English to Swedish:   more detail...
  1. Bohemia:
    • Wiktionary:
      Bohemia → Böhmen
      Bohemia → Böhmen
    • Synonyms for "bohemia":
      Bohemia; geographical area; geographic area; geographical region; geographic region
      clique; coterie; ingroup; inner circle; pack; camp


Detailed Translations for Bohemia from English to Swedish

Spelling Suggestions for: Bohemia


Synonyms for "bohemia":

  • Bohemia; geographical area; geographic area; geographical region; geographic region
  • clique; coterie; ingroup; inner circle; pack; camp

Related Definitions for "bohemia":

  1. a group of artists and writers with real or pretended artistic or intellectual aspirations and usually an unconventional life style1


Related Definitions for "Bohemia":

  1. a historical area and former kingdom in the Czech Republic1

Wiktionary Translations for Bohemia:

proper noun
  1. The region of the Czech Republic

Cross Translation:
Bohemia Böhmen BöhmenGeografie: eine Großregion in Tschechien mit der Hauptstadt Prag

External Machine Translations:


Suggestions for Bohemia in Swedish

Spelling Suggestions for: Bohemia

External Machine Translations: