Spanish to English: more detail...
- examination; preliminary examination; test; exam; prelims; supervision; control; surveillance; administration; management; guardianship; command; restraint; monitoring; observation; care; watch; analysis; inspection; visitation; check up; ordeal; trial; testing; examining; inspecting; exploration; overlooking; thumb; thumb control
- control
- control → control, remote control, running
- control → examination, validation, verification, control, check, oversight, scrutiny
English to Spanish: more detail...
- gestión; gerencia; supervisión; control; administración; vigilancia; custodia; dominio; dominación; autocontrol; dominio de sí mismo; poder de decisión; voto; poder de disponer; derecho a disponer; botón de mando; regulador; botón de ajuste; botón de reglaje
- dominar; reprimir; controlar; refrenar; revisar; examinar; tomar; reconocer; contestar; grabar; rodar; prosperar; inspeccionar; pasar revista a; probar; comprobar; verificar; buscar; ensayar; catar; corregir; repasar; mirar; aquilatar; someter a prueba; hacer una prueba escrita; chequear; investigar; contener; contenerse; someter; supeditar; subyugar; vencer; visitar; ir a ver; recogerse; amainar; encuadernar; moderarse; domar; domesticar; manipular
- control → autodominio, control, patrón de comparación, mando, contramedida, organización, manejo, dirección, administración
- control → controlar
- control → dominación, mando, dominio, poder, controlar, inspeccionar, verificar, revisar, supervisar, auditar, comprobar, examinar, dominar, pedido, encargo, demanda, gobierno, mandato, orden, junta, control, comprobación, inspección, governamiento, gobernar, regir, nación, estado, reino, reinar, subyugar, reprimir
Detailed Translations for control from Spanish to English
el control (prueba escrita; examen; repaso)
el control (administración; gestión; gerencia; supervisión; vigilancia; custodia)
the supervision; the control; the surveillance; the administration; the management; the guardianship -
el control (dominación; dominio)
el control (dominación; dominio)
el control (vigilancia; supervisión)
the surveillance; the monitoring; the control; the observation; the supervision; the care; the watch -
el control (examen; investigación; análisis; estudio; exploración; test)
el control (verificación)
el control (inspección; examen; revisión)
el control (test; análisis; estudio)
el control (exploración; reconocimiento; expedición; búsqueda; análisis; investigación; copia de una sentencia; marcha de exploración; salida de reconocimiento; viaje de reconocimiento)
el control (vigilancia)
el control
el control (control de posición)
the thumb; the thumb control– The part of a slider control that can be moved to set the slider position. 1
the control– Management of a computer and its processing abilities so as to maintain order as tasks and activities are carried out. Control applies to measures designed to ensure error-free actions carried out at the right time and in the right order relative to other data-handling or hardware-based activities. 1
Translation Matrix for control:
Related Words for "control":
Synonyms for "control":
Wiktionary Translations for control:
Cross Translation:
emotional restraint
A device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away
the action of the verb to run
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• control | → examination | ↔ controle — toezicht, inspectie, onderzoek, nazien |
• control | → validation | ↔ Überprüfung — Untersuchung einer Person oder Sache daraufhin, ob bei ihr bestimmte Anforderungen erfüllt sind |
• control | → verification; control; check; oversight; scrutiny | ↔ contrôle — désuet|fr État nominatif des personnes qui appartenir à un corps, à une troupe. |
External Machine Translations:
Related Translations for control
Detailed Translations for control from English to Spanish
the control (guardianship; supervision; surveillance; administration; management)
the control (command)
the control (surveillance; monitoring; observation; supervision; care; watch)
the control (self-control; restraint; composure; cool)
the control (right of say)
the control (adjusting knob; regulator)
the control
– An object that enables user interaction or input, often to initiate an action, display information, or set values. 1 -
the control
– Management of a computer and its processing abilities so as to maintain order as tasks and activities are carried out. Control applies to measures designed to ensure error-free actions carried out at the right time and in the right order relative to other data-handling or hardware-based activities. 1
to control (moderate; subdue; keep back)
to control (examine; survey; inspect; view)
revisar; examinar; tomar; reconocer; contestar; grabar; rodar; prosperar; inspeccionar; pasar revista a-
revisar verb
examinar verb
tomar verb
reconocer verb
contestar verb
grabar verb
rodar verb
prosperar verb
inspeccionar verb
pasar revista a verb
to control (test; examine; verify; inspect; check; try)
probar; comprobar; verificar; buscar; ensayar; examinar; catar; controlar; corregir; repasar; mirar; aquilatar; inspeccionar; someter a prueba; pasar revista a-
probar verb
comprobar verb
verificar verb
buscar verb
ensayar verb
examinar verb
catar verb
controlar verb
corregir verb
repasar verb
mirar verb
aquilatar verb
inspeccionar verb
someter a prueba verb
pasar revista a verb
to control (examine; test; check; hear)
comprobar; hacer una prueba escrita; examinar; chequear; someter a prueba; investigar-
comprobar verb
examinar verb
chequear verb
someter a prueba verb
investigar verb
to control (restrain; suppress; keep under control)
to control (bring under control; subject; bring to submission; tame; overpower)
to control (look at; examine; view; scrutinize; inspect; verify; watch; check; scrutinise)
visitar; pasar revista a; ir a ver; repasar; controlar; inspeccionar; verificar; examinar-
visitar verb
pasar revista a verb
ir a ver verb
repasar verb
controlar verb
inspeccionar verb
verificar verb
examinar verb
to control (restrain oneself)
recogerse; amainar; encuadernar; moderarse-
recogerse verb
amainar verb
encuadernar verb
moderarse verb
to control (tame; domesticate; subdue)
to control (manipulate; keep in line)
– control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage 2 -
to control (govern)
Conjugations for control:
- control
- control
- controls
- control
- control
- control
simple past
- controlled
- controlled
- controlled
- controlled
- controlled
- controlled
present perfect
- have controlled
- have controlled
- has controlled
- have controlled
- have controlled
- have controlled
past continuous
- was controlling
- were controlling
- was controlling
- were controlling
- were controlling
- were controlling
- shall control
- will control
- will control
- shall control
- will control
- will control
continuous present
- am controlling
- are controlling
- is controlling
- are controlling
- are controlling
- are controlling
- be controlled
- be controlled
- be controlled
- be controlled
- be controlled
- be controlled
- control!
- let's control!
- controlled
- controlling
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they
Translation Matrix for control:
Related Words for "control":
Synonyms for "control":
Antonyms for "control":
Related Definitions for "control":
Wiktionary Translations for control:
Cross Translation:
emotional restraint
- control → autodominio; control
in an experiment
- control → patrón de comparación
security mechanism
- control → contramedida
- control → organización; manejo; control; dirección; administración
to exercise influence over, to suggest or dictate the behavior of
- control → controlar
Cross Translation:
External Machine Translations: