Detailed Translations for Ley de transferencia y responsabilidad de seguros de salud (HIPAA) from Spanish to English
Ley de transferencia y responsabilidad de seguros de salud (HIPAA): (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- ley: fineness; legal rule; gold content
- dar: extend; offer; pass; give; hand; delate; hand over; present with; give to; deliver up; deliver; dispense; hand over to; donate; grant; bestow; give a present; provide; supply; furnish; administer; pour in; distribute; ration; hand out; turn; swing; veer; send with; send along with; give along with; inflict; allow; assign; allocate; confer; question; remit; hear; allot; interrogate; subsidize; pay out; interpellate; bestow on; subsidise
- darse: perform; act; give; donate; allow
- dársela: trick; cheat; spoof; gull
- transferencia: transfer; change; mutation; switch-over; trans-shipment; data transfer; credit transfer
- y: and; 'n
- responsabilidad: liability; responsibility
- seguro: insurance; assurance; secure; safe; indeed; sure; absolutely; undoubtedly; certain; of course; certainly; positive; positively; undoubted; sure and certain; reliable; dependable; truly; harmless; examined; efficacious; trusting; verily; confiding; tested; in truth; without risk; without danger
- salud: health; healthiness; good health; prosperity; wealth; welfare; well-being; affluence
- ¡Salud!: cheers; cheerio