Spanish to English: more detail...
condescender → endure, condescend
Detailed Translations for condescender from Spanish to English
condescender: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- con: with; too; join; associate; along; close to; at the
- descender: fall down; descend; land; go down; come down; make a duck; slip quietly into the night; squeeze out of it; duck out; descending; climbing down; decline; fall; drop; surrender; sink; lower; escape; tumble; elude; sag; regress; give in; break away; get away; waining; drive down; bulge out; let descent; climb off
Spelling Suggestions for: condescender
Wiktionary Translations for condescender:
to tolerate something
External Machine Translations:
Detailed Translations for condescender from English to Spanish
condescender: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- con: trampa; petardo; farsa; fraude; desfalco; malversación; falsificación; estafas; malversaciones; trampería; engaño burdo; colocar; amanecer; apagar; mentir; alzar; engaño; estafa; enredar; camelar; estafar; acotar; defraudar; timo; cercar; mancharse; apear; timar; destronar; tomar el pelo; amañar; clarear; chapucear; sablear; frangollar; atrabancar; embarullar; socaliñar; hacer mal; chafallar; emporcarse; dar un sablazo; hacer una mala jugada; robar con engaño; pegarle a una persona
- descender: descendente
Spelling Suggestions for: condescender
External Machine Translations: