
Detailed Translations for decently from English to Swedish


Translation Matrix for decently:

AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- decent; in good order; properly; right; the right way

Synonyms for "decently":

Antonyms for "decently":

  • indecently; improperly

Related Definitions for "decently":

  1. in the right manner1
  2. in a decent manner1
    • they don't know how to dress decently1

decently form of decent:

Translation Matrix for decent:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
anständig civility; decency; politeness
ren reindeer
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bekomma collect; gather; obtain
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- adequate; becoming; comely; comme il faut; decorous; enough; nice; seemly
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- decently; in good order; properly; right; the right way
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
salongsfähig decent; presentable
salongsfähigt decent; presentable
sedesam decent; modest
ärligt to be quite honest with you
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aktansvärd clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy
aktansvärt clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy
anständig decent; neat; proper; respectable
anständigt decent; neat; proper; respectable
artigt clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy chivalrous; civil; complaisant; courteous; courtly; forward; mannerly; obliging; pliable; pliant; polite; responsive; well bred; well educated; well-educated; well-mannered
bekomma becoming; decent; proper
ren clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy clean; cleaned; cleansed; cut; edited; expurgated; maidenly; mere; neat; pristine; pure; tidied; tidy; unadulterated; unmixed; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; virginal
rent clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy blatant; chaste; clean; cleaned; cleansed; cut; downright; edited; expurgated; immaculate; impeccable; maidenly; mere; plain; pristine; pure; sheer; spotless; straight; tidied; unadulterated; undefiled; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; virginal
respektabel clean; decent; fair; honest; honorable; honourable; neat; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy
respektabelt clean; decent; fair; honest; honorable; honourable; neat; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy
tillbörligt decent; neat; proper; respectable effective; efficient; fit; proper; seemly; suitable
trevlig decent; dignified; worthy agreeable; comfortable; cosily; cosy; cozily; cozy; delightful; easy going; enjoyable; fanciful; glorious; good; gratifying; great; happy; joyful; lovely; marvellous; marvelous; memorable; nice; pleasant; salutary; snug; snugly; splendid; sympathetic; wonderful
trevligt decent; dignified; worthy agreeable; attractive; charming; comfortable; cosy; cozy; delightful; easy going; enchanting; enjoyable; entrancing; fanciful; glorious; good; gratifying; great; happy; joyful; lovely; marvellous; marvelous; memorable; nice; palatable; pleasant; pleasing; pretty; splendid; wonderful
värdigt decent; dignified; worthy
ärbar decent; neat; proper; respectable chaste; honorable; honourable; pure
ärbart decent; honorable; honourable; neat; proper; respectable chaste; honorable; honourable; pure
ärligt clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy candid; direct; earnest; fair; frank; frontal; genuine; good; grave; heartfelt; honest; open; plain; right; serious; severe; sincere; sporting; straight; straight ahead; straight on; straightforward; true; unabashed; uninhibited; upright; well-behaved

Related Words for "decent":

  • indecent, decenter, decentest, decently

Synonyms for "decent":

Antonyms for "decent":

Related Definitions for "decent":

  1. conforming to conventions of sexual behavior1
    • speech in this circle, if not always decent, never became lewd1
  2. observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress1
    • though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards1
  3. decently clothed1
    • are you decent?1
  4. according with custom or propriety1
    • a decent burial1
  5. socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous1
    • from a decent family1
  6. sufficient for the purpose1
    • a decent wage1
  7. in the right manner1
    • can't you carry me decent?1

Wiktionary Translations for decent:

  1. sufficiently clothed
  2. fair; good enough; okay

Cross Translation:
decent anständig anständig — im Einklang mit der (eher prüden) Sexualmoral
decent anständig anständig — den Benimmregeln entsprechend
decent passande; tjänlig; anständig convenable — Qui est approprier, qui convient à quelqu’un ou à quelque chose.