
Detailed Translations for combiné from French to English


combine [la ~] nomen

  1. la combine (truc; habileté; adresse)
    the lure; the dodge; the ruse

Translation Matrix for combine:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
dodge adresse; combine; habileté; truc finesse; habileté; ingéniosité; intelligence
lure adresse; combine; habileté; truc amorce; appât; attraction; attrait; charme; enchantement; ensorcellement; envoûtement; leurre; pâture; ravissement; séduction; tentation
ruse adresse; combine; habileté; truc astuce; ruse
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
dodge berner; duper; escroquer; rouler; soutirer; tromper
lure allecher dehors; attirer dehoors

Synonyms for "combine":

Wiktionary Translations for combine:

  1. secret, devious plan

Cross Translation:
combine trick Mascheumgangssprachlich: Art und Weise, in der jemand (in einer bestimmten Situation) unlauter handelt, vorgeht
combine trick Schmuumgangssprachlich: etwas nicht ganz Korrektes; verhältnismäßig harmlose Schwindelei; leichter, kleiner Betrug


combiné [le ~] nomen

  1. le combiné (combinaison; composé)
    the reagent; the test; the touchstone; the combination; the criterion
  2. le combiné
    the handset
    – The part of a telephone that includes a speaker and a voice transmitter and that you hold with your hand up to your ear. 1

Translation Matrix for combiné:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
combination combinaison; combiné; composé accouplement; assemblage; combinaison; connexion; ensemble; jonction; liaison; raccord; relation; réunion
criterion combinaison; combiné; composé condition; critère; demande; exigence; indicateur; mesure; norme; stipulation
handset combiné téléphone
reagent combinaison; combiné; composé critère; indicateur; mesure; norme
test combinaison; combiné; composé calvaire; châtiment; composition; contrôle; critère; enquête; essai; examen; exploration; expériment; indicateur; interrogation écrite; mesure; norme; recherche; test; tourment; vérification; épreuve; épreuve d'ordinateur; épreuve écrite; étude
touchstone combinaison; combiné; composé critère; indicateur; mesure; norme
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
test contrôler; demander; déguster; enquêter; essayer; examiner; exiger; expérimenter; faire passer un examen; faire subir un examen; faire subir un test; faire une inspection de; goûter; inspecter; interroger; mettre à l'essai; mettre à l'épreuve; passer en revue; prier; requérir; solliciter; soumettre à un test; soumettre à une inspection; supplier; tester; vérifier; éprouver

Synonyms for "combiné":

Wiktionary Translations for combiné:

  1. the part of a telephone containing both receiver and transmitter, held in the hand
  2. underwear


Synonyms for "combinée":

Wiktionary Translations for combinée:

  1. united


combiner verb (combine, combines, combinons, combinez, )

  1. combiner (faire une combinaison; réunir; joindre ensemble)
    to combine; to join; to unite
    • combine verb (combines, combined, combining)
    • join verb (joins, joined, joining)
    • unite verb (unites, united, uniting)
  2. combiner
    to combine
    – To join two or more paths in various ways depending on the combine option chosen. 1
    • combine verb (combines, combined, combining)

Conjugations for combiner:

  1. combine
  2. combines
  3. combine
  4. combinons
  5. combinez
  6. combinent
  1. combinais
  2. combinais
  3. combinait
  4. combinions
  5. combiniez
  6. combinaient
passé simple
  1. combinai
  2. combinas
  3. combina
  4. combinâmes
  5. combinâtes
  6. combinèrent
futur simple
  1. combinerai
  2. combineras
  3. combinera
  4. combinerons
  5. combinerez
  6. combineront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je combine
  2. que tu combines
  3. qu'il combine
  4. que nous combinions
  5. que vous combiniez
  6. qu'ils combinent
conditionnel présent
  1. combinerais
  2. combinerais
  3. combinerait
  4. combinerions
  5. combineriez
  6. combineraient
passé composé
  1. ai combiné
  2. as combiné
  3. a combiné
  4. avons combiné
  5. avez combiné
  6. ont combiné
  1. combine!
  2. combinez!
  3. combinons!
  4. combiné
  5. combinant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for combiner:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
combine moissonneuse; moissonneuse-batteuse
join jointure; jonction
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
combine combiner; faire une combinaison; joindre ensemble; réunir accoupler; attacher; attacher ensemble; enchaîner; grouper; joindre; joindre ensemble; lier; mettre ensemble; regrouper; réunir; réunir en accouplant; unir
join combiner; faire une combinaison; joindre ensemble; réunir adhérer; adjoindre; ajouter; attacher; attirer dans un piège; brancher; brancher sur; braser; bâillonner; concentrer; connecter; correspondre; coudre; empatter; enchaîner; ficeler; fixer; garrotter; inclure; insérer; inviter quelqu'un à prendre part à une conversation; joindre; lier; ligoter; nouer; participer; piéger; prendre l'idée; prendre part à; raccorder à; rassembler; relier; relier à; réunir; s'affilier à; s'associer; s'unir; se joindre; se joindre à; se mêler; se rassembler; se réunir; serrer les rangs; souder; tendre un piège à; unir
unite combiner; faire une combinaison; joindre ensemble; réunir accoupler; adjoindre; ajouter; attacher; attacher ensemble; brancher; brancher sur; concentrer; confluer; connecter; correspondre; grouper; joindre; joindre ensemble; raccorder à; rassembler; relier à; réunir; réunir en accouplant; se joindre à; serrer les rangs; unir
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
join aussi; avec; cependant; encore; néanmoins; pourtant; toutefois; également

Synonyms for "combiner":

Wiktionary Translations for combiner:

  1. assembler deux choses
  1. make a successful pairing
  2. To form by an exercise of ingenuity; to devise; to plan; to scheme; to plot
  3. bring two or more things or activities together

Cross Translation:
combiner combine combineren — door elkaar doen
combiner combine verknüpfenverbinden

External Machine Translations:


Detailed Translations for combiné from English to French


to combine verb (combines, combined, combining)

  1. to combine (join; unite)
    combiner; faire une combinaison; réunir; joindre ensemble
    • combiner verb (combine, combines, combinons, combinez, )
    • réunir verb (réunis, réunit, réunissons, réunissez, )
  2. to combine (join; connect; attach)
    joindre; lier; enchaîner
    • joindre verb (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
    • lier verb (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • enchaîner verb (enchaîne, enchaînes, enchaînons, enchaînez, )
  3. to combine (join together; merge; unite; )
    joindre ensemble; joindre; unir; grouper; réunir
    • joindre verb (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
    • unir verb (unis, unit, unissons, unissez, )
    • grouper verb (groupe, groupes, groupons, groupez, )
    • réunir verb (réunis, réunit, réunissons, réunissez, )
  4. to combine (couple; connect; link; unite)
    attacher; joindre; accoupler; réunir en accouplant; attacher ensemble
    • attacher verb (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • joindre verb (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
    • accoupler verb (accouple, accouples, accouplons, accouplez, )
  5. to combine (put together; add; mix; bind)
  6. to combine
    – To join two or more paths in various ways depending on the combine option chosen. 1
    • combiner verb (combine, combines, combinons, combinez, )
  7. to combine
    – To group together multiple windows of the same application under a single button on the taskbar’s taskband. 1

Conjugations for combine:

  1. combine
  2. combine
  3. combines
  4. combine
  5. combine
  6. combine
simple past
  1. combined
  2. combined
  3. combined
  4. combined
  5. combined
  6. combined
present perfect
  1. have combined
  2. have combined
  3. has combined
  4. have combined
  5. have combined
  6. have combined
past continuous
  1. was combining
  2. were combining
  3. was combining
  4. were combining
  5. were combining
  6. were combining
  1. shall combine
  2. will combine
  3. will combine
  4. shall combine
  5. will combine
  6. will combine
continuous present
  1. am combining
  2. are combining
  3. is combining
  4. are combining
  5. are combining
  6. are combining
  1. be combined
  2. be combined
  3. be combined
  4. be combined
  5. be combined
  6. be combined
  1. combine!
  2. let's combine!
  3. combined
  4. combining
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

combine [the ~] nomen

  1. the combine (harvester)

Translation Matrix for combine:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
joindre welding
joindre ensemble joining together; uniting
moissonneuse combine; harvester cutter; lawn-mower
moissonneuse-batteuse combine; harvester
- cartel; combining; corporate trust; trust
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
accoupler combine; connect; couple; link; unite
attacher combine; connect; couple; link; unite adhere; affix; attach; attach to; bind; bind fast; bind round; bind together; bind up; binding; bookbinding; buckle; burn; button; button up; cake on; cant; cling; confirm; connect; couple; crust; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; glue; glue together; gum; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; join; knot; lace; lash; moor; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; patch; pinion; secure; stick; stick to the pan; stick together; strap; string; suture; tack up; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up
attacher ensemble combine; connect; couple; link; unite attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up
combiner combine; join; unite
enchaîner attach; combine; connect; join apprehend; arrange; arrest; assort; attach; captivate; chain; clamp; connect; couple; detain; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fetter; group; handcuff; hijack; hold; imprison; intrigue; kidnap; link; link up; make a match; pander; pick up; seize; select; shackle; shunt; sift; sort out; tie
faire une combinaison combine; join; unite
grouper bridge; combine; connect; join together; link; merge; unite card-index; classify; collect; gather; group; systematise; systematize
joindre attach; bridge; combine; connect; couple; join; join together; link; merge; unite add; add to; add up; append; assemble; attach; bind together; bundle; chain; conform; connect; count in; couple; enchain; follow; forgather; fuse; fuze; gather; get together; give along with; go together; go with; include; join; lay next to each other; link; make a match; meet; meet each other; melt together; merge; pander; place beside; put through; see each other; send along with; send with; shackle; unite; visit; weld
joindre ensemble bridge; combine; connect; join; join together; link; merge; unite
lier attach; combine; connect; join affix; attach; attach to; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; binding; bookbinding; bridge; button; button up; captivate; chain; confirm; connect; enchain; enchant; enter; enter into; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; interlink; intrigue; join; knot; lash; link; moor; pinion; secure; shackle; tie; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
mettre ensemble add; bind; combine; mix; put together lay next to each other; place beside; place next to each other; place together; put together
regrouper combine bundle; group; roll up
réunir bridge; combine; connect; join; join together; link; merge; unite accumulate; amass; assemble; bring together; collect; conform; follow; forgather; fuse; fuze; gather; get together; go together; go with; join; meet; meet each other; melt together; merge; reunite; see each other; unite; visit
réunir en accouplant combine; connect; couple; link; unite
unir bridge; combine; connect; join together; link; merge; unite assemble; attach; bring together; bundle; conciliate; connect; couple; gather; join; link; make a match; make up with; pander; reconcile; reconcile with; unite
- aggregate; compound; unite

Related Words for "combine":

  • recombine, combining, combined, combines

Synonyms for "combine":

Related Definitions for "combine":

  1. harvester that heads and threshes and cleans grain while moving across the field2
  2. an occurrence that results in things being united2
  3. a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service2
  4. put or add together2
    • combine resources2
  5. gather in a mass, sum, or whole2
  6. combine so as to form a whole; mix2
  7. add together from different sources2
    • combine resources2
  8. join for a common purpose or in a common action2
    • These forces combined with others2
  9. have or possess in combination2
  10. To join two or more paths in various ways depending on the combine option chosen.1
  11. To group together multiple windows of the same application under a single button on the taskbar’s taskband.1

Wiktionary Translations for combine:

  1. bring two or more things or activities together
  1. joindre deux choses ensemble.
  2. mettre ensemble.
  3. assembler deux choses
  4. approcher deux choses l’une contre l’autre, en sorte qu’elles se toucher ou qu’elles se tenir.
  1. Dans l'ancienne Union Soviétique, groupement d'installations industrielles implantées dans une même région et dont les activités sont complémentaires.
  2. machine agricole destinée à la récolte au champ des grains (blé, orge, escourgeon, maïs…) ou des graines (pois sec, colza, tournesol…), qui remplit les deux fonctions de moissonner, puis de battre la récolte, et de séparer les grains et graine

Cross Translation:
combine groupe Konzern — Zusammenschluss von mehreren selbstständigen Unternehmen unter einer einheitlichen wirtschaftlichen Führung mit dem Zweck der Kostenersparnis
combine moissonneuse batteuse Mähdrescher — Maschine zur Ernte von Getreide, Mais und anderen Körnerfrüchten
combine allier; amalgamer verbindensich verbinden (reflexiv): reflexiv: sich vereinigen (für Dinge oder Personen), chemisch auch: zusammenkommen, mischen (Stoffe)
combine combiner verknüpfenverbinden
combine combiner combineren — door elkaar doen

External Machine Translations: