French to English: more detail...
ramassé à la main:
ramassé à la main → handpicked
Detailed Translations for ramassé à la main from French to English
ramassé à la main: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- ramasser: fetch; collect; pick up; take; take away; take along; come round for; receive; accept; save; glean; horde; gather together; gather; sweep together; scrape together
- ramassé: picked up; squat; stocky; thick-set
- avoir: own; have; possess; deceive; cheat; swindle; hoodwink; diddle; woodwink; assets; property; balance; possessions; ability; capability; capacity; quality; credit note
- à: for; towards; of; from; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; against; on it; on that
- ça: the; it
- la: the
- là: there; over there; that way; at that place; to; on; upon; at; in; up
- Main: Pan
- main: hand; paw; palm
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Wiktionary Translations for ramassé à la main:
ramassé à la main
selected with great care
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Related Translations for ramassé à la main
Detailed Translations for ramassé à la main from English to French
ramassé à la main: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- ram: enfoncer; enfoncer des pilotis; fouler; damer; pilonner; tasser le sol; plomber la terre; dame; demoiselle; hie; mouton de sonnette; mouton de choc
- ass: queue; cul; derrière; fesse; postérieur; âne; bourrique; fou; imbécile; aliéné; écervelé; toqué; handicapé mental
- RAM: mémoire vive; RAM
- a: un; tout seul; un type à part; un drôle de bonhomme
- la: tiroir; petit tiroir
- main: plus important
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