English to Swedish: more detail...
The word dustcloth exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Swedish.-
Synonyms for "dustcloth":
dustrag; duster; piece of cloth; piece of material
Synonyms for "dustcloth":
Detailed Translations for dustcloth from English to Swedish
dustcloth: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- dust: damm; dammpartiklar; ta bort; damma av; damma; smolk; stoft; bepudra; dammtorka; överströ
- cloth: duk; trasa; matta; störe mjuk matta; klädsel; stoppning; hemtextil; gardintyg; stoppade möbler; möbeltyg; möbelstoppning; lärft; ulltyg; linne; lakan; disktrasa; bordsduk; dragtyg; kanvas; grovt linne; smärting; präster; prästerskap; tyg; gjord av tyg; gjort av tyg; textilmaterial; textilie; skynke; putstrasa; putsduk
Translation Matrix for dustcloth:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | duster; dustrag |
Synonyms for "dustcloth":
Related Definitions for "dustcloth":
External Machine Translations: