
Detailed Translations for boxer from French to English


boxer verb (boxe, boxes, boxons, boxez, )

  1. boxer (faire de la boxe)
    to box
    – engage in a boxing match 1
    • box verb (boxs, boxed, boxing)
  2. boxer (rouer de coups; tabasser; châtier; )
    to whip; to rack; to trounce; to lash; to beat up; to flog; to castigate; to whack; to drub
    • whip verb (whips, whipped, whipping)
    • rack verb (racks, racked, racking)
    • trounce verb (trounces, trounced, trouncing)
    • lash verb (lashes, lashed, lashing)
    • beat up verb (beats up, beated up, beating up)
    • flog verb (flogs, flogged, flogging to)
    • castigate verb (castigates, castigated, castigating)
    • whack verb (whacks, whacked, whacking)
    • drub verb (drubs, drubbed, drubbing)

Conjugations for boxer:

  1. boxe
  2. boxes
  3. boxe
  4. boxons
  5. boxez
  6. boxent
  1. boxais
  2. boxais
  3. boxait
  4. boxions
  5. boxiez
  6. boxaient
passé simple
  1. boxai
  2. boxas
  3. boxa
  4. boxâmes
  5. boxâtes
  6. boxèrent
futur simple
  1. boxerai
  2. boxeras
  3. boxera
  4. boxerons
  5. boxerez
  6. boxeront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je boxe
  2. que tu boxes
  3. qu'il boxe
  4. que nous boxions
  5. que vous boxiez
  6. qu'ils boxent
conditionnel présent
  1. boxerais
  2. boxerais
  3. boxerait
  4. boxerions
  5. boxeriez
  6. boxeraient
passé composé
  1. ai boxé
  2. as boxé
  3. a boxé
  4. avons boxé
  5. avez boxé
  6. ont boxé
  1. boxe!
  2. boxez!
  3. boxons!
  4. boxé
  5. boxant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for boxer:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
box box; boîte; boîte en fer-blanc; boîte à ranger; boîtier; cage; caisse; caisse à claire-voie; carton; clayette; commode; débarras; emballage; niche; petite armoire; petite boîte; poulailler; taudis; tube cathodique; tube-image; télé; volière
lash cil; coup de main; tape de la main
rack chevalet; crémaillère; grille; géhenne; rayon; échafaudage; étagère
whip fouet
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
beat up amocher; boxer; châtier; donner une raclée; donner une raclée à; flageller; fouetter; rosser; rouer de coups; tabasser; étriller abîmer; agiter; amocher; battre; battre les oeufs; battre qn; blesser; donner une correction à qn; donner une raclée; défigurer; fesser qn; fouetter; mal traiter; malmener; maltraiter; molester; passer une tisane à qn; rosser qn; rudoyer
box boxer; faire de la boxe encadrer
castigate amocher; boxer; châtier; donner une raclée; donner une raclée à; flageller; fouetter; rosser; rouer de coups; tabasser; étriller accuser d'hérésie; admonester; châtier; critiquer; infliger une punition; punir; réprimander; sérancer; vitupérer
drub amocher; boxer; châtier; donner une raclée; donner une raclée à; flageller; fouetter; rosser; rouer de coups; tabasser; étriller matraquer; rouer de coups; tabasser
flog amocher; boxer; châtier; donner une raclée; donner une raclée à; flageller; fouetter; rosser; rouer de coups; tabasser; étriller bazarder; claquer son argent; gaspiller
lash amocher; boxer; châtier; donner une raclée; donner une raclée à; flageller; fouetter; rosser; rouer de coups; tabasser; étriller aiguilleter; attacher; fixer; lier; nouer
rack amocher; boxer; châtier; donner une raclée; donner une raclée à; flageller; fouetter; rosser; rouer de coups; tabasser; étriller déverser; transvaser
trounce amocher; boxer; châtier; donner une raclée; donner une raclée à; flageller; fouetter; rosser; rouer de coups; tabasser; étriller
whack amocher; boxer; châtier; donner une raclée; donner une raclée à; flageller; fouetter; rosser; rouer de coups; tabasser; étriller
whip amocher; boxer; châtier; donner une raclée; donner une raclée à; flageller; fouetter; rosser; rouer de coups; tabasser; étriller battre; battre les oeufs; battre qn; donner une correction à qn; donner une raclée; fesser qn; fouetter; passer une tisane à qn; rosser qn

Synonyms for "boxer":

Wiktionary Translations for boxer:

  1. Chien.
  2. Sous-vêtement.
  3. Maillot.
  4. Moteur.
  1. breed of dog
  1. strike with the fists
  2. fight against (a person) in a boxing match

Cross Translation:
boxer box boksen — vuistvechten als sport
boxer box boxenSport: den Faustkampf ausüben

External Machine Translations:


Detailed Translations for boxer from English to French

boxer form of box:

box [the ~] nomen

  1. the box
    – a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid 1
    le carton; la boîte à ranger; l'emballage
  2. the box (cabinet; closet; cupboard)
    – a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid 1
    la petite armoire; la commode
  3. the box (crate; case)
    – a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid 1
    la caisse; la clayette; la caisse à claire-voie
  4. the box (crate; case)
    – a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid 1
    la caisse; la boîte
  5. the box (storage can; canister; can; )
    – a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid 1
    la boîte; la boîte en fer-blanc; la petite boîte
  6. the box (storing space; carton)
    – a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid 1
    le box; la boîte; la cage; le poulailler; le carton; le boîtier; le débarras; la niche; le taudis; la volière
  7. the box (television screen; t.v. tube)
    le tube-image; le tube cathodique; la télé

to box verb (boxs, boxed, boxing)

  1. to box
    – engage in a boxing match 1
    faire de la boxe; boxer
    • boxer verb (boxe, boxes, boxons, boxez, )
  2. to box (frame)
    • encadrer verb (encadre, encadres, encadrons, encadrez, )

Conjugations for box:

  1. box
  2. box
  3. boxs
  4. box
  5. box
  6. box
simple past
  1. boxed
  2. boxed
  3. boxed
  4. boxed
  5. boxed
  6. boxed
present perfect
  1. have boxed
  2. have boxed
  3. has boxed
  4. have boxed
  5. have boxed
  6. have boxed
past continuous
  1. was boxing
  2. were boxing
  3. was boxing
  4. were boxing
  5. were boxing
  6. were boxing
  1. shall box
  2. will box
  3. will box
  4. shall box
  5. will box
  6. will box
continuous present
  1. am boxing
  2. are boxing
  3. is boxing
  4. are boxing
  5. are boxing
  6. are boxing
  1. be boxed
  2. be boxed
  3. be boxed
  4. be boxed
  5. be boxed
  6. be boxed
  1. box!
  2. let's box!
  3. boxed
  4. boxing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for box:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
box box; carton; storing space stable
boîte bin; box; can; canister; carton; case; container; crate; little can; little drum; storage can; storing space; tin case; convict prison; correctional center; cover; detention centre; jail; packaging; packing; parcel; penitentiary; prison; prison camp; shell; wrapper; wrapping
boîte en fer-blanc bin; box; can; canister; container; little can; little drum; storage can; tin
boîte à ranger box
boîtier box; carton; storing space
cage box; carton; storing space berth; bird-box; bird-cage; birdcage; cage; kennel; nesting-box; pen; pig-sty; rabbit-hutch
caisse box; case; crate cash register
caisse à claire-voie box; case; crate
carton box; carton; storing space beer mat; cardboard; carton; coaster; cover; packaging; packing; paperboard; parcel; shell; wrapper; wrapping
clayette box; case; crate
commode box; cabinet; closet; cupboard commode; cupboard; cupboard with shelves; dresser
débarras box; carton; storing space cages; depository; hutches; kennels; lumber-room; pens; sheds; small lumber-rooms; sties; storeroom; storerooms
emballage box bale; cover; packaging; packing; parcel; shell; wrapper; wrapping; wrapping paper
niche box; carton; storing space alcove; cage; cavity; compartment; depository; dog kennel; doghouse; hollow; kennel; niche; pen; pig-sty; prank; rabbit-hutch; roguish trick; storeroom; trick
petite armoire box; cabinet; closet; cupboard
petite boîte bin; box; can; canister; container; little can; little drum; storage can; tin little box; metal; tin; vagina
poulailler box; carton; storing space chicken coop; hencoop; henhouse; hennery; poultry house
taudis box; carton; storing space den; depository; derelict; dump; heap o rubbish; hut; misfit; old barrack; old tub; reject; ruin; shed; slum; slum dwelling; storeroom; wreck
tube cathodique box; t.v. tube; television screen
tube-image box; t.v. tube; television screen
télé box; t.v. tube; television screen TV set; television; television set; tube
volière box; carton; storing space aviary; berth; bird-cage; birdcage; cage
- box seat; boxful; boxwood; corner; loge
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
boxer box beat up; castigate; drub; flog; lash; rack; trounce; whack; whip
encadrer box; frame border; edge; frame; fringe; hem; seam; trim
faire de la boxe box
- package
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
caisse chest
- box of the ear
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
commode comfortable; easily; easy; effortless; free; freely; not difficult; not hard; practical; simple; useful

Related Words for "box":

Synonyms for "box":

Antonyms for "box":

  • unbox

Related Definitions for "box":

  1. a blow with the hand (usually on the ear)1
    • I gave him a good box on the ear1
  2. a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid1
    • he rummaged through a box of spare parts1
  3. separate partitioned area in a public place for a few people1
    • the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold1
  4. private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance1
    • the royal box was empty1
  5. the driver's seat on a coach1
    • an armed guard sat in the box with the driver1
  6. any one of several designated areas on a ball field where the batter or catcher or coaches are positioned1
    • the umpire warned the batter to stay in the batter's box1
  7. evergreen shrubs or small trees1
  8. the quantity contained in a box1
    • he gave her a box of chocolates1
  9. a rectangular drawing1
    • the flowchart contained many boxes1
  10. a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible1
  11. engage in a boxing match1
  12. hit with the fist1
    • I'll box your ears!1
  13. put into a box1
    • box the gift, please1

Wiktionary Translations for box:

  1. strike with the fists
  2. fight against (a person) in a boxing match
  3. place inside a box
  1. blow with the fist
  2. any of various evergreen shrubs or trees
  3. cricket: hard protector for the genitals
  4. slang: with "the": television
  5. small area on a document for a tick mark
  6. rectangular border around a section of text
  7. small rectangular shelter
  8. as much as fills a box
  9. compartment of a storage furniture
  10. compartment to sit in
  11. cuboid container
  1. Auge destinée à divers usages.
  2. Petit cuvier de bois qui a les bords assez bas.
  3. Objet rigide et creux ayant la capacité de se fermer
  4. arbrisseau toujours vert
  5. (familier, fr) bicyclette ; vélo.
  6. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  7. Contenant parallélépipédique
  8. ferro|fr Cantonnement Système de subdivision des voie ferrée en cantons, permettant de garantir l’espacement des trains par l’usage de sémaphores.
  9. Compartiment d’un casier
  10. meuble en forme de caisse, en bois ou en métal, propre à enfermer diverses choses.
  11. Petit coffre.
  12. (term, Bâtiment) volume protégé par des paroi coupe-feu.
  13. Téléviseur

Cross Translation:
box boîte Dose — kleiner Behälter mit Deckel
box coffre; caisse Kasten — verschließbarer, quaderförmiger Behälter (norddeutsch)
box caisse Kasten — offener Behälter zum Transport von Flaschen
box caisse Kiste — massiver Behälter, meist aus Holz
box boîte SchachtelVerpackung, meistens in der Form eines Quaders
box boxer boxenSport: den Faustkampf ausüben
box boxer boksen — vuistvechten als sport


boxer [the ~] nomen

  1. the boxer (prize-fighter; pugilist)
    la pugiliste; le boxeur

Translation Matrix for boxer:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
boxeur boxer; prize-fighter; pugilist
pugiliste boxer; prize-fighter; pugilist
- bagger; packer; pugilist

Related Words for "boxer":

  • boxers

Synonyms for "boxer":

Related Definitions for "boxer":

  1. a breed of stocky medium-sized short-haired dog with a brindled coat and square-jawed muzzle developed in Germany1
  2. someone who fights with his fists for sport1
  3. a workman employed to pack things into containers1

Wiktionary Translations for boxer:

  1. breed of dog
  2. participant in a boxing match
  1. Chien.
  2. Sous-vêtement.
  3. Maillot.


Related Definitions for "Boxer":

  1. a member of a nationalistic Chinese secret society that led an unsuccessful rebellion in 1900 against foreign interests in China1

External Machine Translations: