
Detailed Translations for -as from Spanish to English


as [el ~] nomen

  1. el as (corifeo; titán)
    the crack
  2. el as (estrella; águila; hacha; campeón)
    the standout; the star; the brilliant person
  3. el as (adoquines; piedra; roca; )
    the rock formation; the stones; the rock; the stone
  4. el as (hacha; águila)
    the clever clogs
  5. el as (vivales; hacha)
    the slyboots

Translation Matrix for as:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
brilliant person as; campeón; estrella; hacha; águila
clever clogs as; hacha; águila
crack as; corifeo; titán crujir; estallido; explosión; fracaso; fracción; fractura; golpe; grieta; hendidura; intersticio; quebradura; raja; recodo; resquicio; rotura; ruptura; ¡pum!; ¡zas!
rock adoquines; adoquín; as; cálculo; dado; dominó; ficha; gemas; guijarro; hacha; ladrillo; persona de talento; peñón; piedra; piedras preciosas; roca; águila acantilado; bloque de roca; despeñadero; ladera de montaña; pared de roca; peñón; piedra; risco; roca; roca saliente; rock
rock formation adoquines; adoquín; as; cálculo; dado; dominó; ficha; gemas; guijarro; hacha; ladrillo; persona de talento; peñón; piedra; piedras preciosas; roca; águila bloque de roca; piedra; roca
slyboots as; hacha; vivales bribón; bromista; bufón; burlón; chocarrero; guasón; lagarta; lince; payaso; pillo; pícaro; socarrón; tipo listo; vivales; zorro
standout as; campeón; estrella; hacha; águila
star as; campeón; estrella; hacha; águila astro; diva; estrella; factor de proporcionalidad
stone adoquines; adoquín; as; cálculo; dado; dominó; ficha; gemas; guijarro; hacha; ladrillo; persona de talento; peñón; piedra; piedras preciosas; roca; águila bloque de roca; eje; empuje; fucha; grano; hueso; ladrillo; mecha; pabilo; piedra; roca
stones adoquines; adoquín; as; cálculo; dado; dominó; ficha; gemas; guijarro; hacha; ladrillo; persona de talento; peñón; piedra; piedras preciosas; roca; águila alhajas; bloque de roca; joyas; pedrería; piedra; piedras; piedras de adorno; preseas; roca; trabajo de joyería
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
crack abrir; abrir bruscamente; abusar de; cascar; craquear; cuartease; desarmar; desempedrar; desencajar; desfigurar; deshacer; desmontar; detonar; dividir; estallar; explotar; forzar; hacer explosión; hacer pedazos; ocupar ilegalmente; partir en pedazos; petardear; quebrantar; quebrar; rajarse; refractar; resquebrajarse; romper; separar; tronar
rock balancearse; dar sacudidas; dar tumbos; hacer eses; oscilar; tambalear
stone apedrear; deshuesar; desosar; lapidar
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
star abultado; adusto; agarrotado; arisco; austero; cabezudo; cerrado; contumaz; cuajado; distante; duro; empecinado; empeñado; envarado; esférico; estirado; fijo; firme; hermético; hirsuto; hosco; impenetrable; inflexible; intransigente; obstinado; paralizado; parsimonioso; pedante; pertinaz; porfiado; reacio a; recio; refractario; taciturno; tedioso; tenaz; tenso; terco; tesonero; testarudo; tieso; tozudo
stone de piedra

Synonyms for "as":

Wiktionary Translations for as:

  1. excellent military aircraft pilot
  2. single point or spot on a card or die
  3. card with a single spot

Cross Translation:
as ace Ass — eine Spielkarte
as ace Assvorbildliche Person, Mensch mit herausragenden Leistungen (meist in der Schule, im Sport)
as ace as — cartes|fr carte à jouer d’une valeur parfois minimale, le plus souvent maximale.


Translation Matrix for así:

VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
like agradar; apetecer; aprobar; comer con gusto; convenir; deleitarse; disfrutar; disfrutar comiendo; divertir; golosinear; gozar; gustar; paladear; parecer bien; recrearse; saborear
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
like así; de tal forma; de tal modo; igual; semejante; tal; tales; tan como; conforme; conforme a; de acuerdo con; lo mismo que; mientras que; puesto que
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
as such así; de tal forma; de tal modo; igual; semejante; tal; tales; tan
consequently así; conque; consiguientemente; en consecuencia; por consiguiente; por eso; por lo tanto; por tanto conque; consiguientemente; en consecuencia; por consiguiente
drily así con toda tranquilidad; descaradamente; impertinentemente; insolentemente
dryly así con toda tranquilidad; descaradamente; impertinentemente; insolentemente
hence así; consiguientemente; de ahí; de esa manera; en vista de ello; por consiguiente; por ello; por eso; por lo tanto de ahí; de esa manera; por ello; por eso; por lo tanto
therefore así; consiguientemente; de ahí; de esa manera; en vista de ello; por consiguiente; por ello; por eso; por lo tanto conque; consiguientemente; de ahí; de esa manera; en consecuencia; por consiguiente; por ello; por eso; por lo tanto
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
such ello; eso; esto
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
as a consequence así; conque; consiguientemente; en consecuencia; por consiguiente; por eso; por lo tanto; por tanto
as a result así; conque; consiguientemente; en consecuencia; por consiguiente; por eso; por lo tanto; por tanto
in a minute ahora; así; así de; como; de esa forma; de esta forma; de tal forma; de tal manera; tanto
in such a way así; de tal forma; de tal modo; igual; semejante; tal; tales; tan
such así; de tal forma; de tal modo; igual; semejante; tal; tales; tan ello; eso; esto; tál
that's why así; consiguientemente; de ahí; de esa manera; en vista de ello; por consiguiente; por ello; por eso; por lo tanto de ahí; de esa manera; por ello; por eso; por lo tanto

Synonyms for "así":

Wiktionary Translations for así:

  1. in a particular manner
  2. in this way or manner
  3. as a result
  1. like this, that, these, those; used to make a comparison with something implied by context

Cross Translation:
así thus aldus — zo, op deze manier
así therefore; so also — ein eine Schlussfolgerung einleitendes Wort
así thus somitHeute nahezu ausschließlich zur Einleitung einer Folgerung
así so; such ainsi — De manière, de cette façon
así too aussi — Marque la conformité, le rapport logique d’une proposition avec celle qui précède.

Wiktionary Translations for -as:

  1. second-person singular present tense of verbs

Related Translations for -as


Detailed Translations for -as from English to Spanish


Translation Matrix for as:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
igual same one
lo mismo the same
parecido analogy; communality; community; equality; equalness; equivalence; evenness; homogenety; image; likeness; resemblance; similarity
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
conforme a as; just like; like; such as according; according to; alike; analogous; analogue; as a result of; as appears from; as demonstrated by; as per; because of; by; by the rules; compliant; consistent with; due to; equivalent; identical; in accordance with; in compliance with; in conformity with; in consequence of; in obedience to; owing to; similar; with
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- equally; every bit
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- according as; because; since
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
al igual que as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same alike; also; analogous; analogue; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; concurrently; equivalent; identical; similar; simultaneously; too
análogo as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same alike; analogous; analogue; at the same time; concurrently; equivalent; identical; similar; simultaneously
así como as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same also; and also; as also; as much; as well; as well as; at the same time; equally; just as; just like; too
como as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; just like; like; likewise; such as; the same how; in a minute; in which way; just like; like; similar
conforme as; just like; like; such as agree; concurrent; correct; fine; good; homophonic; right; uniform with; unisonous
cuando as; when at that time; in sofar; in those days; then; when
dado que as; given that; since
de acuerdo con as; just like; like; such as according; according to; alike; analogous; analogue; as a result of; as per; because of; by; consistent with; due to; equivalent; identical; in accordance with; in compliance with; in conformity with; in consequence of; in keeping with; in obedience to; owing to; similar; with
de igual manera as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
de inmediato as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same at once; at the same time; concurrently; direct; directly; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; now; on the spot; promptly; right away; right now; simultaneously; straight; straight away; straightaway; then and there
de la misma forma as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
del mismo modo as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same ditto; identical; the same
durante as; during; while at which time; during; in the course of; under
en tanto que as; since
entonces as; when at that time; at the time; in those days; then
entretanto as; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile; while; whilst at the same time; for now; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; in the near future; in the time coming; meanwhile; provisional; temporal; temporary; while
idéntico as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same alike; all the same; analogous; analogue; concurrent; ditto; equivalent; homogeneous; homophonic; identical; similar; the same; unaltered; unchanged; uniform; uniform with; unisonous
igual as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same alike; all the same; analogous; analogue; as much; as such; bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; ditto; equivalent; even; flat; flatly; his equal; homogeneous; identical; in such a way; level; like; plain; point blank; same; similar; smooth; such; the same; unaltered; unchanged; uniform; unwavering; vulgar
lo mismo as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same alike; all the same; also; analogous; analogue; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; ditto; equivalent; identical; similar; the same; too; unaltered; unchanged
lo mismo que as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; just like; like; likewise; such as; the same also; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; too
mientras as; during; since; while at the same time; while
mientras que as; because; since just like; like
mientras tanto as; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile; while; whilst in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile
otro tanto as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same alike; all the same; analogous; analogue; ditto; equivalent; identical; similar; the same; unaltered; unchanged
parecido as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same alike; analogous; analogue; equivalent; identical; resembling; similar
porque as; because; given that; since as a result of; because; for; on account of; through
pues as; because after all; anyhow; because of; for; since
puesto que as; because; given that; since just like; like
según according as; as; in proportion as according; consistent with; whose
similar as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same alike; analogous; analogue; concurrent; equivalent; homophonic; identical; similar; uniform; uniform with; unisonous
simultáneamente as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
visto que as; given that; since
ya que as; because; given that; since for

Synonyms for "as":

Related Definitions for "as":

  1. to the same degree (often followed by `as')1
    • birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly1
    • sang as sweetly as a nightingale1
    • he is every bit as mean as she is1

Wiktionary Translations for as:

Cross Translation:
as porque dakausal: aus folgendem Grund
as mientras indemveraltend: nebensatzeinleitende Konjunktion (= Subjunktion), die Gleichzeitigkeit ausdrückt
as porque; pues; pues que; puesto que; ya que; dado que; visto que; una vez que weilSubjunktion, die einen kausalen Nebensatz einleitet, auf dem besonderer Nachdruck liegt; im Hauptsatz stehen oft Wörter wie darum, deshalb oder deswegen, die auf den Nebensatz hinweisen sollen, weil kann dann nicht durch da ersetzt werden
as tan aussi — Autant.
as mismo; aun; incluso; hasta même — Qui n’est pas autre, qui n’est point différent. — note Dans ce sens, il est placé devant un nom et s’emploie généralement avec l’article défini ou l’article indéfini.
as que que — Signifie un critère de comparaison.
as conforme à mesure queselon que ; suivant que ; à proportion et en même temps que.


Translation Matrix for As:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- arsenic; atomic number 33

Related Definitions for "As":

  1. a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar1


AS [the ~] nomen

  1. the AS (autonomous system)
    – A group of routers or networks controlled by a single administrative authority using a common Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) for routing packets. Each autonomous system is assigned a globally unique number called an autonomous-system number (ASN). 2

Translation Matrix for AS:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- American Samoa; Eastern Samoa
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
sistema autónomo (AS) AS; autonomous system

Related Definitions for "AS":

  1. a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa1
  2. A group of routers or networks controlled by a single administrative authority using a common Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) for routing packets. Each autonomous system is assigned a globally unique number called an autonomous-system number (ASN).2

Related Translations for -as