of something2
  7. something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress2
  8. an appraisal of the state of affairs2
    • a check on its dependability under stress2
  9. additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct2
  10. the bill in a restaurant2
    • he asked the waiter for the check2
  11. a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.2
  12. a written order directing a bank to pay money2
    • he paid all his bills by check2
  13. the state of inactivity following an interruption2
    • held them in check2
  14. become fractured; break or crack on the surface only2
  15. make cracks or chinks in2
    • The heat checked the paint2
  16. arrest the motion (of something) abruptly2
    • He checked the flow of water by shutting off the main valve2
  17. slow the growth or development of2
  18. examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition2
    • check the brakes2
  19. put a check mark on or near or next to2
    • Please check each name on the list2
  20. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something2
  21. verify by consulting a source or authority2
    • check the spelling of this word2
    • check your facts2
  22. find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort2
  23. write out a check on a bank account2
  24. place into check2
    • He checked my kings2
  25. hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of2
  26. decline to initiate betting2
  27. mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on2
  28. stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution2
    • She checked for an instant and missed a step2
  29. stop in a chase especially when scent is lost2
    • The dog checked2
  30. abandon the intended prey, turn, and pursue an inferior prey2
  31. hand over something to somebody as for temporary safekeeping2
  32. consign for shipment on a vehicle2
    • check your luggage before boarding2
  33. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits2
  34. make an examination or investigation2
    • check into the rumor2
    • check the time of the class2
  35. develop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control2
  36. block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey2
  37. be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics2
    • The handwriting checks with the signature on the check2
  38. be verified or confirmed; pass inspection2
    • These stories don't check!2
  39. Part of a group of tests that are run against an application.1
  40. A written order on a bank to pay a sum of money from funds in an account. Checks show the name of the company or individual receiving payment, the signature and account number of the person issuing the check, the payment amount and the current date. Checks usually are numbered in sequence.1

Wiktionary Translations for check:

  1. a checkered pattern
  2. an inspection or examination
  3. a mark like a v or sometimes x used as an indicator
  4. a bill, particularly at a restaurant
  5. chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece
  1. (poker) to remain in the hand without betting
  2. to verify or compare with a source of information
  3. to control, limit, or halt
  4. to mark with a checkmark
  5. to inspect, examine

Cross Translation:
check bock Haken — winkeliges Schriftzeichen
check prov Prüfung — Die Handlung des Kontrollierens; nachschauen oder testen, ob alles funktioniert bzw. in Ordnung ist
check check Scheck — Zahlungsanweisung an das Geldinstitut eines Kontoinhabers, um einen bestimmten Geldbetrag an einen Dritten zu senden
check ta ifrån; besiktiga; ta i beslag abnehmenüberprüfen und freigeben
check kryssa för; kryssa av ankreuzen — etwas mit einem Kreuz versehen, markieren
check checka checkenneudeutsch, (umgangssprachlich) überprüfen, kontrollieren
check kontrollera kontrollieren — eine Person oder Sache daraufhin untersuchen, ob bei ihr bestimmte Kriterien, Anforderungen erfüllt sind.
check se efter nachsehen — nach Information suchen, eine Recherche durchführen, etwas verifizieren
check titta efter; se efter nachsehen — nach Fehlern suchen, etwas überprüfen
check se; kontrollera; se efter; kolla schauenprüfen, ob etwas in einem bestimmten Zustand ist
check granska; undersöka; inspektera; kontrollera; kolla; checka überprüfen — nochmals kontrollieren, wiederholt prüfen
check kontrollera controleren — inspecteren, toezicht houden, onderzoeken, nazien
check kolla; kontrollera checken — controleren, nakijken
check räkning addition — Note de la dépense qu’on a faite dans un restaurant.
check check chèquebillet à vue et au porteur sur un établissement de crédit, où le tireur a une provision de fonds.
check kontroll contrôle — désuet|fr État nominatif des personnes qui appartenir à un corps, à une troupe.
check märka; stämpla marquer — Distinguer une chose d’une autre au moyen d’une marque. (Sens général).
check besiktiga; kontrollera vérifierexaminer, rechercher si une chose est vraie, si elle est telle qu’elle doit être ou qu’on l’déclarer.

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for checking


Detailed Translations for checking from Swedish to English

checking: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)

External Machine Translations: