Detailed Translations for marqueter from French to English
marqueter: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- marque: trademark; brand name; name; brand; seal; impress; hallmark; stamp; imprint; distinctive mark; distinguishing mark; logo; mark; sign; signal; identification mark; identifying mark; feature; characteristic; quality; characterization; character profile; character description; characterisation; attribute; property; trait; licence plate; number plate; registration number; licence number; evidence; gesture; proof; token; body of evidence; piece of evidence; characterizing someone; order; honour; honor; badge; decoration; medal; welt; weal; knighthood
- ter: three times
- marqué: stamped; post-paid; carved; scored
- marquer: brand; burn; stigmatize; stigmatise; check; mark; tick; define; outline; fence; demarcate; map out; mark out; fence off; trace out; fence in; clearly define; tick off; be in contrast with; depict; tag; secure; attach; describe; connect; flag; characterize; marking; fasten; affix; attach to; leave one's mark on; characterise; put one's stamp on
- ôter: extricate; lift out; take off; undress; disrobe; remove one's clothes; take; collar; pinch; empty; snatch; steal; rob; nick; swipe; snitch; take away; pilfer; expropriate; pull out; clear out; purloin; filch; cadge; make off with; go thieving; take out