
Detailed Translations for tracé from French to English


trace [la ~] nomen

  1. la trace (coin; suggestion; tuyau; )
    the tip; the hint; the pointer; the lead; the tip-off; the cue; the clue
  2. la trace (lueur; ombre; étincelle; )
    the gleam
  3. la trace (empreinte de pas)
    the footmark; the footprint
  4. la trace
    the trace dependency
    – A kind of dependency that indicates a historical relationship between two elements that represent the same concept at different semantic levels or from different points of view. 1

Translation Matrix for trace:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
clue bout; coin; signe; signe de tête; signe du doigt; suggestion; trace; tuyau; éclaircissement indication; indice; indices
cue bout; coin; signe; signe de tête; signe du doigt; suggestion; trace; tuyau; éclaircissement assignation; commandement; consigne; contrainte; devise; instruction; mission; ordre; pile; queue; sommation
footmark empreinte de pas; trace
footprint empreinte de pas; trace empreinte du pied; pas
gleam bouffée; lueur; ombre; pointe; soupçon; trace; étincelle brillance; couche brillante; lueur; lustre; ombre; petit trait; scintillement; éclat; étincellement; étoile
hint bout; coin; signe; signe de tête; signe du doigt; suggestion; trace; tuyau; éclaircissement accusation; allusion; conseil; imputation; inculpation; indication; indice; indices; insinuation; petit bout; petit morceau; petit peu; rien; référence; suggestion
lead bout; coin; signe; signe de tête; signe du doigt; suggestion; trace; tuyau; éclaircissement aide; appui; avance; canalisation; conduction; cordage; câble; direction; fil; fil conducteur; indication; indice; indices; morceau de plomb; plomb; point de contact; point de départ; point de repère; prospect; secours; soutien; support; tuyau; tête
pointer bout; coin; signe; signe de tête; signe du doigt; suggestion; trace; tuyau; éclaircissement aide; aiguille; appui; indication; indices; point de contact; point de départ; point de repère; pointeur; secours; soutien; support; tuyau
tip bout; coin; signe; signe de tête; signe du doigt; suggestion; trace; tuyau; éclaircissement bout; bustier; cime; conseil; extrémité; fin; fin d'année; indication; indice; indices; point culminant; pointe; pourboire; sommet
tip-off bout; coin; signe; signe de tête; signe du doigt; suggestion; trace; tuyau; éclaircissement
trace dependency trace
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
hint laisser entendre qc; percer; transparaître; transparaître à travers
lead administrer; balayer; commander; conduire; coordiner; diriger; entraîner; gouverner; guider; gérer; manier; mener; mener à bien; mettre en coordination; plomber; présider

Synonyms for "trace":

Wiktionary Translations for trace:

  1. vestige qu’un homme ou un animal laisser à l’endroit où il passer.
  1. visible impression, blemish, stain
  2. mark
  3. mark left as a sign of passage
  4. mark left by something that has passed along

Cross Translation:
trace trace; track Spur — hinweisgebende Hinterlassenschaft
trace trace; touch Spur — sehr kleine Menge
trace trace; track Spurim engeren Sinne: Markierung auf dem Boden



  1. Trace
    the trace
    – A collection of events and data returned by the Database Engine. 1

Translation Matrix for Trace:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
trace Trace petit bout; petit morceau; petit peu; rien
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
trace calquer; contrôler; copier; décalquer; découvrir; dépister; déterminer; examiner; localiser; repasser; retracer; suivre; tracer; trouver; vérifier

tracé form of tracer:

tracer verb (trace, traces, traçons, tracez, )

  1. tracer (trouver; déterminer; dépister; localiser; découvrir)
    to trace; to localize; to locate; to localise
    • trace verb (traces, traced, tracing)
    • localize verb, amerikan (localizes, localized, localizing)
    • locate verb (locates, located, locating)
    • localise verb, engelsk
  2. tracer (calquer; retracer; repasser; copier)
    to trace
    • trace verb (traces, traced, tracing)
  3. tracer (dessiner; calquer)
    to draw; to delineate
    • draw verb (draws, drew, drawing)
    • delineate verb (delineates, delineated, delineating)
  4. tracer (barrer; marquer; entourer; )
    to demarcate; to outline; to fence off; to mark out; to clearly define; to define; to map out; to fence in; to trace out; to fence
    • demarcate verb (demarcates, demarcated, demarcating)
    • outline verb (outlines, outlined, outlining)
    • fence off verb (fences off, fenced off, fencing off)
    • mark out verb (marks out, marked out, marking out)
    • clearly define verb (clearlys define, clearly defined, clearly defining)
    • define verb (defines, defined, defining)
    • map out verb (maps out, mapped out, mapping out)
    • fence in verb (fences in, fenced in, fencing in)
    • trace out verb (traces out, traced out, tracing out)
    • fence verb (fences, fenced, fencing)
  5. tracer (jalonner; définir)
    to clearly define
    • clearly define verb (clearlys define, clearly defined, clearly defining)
  6. tracer (griffonner; dessiner; patiner maladroitement)
    scrabble; to doodle; to draw; to trace out; to scrawl
    • scrabble verb
    • doodle verb (doodles, doodled, doodling)
    • draw verb (draws, drew, drawing)
    • trace out verb (traces out, traced out, tracing out)
    • scrawl verb (scrawls, scrawled, scrawling)
  7. tracer (rapporter; ramener; trouver; reporter)
  8. tracer (suivre)
    to trace
    – To execute a program in such a way that the sequence of statements being executed can be observed. 1
    • trace verb (traces, traced, tracing)

Conjugations for tracer:

  1. trace
  2. traces
  3. trace
  4. traçons
  5. tracez
  6. tracent
  1. traçais
  2. traçais
  3. traçait
  4. tracions
  5. traciez
  6. traçaient
passé simple
  1. traçai
  2. traças
  3. traça
  4. traçâmes
  5. traçâtes
  6. tracèrent
futur simple
  1. tracerai
  2. traceras
  3. tracera
  4. tracerons
  5. tracerez
  6. traceront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je trace
  2. que tu traces
  3. qu'il trace
  4. que nous tracions
  5. que vous traciez
  6. qu'ils tracent
conditionnel présent
  1. tracerais
  2. tracerais
  3. tracerait
  4. tracerions
  5. traceriez
  6. traceraient
passé composé
  1. ai tracé
  2. as tracé
  3. a tracé
  4. avons tracé
  5. avez tracé
  6. ont tracé
  1. trace!
  2. tracez!
  3. traçons!
  4. tracé
  5. traçant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for tracer:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
draw attraction; tirage; tirage au sort
fence balisage; clôture; délimitation; démarcation; grillage; grille; palissade; receleur; sécrétion; séparation; trafiquant; treillage; treillis
fence in balisage; clôture; délimitation; démarcation; grillage; grille; palissade; treillage; treillis
fence off balisage; clôture; délimitation; démarcation; grillage; grille; palissade; treillage; treillis
outline art du dessin; base; contour; dessin; grandes lignes; ligne de fond; marge; plan; profil; silhouette
scrawl annotation; billet; bout de papier; brouillon; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; griffure; mot; notation; note; patte de coq; pattes de mouche; petit billet; petit mot; écriture de chat; égratignure
trace Trace; petit bout; petit morceau; petit peu; rien
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bring to justice ramener; rapporter; reporter; tracer; trouver
clearly define barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; définir; entourer; escroquer; fermer; jalonner; marquer; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper
define barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; entourer; escroquer; fermer; jalonner; marquer; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper apprendre; caractériser; dire; décrire; définir; délimiter; dénoter; dépeindre; désigner; détailler; déterminer; expliciter; expliquer; faire le compte rendu de; indiquer quelquechose; interpréter; marquer; marquer d'un trait; montrer; peindre; préciser; raconter; signaler; typer; écrire
delineate calquer; dessiner; tracer
demarcate barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; entourer; escroquer; fermer; jalonner; marquer; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper calfeutrer; colmater; obturer; taper
doodle dessiner; griffonner; patiner maladroitement; tracer barbouiller; gribouiller; scribouiller
draw calquer; dessiner; griffonner; patiner maladroitement; tracer boucler; clore; créer; dessiner; dépeindre; entraîner; extraire; faire le portrait de; fermer; peindre; représenter; tirer; tirer de; tirer vers; tracter; traîner; verrouiller
fence barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; entourer; escroquer; fermer; jalonner; marquer; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper cloisonner
fence in barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; entourer; escroquer; fermer; jalonner; marquer; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper abriter; borner; clore; clôturer; couvrir; enclore; mettre à l'abri de; palissader; protéger; préserver; sauvegarder
fence off barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; entourer; escroquer; fermer; jalonner; marquer; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper abriter; borner; calfeutrer; clore; clôturer; colmater; couvrir; enclore; mettre à l'abri de; obturer; palissader; protéger; préserver; sauvegarder; taper
localise découvrir; dépister; déterminer; localiser; tracer; trouver
localize découvrir; dépister; déterminer; localiser; tracer; trouver
locate découvrir; dépister; déterminer; localiser; tracer; trouver appliquer; asseoir; avoir lieu; garer; installer; insérer; localiser; mettre; placer; poser; rechercher; se dérouler; se situer; signaler; stationner; trouver
map out barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; entourer; escroquer; fermer; jalonner; marquer; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper
mark out barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; entourer; escroquer; fermer; jalonner; marquer; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper
outline barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; entourer; escroquer; fermer; jalonner; marquer; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper croquer; donner une lecture succincte; décrire; définir; dépeindre; déterminer; esquisser; résumer; ébaucher; écrire
scrabble dessiner; griffonner; patiner maladroitement; tracer
scrawl dessiner; griffonner; patiner maladroitement; tracer barbouiller; gribouiller; scribouiller
trace calquer; copier; découvrir; dépister; déterminer; localiser; repasser; retracer; suivre; tracer; trouver contrôler; décalquer; examiner; suivre; vérifier
trace out barrer; borner; clôturer; contourner; dessiner; entourer; escroquer; fermer; griffonner; jalonner; marquer; patiner maladroitement; piqueter; préciser; soutirer; tracer; tromper

Synonyms for "tracer":

Wiktionary Translations for tracer:

  1. tirer des traits, indiquer les lignes d’une figure, etc.
  1. to trace out a graph or diagram
  2. to run away, to flee
  3. to hurry

Cross Translation:
tracer draw; chart; design; draught; draft; mark; pencil; plot; portray; sketch zeichnen — (transitiv) eine bildliche Darstellung mittels Stift, Kohle, Kreide und Ähnlichem oder mittels stiftbasierter Eingabegeräte (Touchpens), virtuellem Stift beziehungsweise Mausklick vornehmlich in Linien und Strichen von etwas oder jemandem (künstlerisch) anfertigen, welche sich letztlich
tracer bespeak; betoken; characterise; characterize; denote; depict; describe; distinguish; paint; plot; portray; represent zeichnen(transitiv); im übertragenen Sinne: schildern; (in literarischen Darbietungen und Texten) Figuren, Charaktere mittels Zeichen, Sprachstil, Gesten, in Haltung und Miene interagierend handeln lassen


tracé [le ~] nomen

  1. le tracé (tentative de s'échapper)
    the avoidance; the shunning; the evading; the outflanking movement; the trying to escape from; the avoiding
  2. le tracé (tracé vectoriel)
    the path; the vector path
    – The basis for all vector objects. A path is made up of one or more line segments connected by two or more anchor points. Paths can be made from a combination of straight lines and curves, each of which may be made up of many connecting points. All paths can be stroked or filled. 1

Translation Matrix for tracé:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
avoidance tentative de s'échapper; tracé fait d'éviter
avoiding tentative de s'échapper; tracé
evading tentative de s'échapper; tracé
outflanking movement tentative de s'échapper; tracé
path tracé; tracé vectoriel allée; chaussée; chemin; chemin d'accès; chemin de campagne; chemin de halage; chemin de randonnée; chemin rural; itinéraire; manche; parcours; piste; portion de route; ronde; route; route de campagne; route pavée; rue; ruelle; sentier; tour; tournée; trajet; venelle; voie
shunning tentative de s'échapper; tracé fait d'éviter
trying to escape from tentative de s'échapper; tracé
vector path tracé; tracé vectoriel

Synonyms for "tracé":

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for tracé


Detailed Translations for tracé from English to French


to trace verb (traces, traced, tracing)

  1. to trace (localize; locate; localise)
    trouver; tracer; déterminer; dépister; localiser; découvrir
    • trouver verb (trouve, trouves, trouvons, trouvez, )
    • tracer verb (trace, traces, traçons, tracez, )
    • déterminer verb (détermine, détermines, déterminons, déterminez, )
    • dépister verb (dépiste, dépistes, dépistons, dépistez, )
    • localiser verb (localise, localises, localisons, localisez, )
    • découvrir verb (découvre, découvres, découvrons, découvrez, )
  2. to trace (check; affirm; investigate; check out; go through again)
    vérifier; examiner; contrôler
    • vérifier verb (vérifie, vérifies, vérifions, vérifiez, )
    • examiner verb (examine, examines, examinons, examinez, )
    • contrôler verb (contrôle, contrôles, contrôlons, contrôlez, )
  3. to trace
    tracer; retracer; repasser; copier; calquer
    • tracer verb (trace, traces, traçons, tracez, )
    • retracer verb
    • repasser verb (repasse, repasses, repassons, repassez, )
    • copier verb (copie, copies, copions, copiez, )
    • calquer verb (calque, calques, calquons, calquez, )
  4. to trace
    • décalquer verb (décalque, décalques, décalquons, décalquez, )
  5. to trace
    – To execute a program in such a way that the sequence of statements being executed can be observed. 1
    suivre; tracer
    • suivre verb (suis, suit, suivons, suivez, )
    • tracer verb (trace, traces, traçons, tracez, )
  6. to trace
    – To track an inventory dimension to show its related receipts and issues. 1
    • suivre verb (suis, suit, suivons, suivez, )

Conjugations for trace:

  1. trace
  2. trace
  3. traces
  4. trace
  5. trace
  6. trace
simple past
  1. traced
  2. traced
  3. traced
  4. traced
  5. traced
  6. traced
present perfect
  1. have traced
  2. have traced
  3. has traced
  4. have traced
  5. have traced
  6. have traced
past continuous
  1. was tracing
  2. were tracing
  3. was tracing
  4. were tracing
  5. were tracing
  6. were tracing
  1. shall trace
  2. will trace
  3. will trace
  4. shall trace
  5. will trace
  6. will trace
continuous present
  1. am tracing
  2. are tracing
  3. is tracing
  4. are tracing
  5. are tracing
  6. are tracing
  1. be traced
  2. be traced
  3. be traced
  4. be traced
  5. be traced
  6. be traced
  1. trace!
  2. let's trace!
  3. traced
  4. tracing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

trace [the ~] nomen

  1. the trace (touch; semblance; small trace; hint; tending to)
    le petit peu; le rien
  2. the trace (little bit; semblance; small trace; hint)
    le petit peu; le petit morceau; le petit bout
  3. the trace
    – A collection of events and data returned by the Database Engine. 1

Translation Matrix for trace:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
examiner inspection; view; visit
petit bout hint; little bit; semblance; small trace; trace butt-end; fragment; little bit; part; particle; piece; section; small part
petit morceau hint; little bit; semblance; small trace; trace fragment; little bit; little lump; lump; particle; piece; rag; section
petit peu hint; little bit; semblance; small trace; tending to; touch; trace a little bit; fragment; little; little bit; particle; piece; section; snuff
rien hint; semblance; small trace; tending to; touch; trace a piece of cake; bagatelle; bargain price; child's play; dash; futility; giveaway price; shot; small affair; small matter; small thing; something unimportant; splash; squeeze; trifle
- ghost; hint; shadow; suggestion; tincture; touch; tracing; vestige
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
calquer trace delineate; draw
contrôler affirm; check; check out; go through again; investigate; trace audit; be the one in control; check; control; curb; dominate; examine; govern; have it taped; have the upper hand; hear; inspect; look at; prove; restrain; scrutinise; scrutinize; test; understand; verify; view; watch
copier trace copy; counterfeit; crib; duplicate; falsify; forge; imitate; make a copy; make a copy of; multiply; photocopy; reproduce; take off; xerox
décalquer trace cover; cover up
découvrir localise; localize; locate; trace admit; allocate; bare; detect; dig up; disclose; discover; expose; ferret out; find out; lay bare; learn; meet; open; open up; reveal; solve; spot; uncover; unlock; unmask; unravel
dépister localise; localize; locate; trace
déterminer localise; localize; locate; trace advise; allocate; ascertain; characterise; characterize; consider; decorate; define; depict; describe; determine; establish; identify; mark; outline; state precisely; suggest; think over
examiner affirm; check; check out; go through again; investigate; trace audit; cast an eye on; check; consider; control; examine; explore; glance; hear; inspect; investigate; look; look at; look into; look on; observe; regard; research; sample; scrutinise; scrutinize; search for; see; see over; see round; sniff around; study; survey; take samples; test; think it over; think out; think over; try; verify; view; visit; watch
localiser localise; localize; locate; trace allocate; locate
repasser trace iron
retracer trace
suivre trace chase; come after; comply; comply with; ensue; follow; go after; heed; imitate; keep pace with; keep up with; listen; live up to; obey; pursue; run after; track; tread on; tread upon; walk over; walk upon
tracer localise; localize; locate; trace bring to justice; clearly define; define; delineate; demarcate; doodle; draw; fence; fence in; fence off; map out; mark out; outline; scrabble; scrawl; trace out
trouver localise; localize; locate; trace allocate; bring to justice; come across; discover; find; find out; learn; locate; meet
vérifier affirm; check; check out; go through again; investigate; trace audit; check; control; demonstrate; determine; establish; examine; identify; inquire; inspect; investigate; justify; look up; prove; research; review; study; test; try; verify
- decipher; delineate; describe; draw; follow; hound; hunt; line; retrace
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Trace trace
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- copy
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
rien nothing

Related Words for "trace":

Synonyms for "trace":

Related Definitions for "trace":

  1. either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree2
  2. a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image2
  3. an indication that something has been present2
    • there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim2
  4. a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle2
  5. a suggestion of some quality2
  6. a just detectable amount2
    • he speaks French with a trace of an accent2
  7. read with difficulty2
    • The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs2
  8. follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something2
    • trace the student's progress2
  9. make a mark or lines on a surface2
    • trace the outline of a figure in the sand2
  10. copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of2
    • trace a design2
    • trace a pattern2
  11. make one's course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along2
    • The children traced along the edge of the dark forest2
    • The women traced the pasture2
  12. pursue or chase relentlessly2
    • The hunters traced the deer into the woods2
  13. to go back over again2
    • trace your path2
  14. discover traces of2
    • She traced the circumstances of her birth2
  15. To execute a program in such a way that the sequence of statements being executed can be observed.1
  16. To track an inventory dimension to show its related receipts and issues.1
  17. A collection of events and data returned by the Database Engine.1

Wiktionary Translations for trace:

  1. mark left as a sign of passage
  1. to copy onto a sheet of transparent paper
  1. Relever les traits d’un dessin
  2. tirer des traits, indiquer les lignes d’une figure, etc.
  1. Figure empreinte, impression, marque.
  2. imprimerie|fr action par laquelle une chose appliquer sur une autre y laisser une empreinte ; résultat de cette action.
  3. vestige qu’un homme ou un animal laisser à l’endroit où il passer.
  4. (term, Art) Forme préparatoire d’un ouvrage d’art, dont seules les parties principales sont traitées plus ou moins sommairement, mais de façon à donner l’idée de l’ouvrage terminé.

Cross Translation:
trace calquer natrekken — overtrekken
trace dépister nasporen — feiten of een verloop trachten te achterhalen
trace rechercher naspeuren — nauwkeurig onderzoeken
trace calquer calqueren — op doorschijnend papier of linnen overtrekken
trace trace Spur — hinweisgebende Hinterlassenschaft
trace trace Spurim engeren Sinne: Markierung auf dem Boden
trace trace Spur — sehr kleine Menge
trace calquer abpausen — eine Kopie erstellen, indem man ein dünnes, leicht durchsichtiges Papier nimmt, dieses auf eine Vorlage legt und mit einem Stift die Konturen der Vorlage nachzeichnet
trace poursuivre verfolgen — jemandem hinterher fahren oder gehen, eventuell um ihn einzuholen; jemandem auf den Fersen sein

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for tracé