
Detailed Translations for con from French to English


con [le ~] nomen

  1. le con (tirelire; chatte)
    the cunt
    • cunt [the ~] nomen !
  2. le con (zizi; pénis; membre viril; bitte; poteau)
    the willie; the penis; the dick; the cock; the rod; the prick; the sod
  3. le con (canaille; chien; salopard; )
    the scoundrel; the dickhead; the piece of shit; the shithead
    the asshole
    – vulgar slang for anus 1
    the prick
    – obscene terms for penis 1
    the bastard
    – the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents 1
    the shit
    – obscene words for unacceptable behavior 1
    • shit [the ~] nomen !
  4. le con (conasse; canaille; fils de garce; )
    the scoundrel; the cunt; the scamp; the bastard; the cad
  5. le con (propre à rien; fainéant; casse-cul; )
    the slacker; the good-for-nothing; the yellowbelly; the slowpoke; the loiterer; the lazybones; the sluggard; the snail; the slowcoach; the wretch; the wretched fellow
  6. le con (salaud; fripouille; crapule; )
    the sly dog; the stinker; the scoundrel; the skunk; the screw; the rascal; the cur
  7. le con (andouille; salopard)
    the asshole; the shithead; the jerk; the bastard
  8. le con (emmerdeur; connard; casse-cul; )
    the creep; the wretch; the nasty piece of work; the wretched fellow; the pain in the ass; the pain in the neck; the scoundrel; the rotter
  9. le con (salaud; enfoiré; enculé; )
    the pain in the neck; the blighter; the bastard; the scoundrel; the rotter; the louse
  10. le con (salopard; rustre)
    the shithead; the jerk

con adj

  1. con

Translation Matrix for con:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
asshole andouille; canaille; chien; con; crapule; méchant; salaud; salop; salopard andouille; casse-cul; connard; coquin; idiot; imbécile; plouc; péquenot
bastard andouille; canaille; chien; con; conasse; connaud; couillon; crapule; enculé; enfoiré; fils de garce; idiot; mufle; méchant; raté; salaud; saligaud; salop; salopard; vache bandit; brigand; bâtard; canaille; casse-cul; charogne; coquin; crapule; criminel; délinquant; emmerdeur; enfant illégitime; fripon; fripouille; garnement; gredin; jeune délinquant; lourdaud; malfrat; mauvais garnement; misérable; polisson; polissonne; sacripant; sale type; scélérat; truand; vaurien; voyou
blighter con; connaud; couillon; enculé; enfoiré; salaud; saligaud peste
cad canaille; con; conasse; crapule; fils de garce; idiot; mufle; raté; vache bandit; brigand; canaille; coquin; crapule; criminel; délinquant; fripon; fripouille; garnement; gredin; jeune délinquant; malfrat; mauvais garnement; polisson; polissonne; sacripant; scélérat; truand; vaurien; voyou
cock bitte; con; membre viril; poteau; pénis; zizi coq; détente; gâchette; robinet
creep canaille; casse-cul; con; connard; coquin; emmerdeur; misérable; pus; triste sire affreux bonhomme; casse-cul; casse-pieds; emmerdeur; horreur; rabâcheur; radoteur; sale type; type inquiétant; type répugnant
cunt canaille; chatte; con; conasse; crapule; fils de garce; idiot; mufle; raté; tirelire; vache
cur brigand; canaille; cochon; con; crapule; fripouille; gredin; misérable; salaud animal; brigand; canaille; cochon; coquin; crapule; faux jeton; fripon; fripouille; gredin; laideron; polisson; salaud; vilain type
dick bitte; con; membre viril; poteau; pénis; zizi
dickhead canaille; chien; con; crapule; méchant; salaud; salop; salopard
good-for-nothing bon à rien; casse-cul; cloche; con; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien bon à rien
jerk andouille; con; rustre; salopard cinglé; clown; dingo; dingue; fada; pitre; schnock; schnoque; zouave
lazybones bon à rien; casse-cul; cloche; con; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien
loiterer bon à rien; casse-cul; cloche; con; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien fainéant; fêtard; lambin; retardataire; tire-au-flanc; traînard
louse con; connaud; couillon; enculé; enfoiré; salaud; saligaud canaille; casse-cul; charogne; coquin; emmerdeur; misérable; pou; sale type
nasty piece of work canaille; casse-cul; con; connard; coquin; emmerdeur; misérable; pus; triste sire canaille; casse-cul; charogne; connard; coquin; emmerdeur; misérable; sale type
pain in the ass canaille; casse-cul; con; connard; coquin; emmerdeur; misérable; pus; triste sire casse-cul; casse-pieds; emmerdeur; rabâcheur; radoteur
pain in the neck canaille; casse-cul; con; connard; connaud; coquin; couillon; emmerdeur; enculé; enfoiré; misérable; pus; salaud; saligaud; triste sire canaille; casse-cul; casse-pieds; charogne; coquin; emmerdeur; gêneur; gêneuse; importun; importune; misérable; rabâcheur; radoteur; sale type
penis bitte; con; membre viril; poteau; pénis; zizi
piece of shit canaille; chien; con; crapule; méchant; salaud; salop; salopard
prick bitte; canaille; chien; con; crapule; membre viril; méchant; poteau; pénis; salaud; salop; salopard; zizi
rascal brigand; canaille; cochon; con; crapule; fripouille; gredin; misérable; salaud animal; bandit; bougres; brigand; canaille; clown; cochon; coquin; crapule; criminel; diablotin; délinquant; espiègle; farceur; faux jeton; fripon; fripouille; gaillard; gamin; garnement; gredin; jeune délinquant; laideron; malappris; malfrat; mauvais garnement; mec; mendiants; misérable; méchant; paillasse; peste; petit brigand; petit vilain; petit voyou; plaisantin; polisson; polissonne; rustre; sacripant; salaud; scélérat; truand; vaurien; vilain; vilain type; voyou
rod bitte; con; membre viril; poteau; pénis; zizi baguette; barre; barreau; bâton; lingot; rai; rayon; tige; tringle; verges
rotter canaille; casse-cul; con; connard; connaud; coquin; couillon; emmerdeur; enculé; enfoiré; misérable; pus; salaud; saligaud; triste sire canaille; casse-cul; charogne; connard; coquin; emmerdeur; misérable; sale type
scamp canaille; con; conasse; crapule; fils de garce; idiot; mufle; raté; vache coquin; espiègle; garnement; mec; petit brigand; polisson; vilain
scoundrel brigand; canaille; casse-cul; chien; cochon; con; conasse; connard; connaud; coquin; couillon; crapule; emmerdeur; enculé; enfoiré; fils de garce; fripouille; gredin; idiot; misérable; mufle; méchant; pus; raté; salaud; saligaud; salop; salopard; triste sire; vache animal; bandit; blanc-bec; brigand; canaille; casse-cul; charogne; cochon; connard; coquin; crapule; criminel; délinquant; emmerdeur; espiègle; faux jeton; fripon; fripouille; galopin; gamin; garnement; gredin; jeune délinquant; laideron; malfrat; mauvais garnement; misérable; polisson; polissonne; sacripant; salaud; sale type; scélérat; truand; vaurien; vilain type; voyou
screw brigand; canaille; cochon; con; crapule; fripouille; gredin; misérable; salaud entasseur; entasseur d'argent; faux jeton; hélice; vis; vrille; étau
shit canaille; chien; con; crapule; méchant; salaud; salop; salopard caca; crotte; excréments; fiente; fumier; matières fécales; merde; étron
shithead andouille; canaille; chien; con; crapule; méchant; rustre; salaud; salop; salopard froussard
skunk brigand; canaille; cochon; con; crapule; fripouille; gredin; misérable; salaud clochard; cochon; immondices; moufette; ordure; polisson; vaurien
slacker bon à rien; casse-cul; cloche; con; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien abruti; cloche; fainéant; fêtard; misérable; nouille; paresseux; tire-au-flanc; traînard
slowcoach bon à rien; casse-cul; cloche; con; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien bavard; bavardeur; causeur; commère; concierge; jacasseur; lambin; lambine; personne qui parle dans le vide; pipelette; rabâcheur; radoteur; retardataire; tire-au-flanc; traînard; traînarde
slowpoke bon à rien; casse-cul; cloche; con; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien lambin; retardataire; tire-au-flanc; traînard
sluggard bon à rien; casse-cul; cloche; con; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien abruti; cloche; fainéant; fêtard; misérable; nouille; paresseux
sly dog brigand; canaille; cochon; con; crapule; fripouille; gredin; misérable; salaud fin renard; malin; renard rusé
snail bon à rien; casse-cul; cloche; con; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien escargot; lambin; retardataire; tire-au-flanc; traînard
sod bitte; con; membre viril; poteau; pénis; zizi gazon; motte; motte de gazon
stinker brigand; canaille; cochon; con; crapule; fripouille; gredin; misérable; salaud
stupid abruti; bêta; crétin; gros bêta; gros malin; idiot; imbécile; niais; nigaud; noix; nouille; pauvre diable; sot; tête d'oeuf; tête de veau; âne
willie bitte; con; membre viril; poteau; pénis; zizi
wretch bon à rien; canaille; casse-cul; cloche; con; connard; coquin; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien; pus; triste sire canaille; casse-cul; charogne; clochard; connard; coquin; emmerdeur; malheureux; mendiant; misérable; pauvre diable; pauvre type; sale type
wretched fellow bon à rien; canaille; casse-cul; cloche; con; connard; coquin; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien; pus; triste sire canaille; casse-cul; charogne; connard; coquin; emmerdeur; misérable; sale type
yellowbelly bon à rien; casse-cul; cloche; con; emmerdeur; fainéant; lambin; misérable; musard; nouille; paresseux; propre à rien casse-cul; casse-pieds; emmerdeur; rabâcheur; radoteur
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
creep ramper
prick ouvrir; percer; piquer; piquer dans; épingler
screw avoir des rapports sexuelles; baiser; grimper; resserrer; s'accoupler; sauter; serrer; serrer la vis; visser
shit chier; crotter
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
good-for-nothing inutile
stupid con absurde; arriéré; attardé; bariolé; brumeux; bête; cinglé; d'une manière imbécile; de façon irrationnelle; demeuré; dingue; débile; dégénéré; délirant; dément; déraisonnable; dérangé; effréné; farfelu; folle; follement; fou; frénétique; idiot; idiotement; imbécile; imprudent; insensé; loufoque; perturbé; sans intelligence; sot; sotte; sottement; stupide; toqué; troublé; état obtus
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
shit merde; merdeux; nom de Dieu; putain

Wiktionary Translations for con:

  1. à trier
  2. À classer
  1. silly or foolish person
  2. a term of abuse
  3. unlikable person
  4. a very stupid person
  5. slang: jerk, idiot
  6. slang: a stupid person
  7. unpleasant or objectionable person
  8. genitalia
  9. inconsiderate or mean spirited person
  10. vulgar slang, vagina
  11. idiot

Cross Translation:
con pussy; twat; cunt Fotzevulgär: weibliches Geschlechtsorgan (Vulva)
con cunt Mösederb: äußere Geschlechtsorgane der Frau
con fool; idiot Trottelbeleidigend: ein nicht sehr kluger oder nur wenig gebildeter, einfältiger Mensch
con stupid dumm — schwach an Verstand, ohne Intelligenz, ohne Können, unwissend

External Machine Translations:


Detailed Translations for con from English to French


con [the ~] nomen

  1. the con (fraud; swindle; deceit; frauds; deception)
    l'escroquerie; l'imposture; la tromperie; la filouterie; la malversation; le bluff; l'attrape-nigaud; la mystification; le soulèvements; le piège grossier
  2. the con (skulduggery; varnishing; swindle; diddle; skullduggery)
    la tromperie

to con verb (cons, conned, conning)

  1. to con (cheat; swindle)
    tromper; rouler; escroquer; estamper
    • tromper verb (trompe, trompes, trompons, trompez, )
    • rouler verb (roule, roules, roulons, roulez, )
    • escroquer verb (escroque, escroques, escroquons, escroquez, )
    • estamper verb (estampe, estampes, estampons, estampez, )

Conjugations for con:

  1. con
  2. con
  3. cons
  4. con
  5. con
  6. con
simple past
  1. conned
  2. conned
  3. conned
  4. conned
  5. conned
  6. conned
present perfect
  1. have conned
  2. have conned
  3. has conned
  4. have conned
  5. have conned
  6. have conned
past continuous
  1. was conning
  2. were conning
  3. was conning
  4. were conning
  5. were conning
  6. were conning
  1. shall con
  2. will con
  3. will con
  4. shall con
  5. will con
  6. will con
continuous present
  1. am conning
  2. are conning
  3. is conning
  4. are conning
  5. are conning
  6. are conning
  1. be conned
  2. be conned
  3. be conned
  4. be conned
  5. be conned
  6. be conned
  1. con!
  2. let's con!
  3. conned
  4. conning
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for con:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
attrape-nigaud con; deceit; deception; fraud; frauds; swindle swindle
bluff con; deceit; deception; fraud; frauds; swindle bluffing; boast; boasting; bold; brag; bragging; bravado; bravura; swank; tall talk; tub-thumping
escroquerie con; deceit; deception; fraud; frauds; swindle cadging; cajolery; cheating; coaxing; corruption; corruptions; deceit; deception; defalcation; diddling; double-cross; embezzlement; falsehood; falseness; falsity; fencing; fooling; fraud; illegitimacy; lie; malversation; malversations; mess; obtaining by begging; pinching; spuriousness; swindle; swindling; untruth; wheedling
filouterie con; deceit; deception; fraud; frauds; swindle cheating; deceit; deception; double-cross; fraud; swindling
imposture con; deceit; deception; fraud; frauds; swindle cheating; deceit; deception; double-cross; fraud; swindling
malversation con; deceit; deception; fraud; frauds; swindle cheating; corruption; corruptions; defalcation; embezzlement; fencing; fraud; malversation; malversations; swindle; swindling
mystification con; deceit; deception; fraud; frauds; swindle cheating; deceit; deception; double-cross; fraud; swindling
piège grossier con; deceit; deception; fraud; frauds; swindle cheating; fraud; mess; swindle; swindling
soulèvements con; deceit; deception; fraud; frauds; swindle
tromperie con; deceit; deception; diddle; fraud; frauds; skulduggery; skullduggery; swindle; varnishing cheating; deceit; deception; double-cross; falsehood; falseness; falsity; fooling; fraud; illegitimacy; lie; misleading of the people; spuriousness; swindling; trickery; untruth
- convict; inmate; yard bird; yardbird
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
escroquer cheat; con; swindle cadge; cheat; clearly define; deceive; define; demarcate; diddle; dodge; fence; fence in; fence off; fool; gull; hoodwink; lie; map out; mark out; mooch; obtain by begging; outline; spoof; swindle; trace out; trick; woodwink
estamper cheat; con; swindle leave one's mark on; put one's stamp on
rouler cheat; con; swindle badger; cheat; debark; dodge; fleece; fool; graze; gull; hoax; hoodwink; lie; revolve; roll; roll away; roll up; rotate; skin; spoof; strip; swindle; swing around; taxi; tease; trick; turn; turn up; twist; vex; whirl
tromper cheat; con; swindle badger; be unfaithful; betray; cheat; clearly define; commit adultery; confound; counterfeit; deceive; define; demarcate; diddle; disappoint; dodge; embarras; falsify; fence; fence in; fence off; fool; forge; gull; hoax; hoodwink; imitate; lie; map out; mark out; outline; spoof; stray; swindle; tease; trace out; trick; vex; woodwink
- learn; memorise; memorize

Related Words for "con":

  • coning, cons

Synonyms for "con":

Antonyms for "con":

Related Definitions for "con":

  1. in opposition to a proposition, opinion, etc.1
    • much was written pro and con1
  2. an argument opposed to a proposal1
  3. a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison1
  4. commit to memory; learn by heart1

Wiktionary Translations for con:

  1. to trick or defraud, usually for personal gain
  1. a fraud
  2. disadvantage of something
  1. (familier, fr) propos ou façon d’agir d’un charlatan.
  2. action d’escroquer.
  1. abuser de la confiance de quelqu’un.

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for con