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  1. charge:
  2. charger:
  3. chargé:
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  1. charge:
  2. Wiktionary:


Detailed Translations for chargé from French to English


charge [la ~] nomen

  1. la charge (fardeau)
    the burden; the weight
  2. la charge (fardeau; cargaison)
    the charges
  3. la charge (chargement)
    the charge; the electrical charge; the static electricity; the static
  4. la charge
    the burden
  5. la charge
    the load
    – The maximum amount of activity that can be performed by a resource in a time period. 1
    • load [the ~] nomen
  6. la charge (taxes; impôts; perceptions; )
    the taxes; the duties; the tax
  7. la charge (assaut; attaque; invasion; )
    the attack; the assault; the run; the rush; the raid; the storming; the scaling
  8. la charge (cargaison; fardeau)
    the freight; the shipment; the load; the cargo
  9. la charge (affrètement; fret; chargement; fardeau; cargaison)
    the freighting; the chartering; the freightment; the loading
  10. la charge (transport routier; cargaison; chargement; transport)
    the transportation; the goods-traffic; the transfer; the road transport; the transport; the carrying-traffic; the cargo
  11. la charge (bureau des contributions; impôts; fisc; )

Translation Matrix for charge:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
assault assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; charge; hold-up; invasion; rafle; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée agression; agression à main armée; assaut; attaque; attentat; hold-up; viol
attack assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; charge; hold-up; invasion; rafle; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée assaut; attaque
burden charge; fardeau tension
cargo cargaison; charge; chargement; fardeau; transport; transport routier affrètement; cargaison; chargement; fardeau; fret; transport
carrying-traffic cargaison; charge; chargement; transport; transport routier
charge charge; chargement accusation; doléances; frais; imputation; inculpation; insinuation; notation; note; plainte; plaintes; procès-verbal; réclamation
charges cargaison; charge; fardeau redevance
chartering affrètement; cargaison; charge; chargement; fardeau; fret affrètement; location; location d'une personne; nolisement
duties charge; fisc; imposition; impôt; impôts; levées; perceptions; prélèvements; redevances; taxes besogne; boulot; corvée; devoirs; emploi; labeur; mission; obligations; travail; tâche
electrical charge charge; chargement
freight cargaison; charge; fardeau cargaison; frais de transport
freighting affrètement; cargaison; charge; chargement; fardeau; fret
freightment affrètement; cargaison; charge; chargement; fardeau; fret
goods-traffic cargaison; charge; chargement; transport; transport routier
load cargaison; charge; fardeau abondance; accumulation; amas; assemblage; cargaison; chargement; cumul; des tas de gens; dérangement; désagrément; entassement; foule; grand nombre de personnes; grande quantité; grande quantité de personnes; horde; inconfort; masse; meute; multitude; multitude de gens; petit fardeau; pile; profusion; quantité; ramas; rassemblement; tas; troupe
loading affrètement; cargaison; charge; chargement; fardeau; fret cargaison; chargement; embarquement; embarquement du cargaison
raid assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; charge; hold-up; invasion; rafle; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée battue; descente de police; hold-up; invasion; pillage; rafle; rafle de police; razzia; ruée; traque
road transport cargaison; charge; chargement; transport; transport routier transport routier
run assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; charge; hold-up; invasion; rafle; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée assauts; bas a filé; course; maille; ruées; sprint
rush assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; charge; hold-up; invasion; rafle; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée affluence; animation; ardeur; assauts; bousculade; cohue; empressement; ferveur; fougue; foule; foule d'occupations; hâte; poussée; précipitation; ruées; tempérament
scaling assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; charge; hold-up; invasion; rafle; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée mise à l'échelle; montée en charge
shipment cargaison; charge; fardeau cargaison; embarquement du cargaison
static charge; chargement
static electricity charge; chargement
storming assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; charge; hold-up; invasion; rafle; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée
tax charge; fisc; imposition; impôt; impôts; levées; perceptions; prélèvements; redevances; taxes contribution; coûts; droits; droits d'expédition; frais; impôt; impôts; levée; perception; prélèvement; redevance; taxe; taxes
tax collectors office bureau des contributions; charge; fisc; imposition; impôt; impôts; levées; perception; perceptions; prélèvements; redevances; taxe; taxes
taxes charge; fisc; imposition; impôt; impôts; levées; perceptions; prélèvements; redevances; taxes contribution; impôt; impôts; taxe; taxes
transfer cargaison; charge; chargement; transport; transport routier cession; changement; déplacement; envoi; expédition; mutation; station de correspondance; transfert; transfert de données; translation; transmission; virement; échange
transport cargaison; charge; chargement; transport; transport routier chargement; déplacement; transport; transposition
transportation cargaison; charge; chargement; transport; transport routier déportation
weight charge; fardeau cargaison; catégorie de poids; dérangement; désagrément; gravité; importance; inconfort; masse; pesanteur; poids; sens; signification
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
assault agresser; agresser une femme; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; brusquer; contraindre; donner l'assaut à; faire violence; forcer; imposer; malmener; maltraiter; molester; prendre d'assaut; rudoyer; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur
attack abîmer; agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; blesser; briser; broyer; brusquer; casser; contraindre; corroder; donner l'assaut à; démolir; détruire; endommager; esquinter; faire mal à; faire violence; forcer; fracasser; imposer; nuire; nuire à; prendre d'assaut; ronger; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur
burden accabler; charger; importuner; imposer; seller
charge accuser; accuser de; assigner; charger; commander; compter; consacrer à; dicter; diriger; décréter; dénoncer; dévouer; encaisser; enjoindre; facturer; imputer; incriminer; inculper; inculper de; obliger à; ordonner; prescrire; régir; sommer; soupçonner; suspecter
freight affréter; charger; fréter; recharger; équiper
load affréter; aggraver; alourdir; apesantir; charger; charger un fusil; embarquer; fréter; peser plus lourd; recharger; rendre difficile; renforcer; s'aggraver; s'alourdir; équiper
raid agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; brusquer; contraindre; donner l'assaut à; dépouiller; dévaliser; faire violence; forcer; imposer; piller; prendre d'assaut; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur; voler
run administrer; aller; brûler le pavé; couler; courir; diriger; droper; exécuter; faire de la course; faire de la course à pied; filer; galoper; gérer; partir; ruisseler; s'écouler; se démailler; se précipiter; se rendre à; se ruer; sprinter; vague s'estomper
rush accourir; assaillir; courir; faire de la course; faire de la course à pied; filer; galoper; hâter; pousser qn à se dépêcher; presser; précipiter; s'empresser; s'élancer; se dépêcher; se hâter; se presser; se précipiter; se rendre en hâte; se rendre en toute hâte; se ruer sur; sprinter
storming tempêter; y avoir de la tempête
tax clouer; enfoncer; taxer; évaluer
transfer changer de poste; déplacer; envoyer; expédier; muter; transcrire; transférer; transférer de l'argent; transmettre; transposer; verser; virer
transport déplacer; transporter
weight aggraver; alourdir; apesantir; charger; peser plus lourd; rendre difficile; renforcer; s'aggraver; s'alourdir
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
rush canné; de chaume; de jonc; de roseau
static statique
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
shipment envoi; expédition
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
storming orageux

Synonyms for "charge":

Wiktionary Translations for charge:

  1. fardeau, ce qui pèse
  2. ce qui est chargé (sur un animal de bât, un navire…)
  3. ce dont on est chargé : magistrature, poste
  4. lourdes dépenses
  5. ce qui est retenu contre un accusé
  6. lourde attaque contre un ennemi
  7. substance solide ajoutée à un mélange
  1. the volume of work required to be performed
  2. number of articles that can be transported or processed at one time
  3. electromagnetic state
  4. load or burden
  5. instruction
  6. ground attack
  7. electric charge
  8. measured amount of powder and/or shot
  9. heavy load

Cross Translation:
charge load; charge; freight; cargo vracht — de lading van een vervoermiddel
charge charge lading — opeengehoopte elektriciteit
charge load; cargo; freight lading — goederen die vervoerd worden
charge hoist; haul hijs — de hoeveelheid die men in één keer op kan hijsen
charge charge aanklacht — bij de rechtbank ingediende beschuldiging of klacht
charge charge Aufladungallgemein: aufladen von Gegenständen auf einen LKW oder Anhänger
charge charge LadungPhysik, Elektrotechnik: die Eigenschaft von Teilchen oder Objekten, mit einem elektromagnetischen Feld in Wechselwirkung zu treten
charge charge LadungMilitär: definierte Menge an Munition oder Sprengstoff
charge weight; load; burden Last Transportwesen: etwas, was sich durch sein Gewicht nach unten drückt oder zieht; auch Ladung, Fracht; was man trägt

chargé form of charger:

charger verb (charge, charges, chargeons, chargez, )

  1. charger (affréter; recharger; fréter; équiper)
    to load; to freight; lade
    • load verb (loads, loaded, loading)
    • freight verb (freights, freighted, freighting)
    • lade verb
  2. charger (accabler; importuner)
    to aggravate; burden
  3. charger (embarquer; affréter)
    to load; to ship
    • load verb (loads, loaded, loading)
    • ship verb (ships, shipped, shipping)
  4. charger (recharger)
    to heap up
    • heap up verb (heaps up, heaped up, heaping up)
  5. charger (recharger)
    to load; to recharge; charge with electricity
  6. charger (accuser; dénoncer; inculper; incriminer; imputer)
    to charge; to accuse; to charge with; to incriminate; to imputate; to denounce
    • charge verb (charges, charged, charging)
    • accuse verb (accuses, accused, accusing)
    • charge with verb (charges with, charged with, charging with)
    • incriminate verb (incriminates, incriminated, incriminating)
    • imputate verb (imputates, imputated, imputating)
    • denounce verb (denounces, denounced, denouncing)
  7. charger (incriminer; soupçonner; accuser; )
    to accuse; to insinuate; to incriminate; to charge
    • accuse verb (accuses, accused, accusing)
    • insinuate verb (insinuates, insinuated, insinuating)
    • incriminate verb (incriminates, incriminated, incriminating)
    • charge verb (charges, charged, charging)
  8. charger (ordonner; décréter; assigner; )
    to order; to command; to charge
    • order verb (orders, ordered, ordering)
    • command verb (commands, commanded, commanding)
    • charge verb (charges, charged, charging)
  9. charger (farcir; remplir; bourrer; gonfler)
    to fill
    • fill verb (fills, filled, filling)
  10. charger (charger un fusil)
    to load; load a gun
  11. charger (exagérer; souligner; enfler; )
    to exaggerate; to blow up; to overdo; to heighten
    • exaggerate verb (exaggerates, exaggerated, exaggerating)
    • blow up verb (blows up, blowing up)
    • overdo verb (overdoes, overdid, overdoing)
    • heighten verb (heightens, heightened, heightening)
  12. charger (alourdir; renforcer; apesantir; s'aggraver; s'alourdir)
    to make heavier; weight; to load
    • make heavier verb (makes heavier, made heavier, making heavier)
    • weight verb
    • load verb (loads, loaded, loading)
  13. charger (insinuer; imputer; accuser)
    to impute
    • impute verb (imputes, imputed, imputing)
  14. charger (manutentionner)
    to ship
    • ship verb (ships, shipped, shipping)

Conjugations for charger:

  1. charge
  2. charges
  3. charge
  4. chargeons
  5. chargez
  6. chargent
  1. chargeais
  2. chargeais
  3. chargeait
  4. chargions
  5. chargiez
  6. chargeaient
passé simple
  1. chargeai
  2. chargeas
  3. chargea
  4. chargeâmes
  5. chargeâtes
  6. chargèrent
futur simple
  1. chargerai
  2. chargeras
  3. chargera
  4. chargerons
  5. chargerez
  6. chargeront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je charge
  2. que tu charges
  3. qu'il charge
  4. que nous chargions
  5. que vous chargiez
  6. qu'ils chargent
conditionnel présent
  1. chargerais
  2. chargerais
  3. chargerait
  4. chargerions
  5. chargeriez
  6. chargeraient
passé composé
  1. ai chargé
  2. as chargé
  3. a chargé
  4. avons chargé
  5. avez chargé
  6. ont chargé
  1. charge!
  2. chargez!
  3. chargeons!
  4. chargé
  5. chargeant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for charger:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
burden charge; fardeau; tension
charge accusation; charge; chargement; doléances; frais; imputation; inculpation; insinuation; notation; note; plainte; plaintes; procès-verbal; réclamation
command assignation; autorité; commande; commandement; commando; consigne; contrainte; contrôle; devise; direction; domination; impératif; indication; instruction; mandat; maîtrise; mission; niveau de capacité; ordre; ordre de service; ordre donné à l'armée; ordre suprême; pouvoir; puissance; sommation; tête
fill remplissage
freight cargaison; charge; fardeau; frais de transport
load abondance; accumulation; amas; assemblage; cargaison; charge; chargement; cumul; des tas de gens; dérangement; désagrément; entassement; fardeau; foule; grand nombre de personnes; grande quantité; grande quantité de personnes; horde; inconfort; masse; meute; multitude; multitude de gens; petit fardeau; pile; profusion; quantité; ramas; rassemblement; tas; troupe
order assignation; commande; commandement; commando; consigne; contrainte; devise; discipline; distinction; distribution; décor; décoration; embellissement; emblème; honneur; impératif; indication; instruction; livraison; mandat; marque; marque distinctive; mission; ordre; ordre de chevalerie; ordre de plan; ordre de service; ordre donné à l'armée; ornement; ornementation; régularité; signe; sommation; symbole
ship barque; bateau; bateau à vapeur; canot; embarcation; navire; paquebot; petit bateau; vaisseau
weight cargaison; catégorie de poids; charge; dérangement; désagrément; fardeau; gravité; importance; inconfort; masse; pesanteur; poids; sens; signification
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
accuse accuser; charger; dénoncer; imputer; incriminer; inculper; soupçonner; suspecter accuser de; avoir de la rancoeur; avoir de la rancune; blâmer; condamner; critiquer; déshonorer; inculper de; jeter quelque chose aux pieds de; reprocher; réprimander; vitupérer
aggravate accabler; charger; importuner activer; aggraver; animer; attiser; encourager; inciter; motiver; ranimer; s'aggraver; stimuler; éperonner
blow up charger; enfler; exagérer; grossir; outrer; renforcer; souligner crevasser; crever; exagérer; exploder; exploser; faire explosion; fendre; fuir; grossir; péter; renforcer; s'enfuir; s'envoler; s'échapper; s'évader; se fendre; se fissurer; se fêler; se gercer; se libérer avec force; se sauver; soulever; échapper; échapper à; éclater; éclater en morceaux; être emporté par le vent
burden accabler; charger; importuner imposer; seller
charge accuser; assigner; charger; commander; consacrer à; diriger; décréter; dénoncer; dévouer; imputer; incriminer; inculper; obliger à; ordonner; régir; sommer; soupçonner; suspecter accuser; accuser de; commander; compter; dicter; encaisser; enjoindre; facturer; incriminer; inculper; inculper de; ordonner; prescrire
charge with accuser; charger; dénoncer; imputer; incriminer; inculper accuser de; inculper de
charge with electricity charger; recharger
command assigner; charger; commander; consacrer à; diriger; décréter; dévouer; obliger à; ordonner; régir; sommer administrer; avoir le commandement; commander; conduire; dicter; diriger; enjoindre; gouverner; gérer; manier; mener; ordonner; piloter; prescrire; présider
denounce accuser; charger; dénoncer; imputer; incriminer; inculper accuser d'hérésie; admonester; cafarder; condamner; divulguer quelque chose; déceler; dénoncer; dénoncer quelqu'un; désapprouver; moucharder; ne pas pouvoir s'imaginer; rapporter; repousser; réprimander; trahir
exaggerate charger; enfler; exagérer; grossir; outrer; renforcer; souligner exagérer; grossir; renforcer; s'étendre longuement sur; vendre au détail
fill bourrer; charger; farcir; gonfler; remplir ajouter; apaiser; assouvir; assouvir son appétit; bourrer; combler; comprendre; emplir; obturer; occuper de la place; plomber; rassasier; remplir; satisfaire; se remplir le ventre; suppléer
freight affréter; charger; fréter; recharger; équiper
heap up charger; recharger accumuler; amasser; amonceler; cumuler; empiler; entasser; s'accumuler; s'amasser; s'amonceler; superposer
heighten charger; enfler; exagérer; grossir; outrer; renforcer; souligner augmenter; hausser; majorer; rehausser; relever; surélever; élever
imputate accuser; charger; dénoncer; imputer; incriminer; inculper
impute accuser; charger; imputer; insinuer
incriminate accuser; charger; dénoncer; imputer; incriminer; inculper; soupçonner; suspecter
insinuate accuser; charger; imputer; incriminer; inculper; soupçonner; suspecter
lade affréter; charger; fréter; recharger; équiper
load affréter; alourdir; apesantir; charger; charger un fusil; embarquer; fréter; recharger; renforcer; s'aggraver; s'alourdir; équiper aggraver; alourdir; peser plus lourd; rendre difficile
load a gun charger; charger un fusil
make heavier alourdir; apesantir; charger; renforcer; s'aggraver; s'alourdir aggraver; alourdir; compliquer; peser plus lourd; rendre difficile
order assigner; charger; commander; consacrer à; diriger; décréter; dévouer; obliger à; ordonner; régir; sommer administrer; agencer; arranger; avoir le commandement; cataloguer; catégoriser; classer; classifier; commander; dicter; dicter une lettre; diriger; distribuer à domicile; dominer; décréter; enjoindre; faire un catalogue; gouverner; indiquer; maîtriser; mener; ordonner; piloter; prescrire; présider; ranger; régir; s'approcher rapidement; s'avancer; statuer; suggérer; sérier
overdo charger; enfler; exagérer; grossir; outrer; renforcer; souligner exagérer; grossir; renforcer
recharge charger; recharger recharger
ship affréter; charger; embarquer; manutentionner apporter; distribuer; distribuer à domicile; délivrer; déposer; embarquer; envoyer; expédier; expédier par bateau; fournir; grimper à bord; livrer; livrer à domicile; monter à bord; porter; porter à domicile; prendre le bateau; procurer; remettre; s'embarquer; transporter par eau; émettre
weight alourdir; apesantir; charger; renforcer; s'aggraver; s'alourdir aggraver; alourdir; peser plus lourd; rendre difficile

Synonyms for "charger":

Wiktionary Translations for charger:

charger charger
  1. to read into memory
  2. to fill with munition
  3. to put a load on
  4. To fill or load
  5. send to do something
  6. cricket: to take a few steps down the pitch towards the bowler as he delivers the ball
  7. to move forward forcefully
  8. to cause to take on an electric charge
  9. to formally accuse of a crime
  10. to assign a debit to an account
  11. to pay on account
  12. to load equipment with material required for its use
  13. to place a burden upon, to assign a duty
  14. to assign a duty to

Cross Translation:
charger load belasten — gewichten plaatsen op
charger burden; load beladen — een lading aanbrengen op een lastdier of een voer- of vaartuig
charger load laden — (transitiv) von einem Datenspeicher lesen (lassen)
charger load laden — (transitiv) eine Schusswaffe mit Munition versehen
charger load laden — (transitiv) etwas auf oder in ein Fahrzeug oder auf ein Lasttier schaffen


Synonyms for "chargée":

  • pleine; remplie; garnie; farcie; complète; débordante; bondée; saturée; peuplée; occupée; repue; rassasiée

Wiktionary Translations for chargée:

  1. weighed down with a load, burdened
  2. heavy


chargé adj

  1. chargé
  2. chargé
  3. chargé
  4. chargé (lourd)
  5. chargé (ordonné; assigné; commandé)

Translation Matrix for chargé:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
burdened chargé
charged chargé gravide; pleine
laden chargé gravide; pleine
loaded chargé; lourd beurré; bourré; fin soûl; gris; ivre
ordered assigné; chargé; commandé; ordonné ordonné
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
instructed assigné; chargé; commandé; ordonné

Synonyms for "chargé":

Wiktionary Translations for chargé:

  1. (of a projectile weapon) armed
  2. burdened by load
  3. weighed down with a load, burdened
  4. heavy

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for chargé


Detailed Translations for chargé from English to French


to charge verb (charges, charged, charging)

  1. to charge (invoice; bill)
    facturer; compter
    • facturer verb (facture, factures, facturons, facturez, )
    • compter verb (compte, comptes, comptons, comptez, )
  2. to charge (accuse; charge with; incriminate; imputate; denounce)
    accuser; dénoncer; charger; inculper; incriminer; imputer
    • accuser verb (accuse, accuses, accusons, accusez, )
    • dénoncer verb (dénonce, dénonces, dénonçons, dénoncez, )
    • charger verb (charge, charges, chargeons, chargez, )
    • inculper verb (inculpe, inculpes, inculpons, inculpez, )
    • incriminer verb (incrimine, incrimines, incriminons, incriminez, )
    • imputer verb (impute, imputes, imputons, imputez, )
  3. to charge (over-act)
    accuser; inculper; incriminer
    • accuser verb (accuse, accuses, accusons, accusez, )
    • inculper verb (inculpe, inculpes, inculpons, inculpez, )
    • incriminer verb (incrimine, incrimines, incriminons, incriminez, )
  4. to charge (incriminate; accuse; insinuate)
    soupçonner; accuser; suspecter; charger; imputer; inculper; incriminer
    • soupçonner verb (soupçonne, soupçonnes, soupçonnons, soupçonnez, )
    • accuser verb (accuse, accuses, accusons, accusez, )
    • suspecter verb (suspecte, suspectes, suspectons, suspectez, )
    • charger verb (charge, charges, chargeons, chargez, )
    • imputer verb (impute, imputes, imputons, imputez, )
    • inculper verb (inculpe, inculpes, inculpons, inculpez, )
    • incriminer verb (incrimine, incrimines, incriminons, incriminez, )
  5. to charge (command; order)
    ordonner; décréter; assigner; dévouer; régir; charger; commander; sommer; consacrer à; obliger à; diriger
    • ordonner verb (ordonne, ordonnes, ordonnons, ordonnez, )
    • décréter verb (décrète, décrètes, décrétons, décrétez, )
    • assigner verb (assigne, assignes, assignons, assignez, )
    • dévouer verb (dévoue, dévoues, dévouons, dévouez, )
    • régir verb (régis, régit, régissons, régissez, )
    • charger verb (charge, charges, chargeons, chargez, )
    • commander verb (commande, commandes, commandons, commandez, )
    • sommer verb (somme, sommes, sommons, sommez, )
    • obliger à verb
    • diriger verb (dirige, diriges, dirigeons, dirigez, )
  6. to charge (levy)
    • encaisser verb (encaisse, encaisses, encaissons, encaissez, )
  7. to charge (decree; dedicate; commission; )
    dicter; ordonner; prescrire; enjoindre
    • dicter verb (dicte, dictes, dictons, dictez, )
    • ordonner verb (ordonne, ordonnes, ordonnons, ordonnez, )
    • prescrire verb (prescris, prescrit, prescrivons, prescrivez, )
    • enjoindre verb (enjoins, enjoint, enjoignons, enjoignez, )
  8. to charge (order; ordain)
    ordonner; prescrire; commander; dicter
    • ordonner verb (ordonne, ordonnes, ordonnons, ordonnez, )
    • prescrire verb (prescris, prescrit, prescrivons, prescrivez, )
    • commander verb (commande, commandes, commandons, commandez, )
    • dicter verb (dicte, dictes, dictons, dictez, )
  9. to charge (accuse; charge with)

Conjugations for charge:

  1. charge
  2. charge
  3. charges
  4. charge
  5. charge
  6. charge
simple past
  1. charged
  2. charged
  3. charged
  4. charged
  5. charged
  6. charged
present perfect
  1. have charged
  2. have charged
  3. has charged
  4. have charged
  5. have charged
  6. have charged
past continuous
  1. was charging
  2. were charging
  3. was charging
  4. were charging
  5. were charging
  6. were charging
  1. shall charge
  2. will charge
  3. will charge
  4. shall charge
  5. will charge
  6. will charge
continuous present
  1. am charging
  2. are charging
  3. is charging
  4. are charging
  5. are charging
  6. are charging
  1. be charged
  2. be charged
  3. be charged
  4. be charged
  5. be charged
  6. be charged
  1. charge!
  2. let's charge!
  3. charged
  4. charging
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

charge [the ~] nomen

  1. the charge (accusation; indictment; complaint; insinuation)
    l'inculpation; l'accusation; la plainte; le plaintes; la doléances; l'insinuation; la réclamation; l'imputation
  2. the charge (report; statement)
    la procès-verbal; la notation; la note
  3. the charge (electrical charge; static electricity; static)
    la charge; le chargement
  4. the charge
  5. the charge
    – The incidental cost of product acquisition or product delivery. 1
    le frais

Translation Matrix for charge:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
accusation accusation; charge; complaint; indictment; insinuation a charge against; accusation; accusing; allegation; allusion; hint; imputation; innuendo; insinuation
charge charge; electrical charge; static; static electricity assault; attack; burden; cargo; carrying-traffic; charges; chartering; duties; freight; freighting; freightment; goods-traffic; load; loading; raid; road transport; run; rush; scaling; shipment; storming; tax; tax collectors office; taxes; transfer; transport; transportation; weight
chargement charge; electrical charge; static; static electricity cargo; carrying-traffic; charging; chartering; embarkation; enshipment; entraining; freighting; freightment; goods-traffic; load; loading; road transport; transfer; transport; transportation; waggonload
doléances accusation; charge; complaint; indictment; insinuation complaining; complaint; crying; howling; lamentations; lamenting; making complaints; moaning; sobbing; wailing; whimpering; whining; yelping
frais charge chill; cold snap; cool; cooling; coolness; cost; costs; dues; expense; expenses; fee; legal charges; levy; spending; tax
imputation accusation; charge; complaint; indictment; insinuation a charge against; accusation; allusion; hint; innuendo; insinuation; post
inculpation accusation; charge; complaint; indictment; insinuation a charge against; accusation; allegation; allusion; betrayal; denunciation; hint; imputation; innuendo; insinuation; treachery; treason
insinuation accusation; charge; complaint; indictment; insinuation a charge against; accusation; allegation; allusion; hint; imputation; innuendo; insinuation
notation charge; report; statement annotation; mentioning; notation; note; quotation; record; report; scrawl; scribble; statement
note charge; report; statement account; annotation; bill; business note; chit; foot-note; grade; grading mark; intonation; invoice; mark; memorandum; mentioning; note; pitch; reminder; report; report mark; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; sound; statement; term result; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour
plainte accusation; charge; complaint; indictment; insinuation appeal; complaining; complaint; dirge; jeremiad; lamentation; making complaints; objection; opposition; petition; reporting something; resistance
plaintes accusation; charge; complaint; indictment; insinuation beefing; bleating; complaining; complaint; crying; grumbling; howling; lamentation; lamentations; lamenting; making complaints; moaning; sobbing; wailing; whimpering; whining; yammering; yelping
procès-verbal charge; report; statement fine; minutes; penalty; ticket
réclamation accusation; charge; complaint; indictment; insinuation action; appeal; claim; claiming; complaint; demand; dunning letter; legal claim; objection; opposition; petition; query; reclamation; reminder; request; resistance
sommer giving notice of; notifying
- accusation; armorial bearing; bang; bearing; billing; boot; burster; bursting charge; care; cathexis; commission; complaint; direction; electric charge; explosive charge; flush; guardianship; heraldic bearing; kick; mission; rush; thrill; tutelage
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
accuser accuse; charge; charge with; denounce; imputate; incriminate; insinuate; over-act discredit someone; disparage someone; impute; smear someone
accuser de accuse; charge; charge with
assigner charge; command; order allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give; subpoena; summon
charger accuse; charge; charge with; command; denounce; imputate; incriminate; insinuate; order aggravate; blow up; burden; charge with electricity; exaggerate; fill; freight; heap up; heighten; impute; lade; load; load a gun; make heavier; overdo; recharge; ship; weight
commander charge; command; ordain; order be in command of; bid; command; dictate; direct; exercise authority; exert power; extort; instruct; lead; order; preside; reign; rule; take the lead
compter bill; charge; invoice add up; calculate; count; count in; count off; figure in; include
consacrer à charge; command; order dedicate; devote
dicter charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; ordain; order; rule dictate; order
diriger charge; command; order administer; be in command of; command; direct; drive; exercise authority; exert power; guide; head for; lead; lead up to; manage; operate; order; pilot through; point the direction; preside; reign; ride; rule; run; take the lead
décréter charge; command; order call; decree; give notice of; ordain; order; proclaim; to declare; to decree; to ordain
dénoncer accuse; charge; charge with; denounce; imputate; incriminate betray; blab; denounce; disclose; give away; inform against; peach; report; reveal; squeak; squeal; tattle; tell tales
dévouer charge; command; order
encaisser charge; levy cash; claim; collect money; demand
enjoindre charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule
facturer bill; charge; invoice
imputer accuse; charge; charge with; denounce; imputate; incriminate; insinuate ascribe; attribute; hand to; impute; say for
incriminer accuse; charge; charge with; denounce; imputate; incriminate; insinuate; over-act
inculper accuse; charge; charge with; denounce; imputate; incriminate; insinuate; over-act
inculper de accuse; charge; charge with
obliger à charge; command; order compel; force; oblige; oblige to
ordonner charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; ordain; order; rule be in command of; call; command; decree; dictate; dictate a letter; give notice of; list all the points; ordain; order; preside; proclaim; take the lead
prescrire charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; ordain; order; rule bid; dictate; direct; instruct; order
régir charge; command; order exercise authority; exert power; order; reign; rule
sommer charge; command; order announce; call upon; dun; exhort; give notice of; remind; remind forcefully; remind strongly; send for; subpoena; summon; urge
soupçonner accuse; charge; incriminate; insinuate bet with shares; conjecture; speculate
suspecter accuse; charge; incriminate; insinuate
- accuse; agitate; appoint; bear down; bill; blame; buck; burden; charge up; commit; commove; consign; excite; file; institutionalise; institutionalize; level; load; lodge; point; rouse; saddle; send; shoot; shoot down; tear; turn on
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- charging; custody; imputation; keeping; safekeeping
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
frais airy; chilli; chilly; cool; cooled; coolly; fresh; freshly-baked; frozen; little fresh; new; somewhat cold; too fresh

Related Words for "charge":

Synonyms for "charge":

Antonyms for "charge":

Related Definitions for "charge":

  1. a special assignment that is given to a person or group2
    • his charge was deliver a message2
  2. attention and management implying responsibility for safety2
  3. an impetuous rush toward someone or something2
    • the wrestler's charge carried him past his adversary2
    • the battle began with a cavalry charge2
  4. a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time2
    • this cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains2
  5. heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield2
  6. (criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense2
    • he was arrested on a charge of larceny2
  7. an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence2
    • the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving2
  8. a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something2
    • the judge's charge to the jury2
  9. request for payment of a debt2
    • they submitted their charges at the end of each month2
  10. the swift release of a store of affective force2
  11. (psychoanalysis) the libidinal energy invested in some idea or person or object2
    • Freud thought of cathexis as a psychic analog of an electrical charge2
  12. a person committed to your care2
    • the teacher led her charges across the street2
  13. the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons2
    • the battery needed a fresh charge2
  14. the price charged for some article or service2
    • the admission charge2
  15. financial liabilities (such as a tax)2
    • the charges against the estate2
  16. saturate2
    • The room was charged with tension and anxiety2
  17. energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge2
    • I need to charge my car battery2
  18. cause formation of a net electrical charge in or on2
    • charge a conductor2
  19. set or ask for a certain price2
    • How much do you charge for lunch?2
    • This fellow charges $100 for a massage2
  20. attribute responsibility to2
    • The tragedy was charged to her inexperience2
  21. instruct or command with authority2
    • The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem2
  22. instruct (a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence2
  23. impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to2
    • He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend2
  24. blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against2
    • he charged the director with indifference2
  25. make an accusatory claim2
    • The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased2
  26. file a formal charge against2
    • The suspect was charged with murdering his wife2
  27. to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle2
    • he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork2
  28. direct into a position for use2
    • He charged his weapon at me2
  29. fill or load to capacity2
    • charge the wagon with hay2
  30. provide (a device) with something necessary2
  31. place a heraldic bearing on2
    • charge all weapons, shields, and banners2
  32. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused2
    • The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks2
  33. lie down on command, of hunting dogs2
  34. move quickly and violently2
    • He came charging into my office2
  35. pay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt2
    • Will you pay cash or charge the purchase?2
  36. demand payment2
    • Will I get charged for this service?2
  37. enter a certain amount as a charge2
    • he charged me $152
  38. give over to another for care or safekeeping2
  39. cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution2
  40. assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to2
    • She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance2
  41. The incidental cost of product acquisition or product delivery.1

Wiktionary Translations for charge:

  1. cricket: to take a few steps down the pitch towards the bowler as he delivers the ball
  2. to move forward forcefully
  3. to cause to take on an electric charge
  4. to formally accuse of a crime
  5. to assign a debit to an account
  6. to pay on account
  7. to load equipment with material required for its use
  8. to place a burden upon, to assign a duty
  9. to assign a duty to
  1. load or burden
  2. amount of money levied for a service
  3. instruction
  4. ground attack
  5. accusation
  6. electric charge
  7. measured amount of powder and/or shot
  1. action en justice par laquelle on accuser quelqu’un.
  2. attaque pour emporter de vif force une ville, une place de guerre, une position, etc.
  3. ce dont on est chargé : magistrature, poste
  4. lourde attaque contre un ennemi
  5. accusation formulée par le juge d’instruction ou le procureur.
  6. mandat, charge que l’on donner à quelqu’un de faire quelque chose.
  7. L’argent qu’on employer à quelque chose que ce pouvoir être.
  8. Coût, déboursement, charge
  9. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  10. action de sortir.
  1. garnir d’une charge.
  2. garnir d’un fond.
  3. accuser quelqu’un d’une faute.
  4. physique|fr provoquer la formation de l’électricité positif et de l’électricité négatif.

Cross Translation:
charge cargaison; chargement; charge vracht — de lading van een vervoermiddel
charge contravention; amende; procès-verbal proces-verbaal — bekeuring
charge charge lading — opeengehoopte elektriciteit
charge couter; coûter kosten — voor een bepaalde prijs te koop zijn
charge élever; percevoir; lever heffen — (overgankelijk) op opwaartse richting doen bewegen
charge incrimination; attaque; accusation beschuldiging — het aangeven dat iemand iets moreel of gerechtelijk verkeerds heeft gedaan
charge charge aanklacht — bij de rechtbank ingediende beschuldiging of klacht
charge charge Aufladungallgemein: aufladen von Gegenständen auf einen LKW oder Anhänger
charge lot ChargeHandel, Prozesstechnik, Fertigungstechnik: ein Teilbestand an Produkten, die in einem Produktionsgang gefertigt worden sind und damit identische Merkmale in Bezug auf den Fertigungszeitpunkt und die Produktqualität aufweisen
charge charge LadungMilitär: definierte Menge an Munition oder Sprengstoff
charge charge LadungPhysik, Elektrotechnik: die Eigenschaft von Teilchen oder Objekten, mit einem elektromagnetischen Feld in Wechselwirkung zu treten
charge accuser anklagenRecht: gegen jemanden Anklage erheben
charge facturer berechnen — für etwas eine Bezahlung fordern, etwas in Rechnung stellen
charge prélever erhebentransitiv: Anspruch auf ein Recht geltend machen
charge accusation Anschuldigung — Vorwurf einer Schuld

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for chargé