
Detailed Translations for pale from French to English


pale [la ~] nomen

  1. la pale (ailette; palette; aube)
    the paddle
  2. la pale (aile d'hélice)
    the propeller-blade

Translation Matrix for pale:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
paddle ailette; aube; pale; palette pagaie; rame
propeller-blade aile d'hélice; pale
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
paddle barboter; faire trempette; pagayer; patauger; ramer

Wiktionary Translations for pale:

  1. sorte de petite vanne qui servir à ouvrir et à fermer le bief d’un moulin, la chaussée d’un étang, selon qu’on veut lâcher les eaux ou les retenir.
  1. slat of a paddleboat's wheel
  2. blade of a waterwheel
  3. -
  4. any thin, rigid, flat, or sometimes curved surface radially mounted along an axis


Translation Matrix for pâle:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
blank défaut; formulaire; hiatus; lacune; manque; questionnaire; vacuité; vide
dim aube; crépuscule; demi-jour; demi-obscurité; lueur; lumière crépusculaire; moment crépusculaire; pénombre
faint anesthésie; défaillance; griserie; torpeur; étourdissement; évanouissement
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
dim baisser; estomper
faint s'évanouir; se trouver mal; tomber dans les pommes
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
ashen blafard; blanc; blanche; blême; décoloré; exsangue; gris; grisâtre; incolore; livide; neutre; pâle; pâlichon; pâlot; sans couleur; terne blafard; blanc; blanc comme un linge; blême; cendreux; couleur de cendre; grisâtre; livide; pâle comme la mort
bland blafard; blémi; blême; décoloré; fané; flétri; livide; pâle; terne; vague; vaguement affable; avec une patte de velours; avenant; charmant; d'une manière affable; de mauvais goût; doucereux; engageant; fade; insipide; mielleusement; mielleux; sans caractère; sans goût; sans sel; sans style; séduisant
blank blanc; blanche; blême; pâle ahuri; avec étonnement; blanc; blanche; bouche bée; d'un air inexpressif; d'un air surpris; d'une manière inexpressive; déconcerté; décontenancé; en blanc; hébété; impénétrable; inexpressif; insondable; interdit; libre; non occupé; non rempli; perplexe; sans expression; stupéfait; surpris; vacant; vide; vierge; ébahi; étonné; étourdi
crude blanc; blanche; blême; pâle banal; carrément; commun; cru; crûment; d'une façon vulgaire; de façon rudimentaire; franc; franche; franchement; grossier; honnête; honnêtement; intègre; lisse; ordinaire; plat; populacier; populaire; primitif; primitivement; rudimentaire; sans cérémonies; sans détours; sans fard; sans égards; sommaire; tout net; trivial; uniforme; uniformément; vulgaire; vulgairement; égal
dim blafard; blémi; blême; décoloré; fané; flétri; livide; pâle; terne; vague; vaguement crépusculaire; diffus; fade; faible; flou; insipide; sans sel; tamisé; vague; vaguement; vaporeusement; vaporeux; voilé
faded blafard; blémi; blême; décoloré; fané; flétri; livide; pâle; terne; vague; vaguement aride; desséché; fané; flétri; sec
faint blafard; blémi; blême; décoloré; fané; flétri; livide; pâle; terne; vague; vaguement assourdi; bas; confus; crépusculaire; diffus; estompé; fade; faible; faiblement; flou; fragile; fragilement; frêle; indistinct; insipide; lâche; maladif; maladivement; maladroitement; mou; pas clair; puéril; pâlot; pâlotte; relâché; sans force; sans sel; tamisé; vague; vaguement; vaporeusement; vaporeux; voilé; à mi-voix; étouffé
grubby blafard; blême; décoloré; gris; grisâtre; incolore; livide; neutre; pâle; sans couleur; terne avec négligence; blême; bourbeuse; bourbeux; cochon; comme une salope; crasseux; douteux; débraillé; défraîchi; dégoûtant; dégoûté; déguenillé; dégueulasse; entaché; flottant; gris; grisâtre; mal débarbouillé; malpropre; malproprement; nonchalant; négligemment; négligent; négligé; peu soigné; sal; sale; salement; sali; souillé; tacheté; taché; terne; terreux; trop large
lurid blafard; blémi; blême; décoloré; fané; flétri; livide; pâle; terne; vague; vaguement
pale blafard; blanc; blanche; blémi; blême; décoloré; exsangue; fané; flétri; livide; pâle; pâlichon; pâlot; terne; vague; vaguement blanc; blême; fade; faible; faiblement; fragile; fragilement; frêle; gris; incolore; insipide; lâche; maladif; maladivement; pâlot; pâlotte; sans couleur; sans nuance
pallid blanc; blanche; pâle blafard; blanc; blanc comme un linge; blême; livide
plain plaine
sallow blafard; blémi; blême; décoloré; fané; flétri; livide; pâle; terne; vague; vaguement entaché; malpropre; sale; sali; souillé; tacheté; taché
unfinished blanc; blanche; blême; pâle imparfait; inachevé; incomplet
unmarked blanc; blanche; pâle libre; non marqué; vide
unvarnished blanc; blanche; blême; pâle
white blafard; blanc; blanche; blême; exsangue; pâle; pâlichon; pâlot
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
ash grey blafard; blême; décoloré; gris; grisâtre; incolore; livide; neutre; pâle; sans couleur; terne
drained of colour blafard; blanc; blanche; blême; exsangue; pâle; pâlichon; pâlot
off colour blafard; blanc; blémi; blême; fané; flétri; livide; pâle; pâlichon; pâlot
plain blanc; blanche; blême; pâle carrément; clair; commun; courant; cru; crûment; direct; franc; franche; franchement; honnête; honnêtement; intègre; laid; librement; moche; normal; ordinaire; ouvert; ouvertement; pur et simple; sans détours; sans fard; simplement; sincèrement; tout simple; uni; à coeur ouvert; à découvert; évident
washed out blafard; blanc; blanche; blémi; blême; décoloré; fané; flétri; livide; pâle; pâlichon; pâlot; terne; vague; vaguement apathique; faible; inanimé; indolemment; indolent; languissant; lent; lentement; misérable; mort; mou; sans envie; sans force; sans âme; terne

Synonyms for "pâle":

Wiktionary Translations for pâle:

  1. Qui est d’un blanc terne, qui décolorer, parler du visage.
  1. pale in colour
  2. light in color

Cross Translation:
pâle pale bleek — gering van kleur
pâle pale blass — von geringer, schwacher Farbstärke
pâle sallow; pale; wan; pallid fahl — (auf nicht schöne Weise) ohne kräftige Farbe, farbenarm, blass, fast farblos
pâle wan fahlnicht hell, schwach erhellt, trüb
pâle deathly pale todblass — außerordentlich blass


Synonyms for "palée":

  • féra; corégone

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for pale


Detailed Translations for pale from English to French


Translation Matrix for pale:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
blanc cranny; crevice; fissure; opening; recess; space
faible spineless chap; spineless fellow; weakling
lâche chicken; coward; dogs and cats; freshman; greenhorn; hare's foot; novice; poltroon; rookie
pâlot whitenoses
vague breaker; darkness; obscurity; undulation; vagueness; wave; waves; waving
- picket
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- blanch; blench
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- pallid; sick; wan
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- faint; pale and washed out
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
blafard ashen; bland; dim; drained of colour; faded; faint; lurid; off colour; pale; sallow; washed out; white ash grey; ashen; grubby; pallid; white as a sheet
blanc ashen; blank; clear; colorless; colourless; drained of colour; off colour; pale; pallid; plain; unmarked; washed out; white ashen; blanc; blank; crude; grey; grey-headed; pallid; plain; unfinished; unvarnished; unwritten; white as a sheet
blanche ashen; blank; drained of colour; pale; pallid; plain; unmarked; washed out; white blank; crude; plain; unfinished; unvarnished
blémi bland; dim; faded; faint; lurid; off colour; pale; sallow; washed out
blême ashen; bland; clear; colorless; colourless; dim; drained of colour; faded; faint; lurid; off colour; pale; sallow; washed out; white ash grey; ashen; baggy; blank; cheerless; churlish; colorless; colourless; crude; dowdy; drab; dreary; dull; gloomy; grey; grubby; joyless; malicious; mat; pallid; plain; sad; shoddy; slatternly; sloppy; slovenly; unfinished; unvarnished; white as a sheet
décoloré bland; dim; faded; faint; lurid; pale; sallow; washed out ash grey; ashen; colorless; colourless; grubby
exsangue ashen; drained of colour; pale; white
fade faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak abject; bland; boring; corny; cowardly; craven; cringing; deadening; dim; dull; faint; feeble; flat; fusty; saltless; silly; stale; tasteless; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; without style
faible faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak abstemious; bad; dead; deceased; delicate; dim; drained; effete; faint; feeble; fragile; frail; helpless; impotent; inferior; languid; lifeless; limp; listless; no energy; passed away; poor; powerless; shadowy; slackly; spiritless; tender; unable; vulnerable; washed out; washed-out; weak
faiblement faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak abstemious; bad; dully; effete; faint; feeble; flat; frail; helpless; impotent; poor; powerless; slackly; unable; weak
fané bland; dim; faded; faint; lurid; off colour; pale; sallow; washed out faded; wilted; withered
flétri bland; dim; faded; faint; lurid; off colour; pale; sallow; washed out faded; languishing; lingering; sickly; wilted; withered
fragile faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak delicate; fragile; frail; petite; skinny; slender; slim; small-boned; tender; thin; vulnerable; weak
fragilement faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak delicate; fragile; frail; tender; vulnerable
frêle faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak delicate; fragile; frail; petite; poor; skinny; slender; slim; small-boned; tender; thin; vulnerable; weak
gris clear; colorless; colourless; pale as tight as a drum; ash grey; ashen; baggy; blind drunk; boozed; cheerless; churlish; completely drunk; dead drunk; dirty grey; dowdy; drab; dreary; drunk; drunken; dull; gloomy; grey; grey-headed; grubby; half drunk; inebriated; intoxicated; joyless; loaded; malicious; mat; mopish; pissed; rainy; sad; semi drunk; shoddy; slatternly; sloppy; slovenly; soaked; thoroughly plastered; tight; tipsy
incolore clear; colorless; colourless; pale ash grey; ashen; grubby
insipide faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak abject; bland; boring; corny; cowardly; craven; cringing; deadening; dim; dull; faint; feeble; flat; forbidding; repelling; repulsive; revolting; saltless; silly; stale; tasteless; unappetising; unappetizing; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; without style
livide bland; dim; faded; faint; lurid; off colour; pale; sallow; washed out ash grey; ashen; grubby; pallid; white as a sheet
lâche faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak abstemious; bad; cheerless; clumsy; doltish; drab; dreary; dull; faint; feeble; frail; gawky; gloomy; grey; joyless; not very good; owlish; poor; sad; slackly; stiff; uneasy; ungenerously; unhandy; weak; wooden
maladif faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak abstemious; ailing; bad; clumsy; doltish; faint; feeble; frail; gawky; in bad health; nasty; nauseous; not very good; owlish; poor; sick; sickly; slackly; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; weak; wooden
maladivement faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak abstemious; bad; clumsy; doltish; faint; feeble; frail; gawky; not very good; owlish; poor; slackly; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; weak; wooden
pâle ashen; bland; blank; dim; drained of colour; faded; faint; lurid; off colour; pale; pallid; plain; sallow; unmarked; washed out; white ash grey; ashen; blank; crude; grubby; plain; unfinished; unvarnished
pâlichon ashen; drained of colour; off colour; pale; washed out; white
pâlot ashen; drained of colour; faint; feeble; frail; off colour; pale; sick; wan; washed out; weak; white
pâlotte faint; feeble; frail; pale; sick; wan; weak
sans couleur clear; colorless; colourless; pale ash grey; ashen; colorless; colourless; grubby
sans nuance clear; colorless; colourless; pale blunt; over-simplified; oversimplified; undifferentiated; unsubtle
terne bland; dim; faded; faint; lurid; pale; sallow; washed out ash grey; ashen; baggy; boring; cheerless; churlish; dead; deadening; deceased; dopey; dowdy; dozy; drab; drained; dreary; drowsy; dull; dusted; easily; easy; effortless; flabbergasted; frosted; gloomy; grey; grubby; joyless; languid; lifeless; listless; malicious; mat; matt; matted; mindless; misty; muzzy; not difficult; not hard; passed away; powdered; sad; shoddy; simple; slatternly; sleepy; sloppy; slovenly; soporific; speechless; spiritless; staggered; stupefied; tasteless; tired; tongue-tied; unanimated; unsavory; unsavoury; washed out; weary
vague bland; dim; faded; faint; lurid; pale; sallow; washed out blurred; dim; dull; faint; filmy; foggy; hazy; hushed; in an undertone; inconvenient; indistinct; misty; muffled; muzzy; not bright; not clear; obscure; out of focus; subdued; turbid; uncertain; unclear; undefinable; vague; vaguely
vaguement bland; dim; faded; faint; lurid; pale; sallow; washed out blurred; dim; dully; faint; filmy; flat; hazy; misty; muzzy; unclear; undefinable; vague; vaguely

Related Words for "pale":

Synonyms for "pale":

Related Definitions for "pale":

  1. abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress1
  2. lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness1
    • a pale rendition of the aria1
    • pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender1
  3. very light colored; highly diluted with white1
    • pale seagreen1
    • pale blue eyes1
  4. not full or rich1
    • high, pale, pure and lovely song1
  5. (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble1
    • the pale light of a half moon1
    • a pale sun1
    • the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street1
    • the pale (or wan) stars1
  6. a wooden strip forming part of a fence1
  7. turn pale, as if in fear1

Wiktionary Translations for pale:

  1. light in color
  1. to become pale
  1. heraldry: vertical band
  1. Très pâle, plus que pâle. — usage S’utilise surtout en parlant du visage, du teint.
  2. Qui est d’un blanc terne, qui décolorer, parler du visage.
  1. devenir blême.
  2. devenir pâle.
  1. Bâton pour soutenir un cep de vigne

Cross Translation:
pale blêmir; pâlir; ablafardir verbleken — alle kleur verliezen
pale pal paal(heraldiek) een loodrechte band midden over een wapenschild
pale clair licht — Helder van kleur
pale éteint flets — een vale kleur hebbend
pale pâle bleek — gering van kleur
pale pâle blass — von geringer, schwacher Farbstärke
pale blafard bleich — eine blasse oder verblasste, sehr helle, unintensive Farbe habend
pale blême; pâle fahl — (auf nicht schöne Weise) ohne kräftige Farbe, farbenarm, blass, fast farblos

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for pale