Detailed Translations for contrahuella from Spanish to French
contrahuella: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- contra: contre; contraire à; anti; versus; contra; contraire; inverse; contradictoire; opposé; incompatible; antagoniste; inconciliable; antinomique; dommage; détriment
- huella: impression; tirage; empreinte; imprimé; édition; gravure; estampe; listing; indice; indication; indices; empreinte du pied; pas; résidu; sédiment; bruit de sabots
Spelling Suggestions for: contrahuella
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Wiktionary Translations for contrahuella:
Partie verticale entre deux marches d'escalier
External Machine Translations:
Suggestions for contrahuella in French
Spelling Suggestions for: contrahuella
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External Machine Translations: