French to English: more detail...
- groin:
- Wiktionary:
English to French: more detail...
- groin:
- groin → aine
- groin → aine, épi, région de l’aine, région inguinale
Detailed Translations for groin from French to English
le groin (bec; museau; gueule)
le groin
the pig's snout
Translation Matrix for groin:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
boldness | bec; groin; gueule; museau | aplomb; assurance; audace; brutalité; calvitie; courage; cran; culot; effronterie; franc-parler; franchise; grossièreté; hardiesse; impertinence; insolence; intrépidité; trop grande familiarité; témérité |
cheekiness | bec; groin; gueule; museau | |
forwardness | bec; groin; gueule; museau | audace; impertinence; impudence; insolence |
impudence | bec; groin; gueule; museau | assurance; audace; brutalité; effronterie; grossièreté; impertinence; impudence; indiscrétion; insolence; trop grande familiarité |
nerve | bec; groin; gueule; museau | audace; bravoure; courage; cran; culot; grain; hardiesse; nerf; nervure; témérité; veine |
pig's snout | groin | |
sauciness | bec; groin; gueule; museau |
Synonyms for "groin":
Detailed Translations for groin from English to French
Translation Matrix for groin:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
aine | groin | |
croix | balls; crotch; groin | DAGGER; cross; crosses; crupper; dagger; shape of a cross; sign of the cross |
croupion | balls; crotch; groin | backside; rump; tailpiece |
- | breakwater; bulwark; groyne; inguen; jetty; mole; seawall | |
Other | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | bank revetment; pitching; stone pitching |
Related Words for "groin":
Synonyms for "groin":
Related Definitions for "groin":
Wiktionary Translations for groin:
Cross Translation:
long narrow depression of the human body that separates the trunk from the legs
- groin → aine
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• groin | → aine | ↔ lies — anatomie|nld gedeelte van de buikstreek die met de liesplooi de grens vormt tussen onderlichaam en dij |
• groin | → épi | ↔ Buhne — im rechten Winkel zum Strandverlauf in das Meer vorgebautes oder quer zum Ufer eines Flusses errichtetes wand- oder dammartiges Bauwerk |
• groin | → région de l’aine; région inguinale | ↔ Leistengegend — Anatomie: Bereich (Gegend), der um die Leisten gelegen ist |