
Detailed Translations for capital from Spanish to English


capital [la ~] nomen

  1. la capital
    the capital city; the chief town; the metropolis
    the capital
    – a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product 1
    • capital [the ~] nomen
      • the crime capital of Italy1
      • the drug capital of Columbia1
  2. la capital
    the capital city
    the capital
    – a seat of government 1

capital [el ~] nomen

  1. el capital (finanzas; fundación; riqueza; )
    the financial means; the finances; the means
    the capital
    – assets available for use in the production of further assets 1
  2. el capital (haberes; hacienda; fortuna; riqueza; caudal)
    the capability; the capacity; the ability; the quality
  3. el capital (mas dineros; suma)
    the capital
    – wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value 1
    the fortune; the wealth; the large sum of money
  4. el capital (destino; felicidad; fortuna; )
    the be happy
  5. el capital (principal)
    the capital sum
  6. el capital (pequeña fortuna; suerte; golpe de fortuna; )
    the windfall; the luck; the fortune
  7. el capital
    the capital
    – wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value 1


  1. capital
    the capital
    – The amount of owners' investment in a business plus retained earnings. 2
  2. capital (equidad; recursos propios)
    the equity
    – The owners' rights or claims to the assets of a business. 2

Translation Matrix for capital:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
ability capital; caudal; fortuna; haberes; hacienda; riqueza agilidad; aptitud; arte; artes; capacidad; capacidad motora; ciencia; comodidad; competencia; conocimientos; conveniencia; destreza; dádiva; energía; experiencia; fuerza; genialidad; genio; habilidad; manija; pericia; persona con talento; poder; potencia; presteza; saber; talento; truco
be happy capital; destino; dicha; estrella; felicidad; fortuna; golpe de fortuna
capability capital; caudal; fortuna; haberes; hacienda; riqueza aptitud; capacidad; capacidad motora; competencia; conocimientos; facultad; pericia; potencia; presteza; profesionalidad
capacity capital; caudal; fortuna; haberes; hacienda; riqueza aptitud; autoridad; capacidad; capacidad motora; competencia; dinamismo; dominio; don; dádiva; energía; facultad; fortaleza; fuerza; genialidad; genio; persona con talento; poder; potencia; potencial; potestad; talento; tamaño; vigencia; vigor; vitalidad; volumen
capital capital; finanzas; fondos en caja; fundación; letra capital; mas dineros; riqueza; suma mayúscula
capital city capital capital (ciudad)
capital sum capital; principal
chief town capital
equity capital; equidad; recursos propios
finances capital; finanzas; fondos en caja; fundación; letra capital; riqueza; suma finanzas; fondos
financial means capital; finanzas; fondos en caja; fundación; letra capital; riqueza; suma
fortune capital; chiripa; destino; fortuna; ganga; golpe de fortuna; golpe de suerte; mas dineros; pequeña fortuna; suerte; suma
large sum of money capital; mas dineros; suma
luck capital; chiripa; destino; fortuna; ganga; golpe de fortuna; golpe de suerte; pequeña fortuna; suerte dicha; felicidad
means capital; finanzas; fondos en caja; fundación; letra capital; riqueza; suma
metropolis capital metrópoli
quality capital; caudal; fortuna; haberes; hacienda; riqueza aptitud; atributo; calidad; capacidad; capacidad motora; caracterización; característica; competencia; cualidad; definición de carácter; descripción de carácter; particularidad; peculiaridad; pintura de caracteres; plumazo; potencia; propiedad; rasgo; rasgo característico; sello; señal; signo distintivo
wealth capital; mas dineros; suma abundancia; afluencia; bienestar; bonanza; prosperidad; provecho; recurso; riqueza; salud; éxito
windfall capital; chiripa; destino; fortuna; ganga; golpe de fortuna; golpe de suerte; pequeña fortuna; suerte aventador; breva; chiripa; chollo; feliz coincidencia; ganga; gol; golpe certero; golpe de fortuna; golpe de suerte; golpecito de suerte; horca; suerte; tabla; tiro certero; ventaja; índice
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
capital considerable; considerablemente; de manera sensible; en proporciones considerables; importante; llamativamente; notablemente; saliente; sensible
quality de buena calidad; de calidad

Related Words for "capital":

  • capitales

Synonyms for "capital":

Wiktionary Translations for capital:

  1. sum or source of money
  2. city designated as seat of government
  3. money and wealth
  1. involving punishment by death
  2. of prime importance

Cross Translation:
capital property; possession; capital vermogen — een hoeveelheid kapitaal
capital capital hoofdstad — een belangrijke stad waarvandaan het land, de staat, deelstaat of provincie wordt bestuurd
capital capital; main city Hauptstadt — eine Stadt, in der die obersten Verwaltungsorgane und fast auch immer Regierungsorgane eines Staates, Landes, Bezirks, Kreises oder einer Region ihren Sitz haben
capital capital; fund Kapital — Geld oder andere Werte, die durch den Einsatz in der Produktion Gewinn generieren, Zinsen abwerfen
capital capital; capital city capitale — Ville principale
capital fund; collection; funds; capital; cash fondsensemble de biens matériels ou immatériels servant à l’usage principal d’une activité.

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for capital


Detailed Translations for capital from English to Spanish


capital [the ~] nomen

  1. the capital (capital letter; majuscule; upper-case letter; uppercase)
    – one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis 1
    la mayúscula
  2. the capital (capital city; chief town; metropolis)
    – a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product 1
    la capital
  3. the capital (large sum of money; fortune; wealth)
    – wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value 1
    el capital; el mas dineros; la suma
  4. the capital (financial means; finances; means)
    – assets available for use in the production of further assets 1
    el capital; la fundación; la riqueza; la suma; la finanzas; el fondos en caja; la letra capital
  5. the capital (capital city)
    – a seat of government 1
    la capital
  6. the capital
    – wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value 1
    el capital
  7. the capital
    – The amount of owners' investment in a business plus retained earnings. 2

Translation Matrix for capital:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
capital capital; capital city; chief town; finances; financial means; fortune; large sum of money; means; metropolis; wealth ability; be happy; capability; capacity; capital sum; fortune; luck; quality; windfall
finanzas capital; finances; financial means; means banking business; currency trade; finances; foreign exchange business; funds; monetary exchange; monetary transactions; money dealing
fondos en caja capital; finances; financial means; means
fundación capital; finances; financial means; means establishment; foundation; founding; installation
letra capital capital; finances; financial means; means
mas dineros capital; fortune; large sum of money; wealth
mayúscula capital; capital letter; majuscule; upper-case letter; uppercase big letter; capital letter
riqueza capital; finances; financial means; means ability; abundance; affluence; capability; capacity; luxury; opulence; quality; richness; wealth
saliente edge; process; projecting part; projection; protrusion; protuberance; ridge; side; standing out
suma capital; finances; financial means; fortune; large sum of money; means; wealth amount; count; sum; total amount
- cap; capital letter; chapiter; majuscule; upper-case letter; uppercase; working capital
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- great; majuscule
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
capital capital equity
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
considerable capital; considerable; respectable; significant; substantial big; comparative; considerable; considerably; conspicuous; decided; decisive; determined; enormous; fair; fairly; firm; generously; great; large; moderately; notable; paradigmatic; pretty; quite; quite a lot; rather; rather a lot; reasonably; relative; relatively; remarkable; resolute; respectable; robust; sizable; standing-on; staunch; stiff; striking; substantial; tall; vast
considerablemente capital; considerable; respectable; significant; substantial big; comparative; considerable; conspicuous; decided; decisive; determined; enormous; fair; fairly; firm; great; large; moderately; notable; paradigmatic; relative; relatively; remarkable; resolute; respectable; standing-on; staunch; stiff; striking; substantial; tall; vast
de manera sensible capital; considerable; respectable; significant; substantial
en proporciones considerables capital; considerable; respectable; significant; substantial
importante capital; considerable; respectable; significant; substantial aristocratic; big; central; considerable; conspicuous; crucial; dignified; distinguished; elemental; eminent; enormous; essential; fundamental; glorious; grand; great; high ranking; highranking; illustrious; important; large; leading; major; material; notable; noteworthy; obese; princely; prominent; remarkable; renowned; respectable; significant; stately; stout; striking; substantial; tall; vast; venerable; vital; wanted; weighty
llamativamente capital; considerable; respectable; significant; substantial
notablemente capital; considerable; respectable; significant; substantial big; considerable; conspicuous; enormous; great; large; notable; remarkable; respectable; striking; substantial; tall; vast
saliente capital; considerable; respectable; significant; substantial conspicuous; distinct; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; unmistakable
sensible capital; considerable; respectable; significant; substantial delicate; easily hurt; fragile; frail; huffy; hypersensitive; over-sensitive; oversensitive; ragged; ramshackle; rickety; sensitive; subtle; susceptible; tender; tender hearted; thin-skinned; touchy; vulnerable; wobbly; wonky

Related Words for "capital":

  • capitals, capitally

Synonyms for "capital":

Antonyms for "capital":

Related Definitions for "capital":

  1. uppercase1
    • capital A1
  2. of primary importance1
    • our capital concern was to avoid defeat1
  3. first-rate1
    • a capital fellow1
    • a capital idea1
  4. the upper part of a column that supports the entablature1
  5. one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis1
    • printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upper-case letters1
  6. a seat of government1
  7. a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product1
    • the crime capital of Italy1
    • the drug capital of Columbia1
  8. wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value1
  9. assets available for use in the production of further assets1
  10. The amount of owners' investment in a business plus retained earnings.2

Wiktionary Translations for capital:

  1. uppercase
  2. involving punishment by death
  3. excellent
  4. of prime importance
  1. uppermost part of a column
  2. uppercase letter
  3. money and wealth

Cross Translation:
capital posesión; patrimonio; capital vermogen — een hoeveelheid kapitaal
capital capital hoofdstad — een belangrijke stad waarvandaan het land, de staat, deelstaat of provincie wordt bestuurd
capital capital Hauptstadt — eine Stadt, in der die obersten Verwaltungsorgane und fast auch immer Regierungsorgane eines Staates, Landes, Bezirks, Kreises oder einer Region ihren Sitz haben
capital capital Kapital — Geld oder andere Werte, die durch den Einsatz in der Produktion Gewinn generieren, Zinsen abwerfen
capital capitel Kapitell — Kunstgeschichte: das oft reichverzierte Kopfstück einer Säule, auf dem die Last einer Decke oder die Last eines Bogens ruht
capital ciudad capital; capital capitale — Ville principale
capital capital; fondo; fondos; finca; propriedad fondsensemble de biens matériels ou immatériels servant à l’usage principal d’une activité.
capital letra mayúscula; mayúscula majuscule — Un caractère (d’écriture et d’imprimerie) plus grand.


Translation Matrix for Capital:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- Das Kapital; Washington

Related Definitions for "Capital":

  1. a book written by Karl Marx (1867) describing his economic theories1
  2. the federal government of the United States1

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for capital