
Detailed Translations for note from French to English


note [la ~] nomen

  1. la note (facture; addition; note de frais; déclaration; mémoire des frais)
    the invoice; the account; the bill
    – an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered 1
    • invoice [the ~] nomen
    • account [the ~] nomen
      • send me an account of what I owe1
    • bill [the ~] nomen
      • he paid his bill and left1
  2. la note (notation; brouillon; petit mot; annotation; griffonnage)
    the annotation; the note; the scribble; the scrawl; the statement; the report; the mentioning
  3. la note (notation; annotation; déclaration; )
    the note; the report
  4. la note (note du bulletin)
    the grade; the mark
  5. la note
    the mark; the grading mark; the grade
  6. la note
    the report mark; the term result; the mark
  7. la note
    the note
    – Text entered by the user that is displayed to contacts. 2
    • note [the ~] nomen
  8. la note (mot; brouillon; égratignure; )
    the note; the scribble; the scrawl; the scribbling; the chit; the slip of paper; the short letter
  9. la note (procès-verbal; notation)
    the report; the statement; the charge
  10. la note (note en bas de page; annotation)
    the annotation; the foot-note
  11. la note (brouillon; griffonnage; gribouillis; petit mot)
    the scribble; the scribbling; the note; the scrawl
  12. la note (mémorandum)
    the memorandum; the reminder
  13. la note (son; ton; sonorité; )
    the intonation; the tone; the sound; the pitch; the timbre; the note; the timber
  14. la note (timbre; son; voix; )
    the timbre; the pitch; the tone; the tone colour; the sound; the intonation; the note; the timber
  15. la note (Note professionnelle)
    the note; the business note
    – An Outlook item that can be attached to a record's history log. Typically a note contains information regarding a conversation with a customer or other people in the company they work for. 2

Translation Matrix for note:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
account addition; déclaration; facture; mémoire des frais; note; note de frais composition; compte; compte Windows Live; compte courant; compte en banque; compte rendu; dissertation; décompte; essai; exposé; mémoire; présentation; rapport; règlement de compte; rédaction
annotation annotation; brouillon; griffonnage; notation; note; note en bas de page; petit mot annotation
bill addition; déclaration; facture; mémoire des frais; note; note de frais affiche; affiche publicitaire; affichette; bec; bec d'oiseau; becs; chèque; enchère; facture; formulation d'une proposition; invitation; mise; motion; offre; pancarte; poster; projet de loi; proposition; proposition de loi; requête; surenchère
business note Note professionnelle; note
charge notation; note; procès-verbal accusation; charge; chargement; doléances; frais; imputation; inculpation; insinuation; plainte; plaintes; réclamation
chit billet; bout de papier; brouillon; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; mot; note; petit billet; petit mot; égratignure
foot-note annotation; note; note en bas de page
grade note; note du bulletin année scolaire; classe; grade; grade scientifique; niveau; rang; titre
grading mark note
intonation accent; musique; note; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix accent; cadence; composition; inflexion de la voix; intonation; ton
invoice addition; déclaration; facture; mémoire des frais; note; note de frais
mark note; note du bulletin but; cible; cible à tir; cicatrice; distinction; insigne; marque; objectif; point de mire; signe; signe d'identification; signe de ralliement; signe distinctif; symptôme
memorandum mémorandum; note capacité de mémoire; mémoire; rappel
mentioning annotation; brouillon; griffonnage; notation; note; petit mot
note Note professionnelle; accent; addition; annotation; billet; bout de papier; brouillon; citation; coupure; déclaration; facture; gribouillis; griffonnage; mention; mention honorable; mot; musique; mémoire des frais; notation; note; note de frais; petit billet; petit mot; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix; égratignure bank-note; billet; billet de banque; certificat; coupure; note de musique; ton
pitch accent; musique; note; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix brai; hauteur tonale; pas; poix; ton; tonée
reminder mémorandum; note avertissement; avis; commémoration; exhortation; moyen mnémotechnique; mémento; mémoire; mémoire honorée; pense-bête; prière instante; rappel; réclamation; sommation
report addition; annotation; brouillon; citation; déclaration; facture; griffonnage; mention; mention honorable; mémoire des frais; notation; note; note de frais; petit mot; procès-verbal annonce; appel; avis; bulletin mensuel; communication; composition; compte rendu; compte-rendu; dissertation; envoi; essai; exposé; feuille mensuelle; hebdomadaire; information; informations; liste; magazine; magazine mensuel; mention; message; mémoire; notice; nouvelle; présentation; publication; périodique; rapport; rapportage; renvoi; reportage; revue; rédaction; éclaircissement
report mark note
scrawl annotation; billet; bout de papier; brouillon; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; mot; notation; note; petit billet; petit mot; égratignure gribouillis; griffonnage; griffure; patte de coq; pattes de mouche; écriture de chat
scribble annotation; billet; bout de papier; brouillon; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; mot; notation; note; petit billet; petit mot; égratignure
scribbling billet; bout de papier; brouillon; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; mot; note; petit billet; petit mot; égratignure gribouillis; griffonnage; griffure
short letter billet; bout de papier; brouillon; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; mot; note; petit billet; petit mot; égratignure
slip of paper billet; bout de papier; brouillon; coupure; gribouillis; griffonnage; mot; note; petit billet; petit mot; égratignure
sound accent; musique; note; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix brouhaha; bruit; chichis; détroit; rumeur; tam-tam; tapage; tumulte; vacarme
statement annotation; brouillon; griffonnage; notation; note; petit mot; procès-verbal affirmation; allégation; annonce; appel; assertion; avis; communication; constatation; dilemme; déclaration; détermination; envoi; expression; faire-part; information; instruction; instruction d'action; liste; locution verbale; mention; message; notice; nouvelle; position; problème; publication; question; registre; relevé; relevé de compte; renvoi; supposition; tableau d'analyse; tâche; tâche scolaire; énumération
term result note
timber accent; musique; note; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix bois; bois de charpente; bois de construction; coloration; coloriage; objets en bois; plantes ligneuses; sous-bois; timbre; timbre sonore
timbre accent; musique; note; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix bois; bois de charpente; bois de construction; coloration; coloriage; objets en bois; plantes ligneuses; sous-bois; timbre; timbre sonore
tone accent; musique; note; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix note de musique; timbre; timbre sonore; ton
tone colour accent; musique; note; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix coloration; coloriage
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bill compter; facturer
charge accuser; accuser de; assigner; charger; commander; compter; consacrer à; dicter; diriger; décréter; dénoncer; dévouer; encaisser; enjoindre; facturer; imputer; incriminer; inculper; inculper de; obliger à; ordonner; prescrire; régir; sommer; soupçonner; suspecter
invoice compter; facturer
mark brûler; caractériser; cocher; distiller; décrire; définir; dépeindre; déterminer; estampiller; incendier; marquer; marquer d'un point; marquer d'un trait; marquer d'une croix; munir de stigmates; peindre; pointer; stigmatiser; timbrer; torréfier; typer
note annoter; consigner; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register
pitch flanquer; lancer
report annoncer; apprendre; cafarder; caractériser; communiquer; conter; couvrir; dire; divulguer quelque chose; déceler; déclarer; décrire; définir; dénoncer; dénoncer quelqu'un; expliquer; faire connaître; faire le compte rendu de; faire part à; faire savoir; informer de; instruire; interpréter; mettre au courant; mettre au courant de; moucharder; parler; prévenir; raconter; rapporter; relater; rendre compte; renseigner; répandre; s'informer de; se renseigner; trahir; écrire
scrawl barbouiller; dessiner; gribouiller; griffonner; patiner maladroitement; scribouiller; tracer
scribble barbouiller; gribouiller; scribouiller; écrire
sound appeler; carillonner; cathétériser; donner un coup de fil; gazouiller; renvoyer; retentir; résonner; résonner dans; réverbérer en echo; se faire entendre; se répercuter; sonder; sonner; tinter; trouver des échos; téléphoner
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
sound bien pesé; charpenté; crédible; de bonne qualité; fiable; fondé; honnête; irrefutable; juste; légitime; médité; mûri; plausible; qui tient debout; raisonnable; raisonnablement; robuste; réfléchi; résistant; solide; solidement; solidement charpenté; solvable; sérieux; vraisemblable
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
scribbling griffonné
timber de bois; en bois; ligneux
timbre de bois; en bois; ligneux

Synonyms for "note":

Wiktionary Translations for note:

  1. Marque que l’on inscrire en quelque endroit d’un livre, d’un écrit.
  1. to record in writing
  1. musical sound
  2. memorandum
  3. academic score
  4. official statement
  5. restaurant bill

Cross Translation:
note note noot(muziek) een geluid van zekere tijdsduur
note message; secret; note KassiberGaunersprache: unerlaubte, heimlich (oft in verschlüsselter Form) geschriebene Mitteilung eines Gefangener, die einem anderen oder Außenstehenden übermittelt wurde
note note Notiz — kurze, stichwortartige Auflistung
note comment; endorsement; memorandum; note; notation; qualifiers Vermerkallgemein: ein kurzer schriftlicher Eintrag, eine Anmerkung oder eine Notiz, die der eigenen Erinnerung, als Hinweis für andere und der Kommunikation mit anderen dient


Synonyms for "noté":


Synonyms for "notée":

  • écrite; consignée; rédigée; transcrite; inscrite; marquée; calligraphiée; griffonnée; exprimée; exposée; composée; libellée

note form of noter:

noter verb (note, notes, notons, notez, )

  1. noter (enregister; register; consigner; )
    to register; to book; to record; to note; to write down; to note down; to inscribe; to list; to enter into
    • register verb (registers, registered, registering)
    • book verb (books, booked, booking)
    • record verb (records, recorded, recording)
    • note verb (notes, noted, noting)
    • write down verb (writes down, wrote down, writing down)
    • note down verb (notes down, noted down, noting down)
    • inscribe verb (inscribes, inscribed, inscribing)
    • list verb (lists, listed, listing)
    • enter into verb (enters into, entered into, entering into)
  2. noter (inscrire; déclarer)
    to write down; to register; to declare; to take down
    • write down verb (writes down, wrote down, writing down)
    • register verb (registers, registered, registering)
    • declare verb (declares, declared, declaring)
    • take down verb (takes down, took down, taking down)
  3. noter (consigner)
    to write down
    • write down verb (writes down, wrote down, writing down)

Conjugations for noter:

  1. note
  2. notes
  3. note
  4. notons
  5. notez
  6. notent
  1. notais
  2. notais
  3. notait
  4. notions
  5. notiez
  6. notaient
passé simple
  1. notai
  2. notas
  3. nota
  4. notâmes
  5. notâtes
  6. notèrent
futur simple
  1. noterai
  2. noteras
  3. notera
  4. noterons
  5. noterez
  6. noteront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je note
  2. que tu notes
  3. qu'il note
  4. que nous notions
  5. que vous notiez
  6. qu'ils notent
conditionnel présent
  1. noterais
  2. noterais
  3. noterait
  4. noterions
  5. noteriez
  6. noteraient
passé composé
  1. ai noté
  2. as noté
  3. a noté
  4. avons noté
  5. avez noté
  6. ont noté
  1. note!
  2. notez!
  3. notons!
  4. noté
  5. notant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for noter:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
book bouquin; livre; livre de poche; petit livre; volume
list bande; gîte; index; liste; liste d'armée; liste des membres; registre; table; tableau; énumération
note Note professionnelle; accent; addition; annotation; bank-note; billet; billet de banque; bout de papier; brouillon; certificat; citation; coupure; déclaration; facture; gribouillis; griffonnage; mention; mention honorable; mot; musique; mémoire des frais; notation; note; note de frais; note de musique; petit billet; petit mot; son; sonorité; teinte; timbre; ton; voix; égratignure
record album; compte-rendu; disque; disque 33-tours; enregistrement; ligne; liste; notation; rapport; record; trente-trois tours
register bureau de l'état civil; cadastre; index; liste des membres; liste électorale; registre; registre électoral; table des matières; état civil
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
book annoter; consigner; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register enregister; enregistrer; inscrire
declare déclarer; inscrire; noter attester; donner; déclarer; faire inscrire; proclamer; témoigner
enter into annoter; consigner; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register commencer; débuter; démarrer; engager; enregistrer; entamer; inscrire; lier; nouer
inscribe annoter; consigner; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register enregister; faire inscrire; graver; imprimer; inscrire; inscrire pour; présenter; s'inscrire; souscrire
list annoter; consigner; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register citer; faire mention de; informer; lister; mentionner; mettre au courant; nommer; énumérer
note annoter; consigner; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register
note down annoter; consigner; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register
record annoter; consigner; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register consigner; coucher par écrit; enregister; enregistrer; mettre par écrit; mettre à l'écrit; mémoriser; retenir
register annoter; consigner; déclarer; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register cadastrer; consigner; coucher par écrit; donner; déclarer; enregister; enregistrer; faire inscrire; faire le registre; indexer; indiquer; inscrire; inscrire pour; mentionner; mettre par écrit; mettre à l'écrit; présenter; s'enrôler; s'inscrire; se faire inscrire; se présenter; souscrire
take down déclarer; inscrire; noter abaisser; abattre; abîmer; anéantir; arracher; bousiller; briser; casser; coucher; couper; descendre; dissocier; dissoudre; décharger; déchirer; décomposer; défaire; démolir; démonter; déposer; détruire; dévaster; faire asseoir; faire du tir; fixer; fracasser; installer; insérer; liquider; mettre; placer; poser; rabaisser; raser; ravager; rompre; rédiger le procès-verbal; s'arracher; s'écrouler; sabrer; se décomposer; se délabrer; se désagréger; se rompre; supprimer; séparer; tirer; tomber en ruine
write down annoter; consigner; déclarer; enregister; indexer; inscrire; noter; register

Synonyms for "noter":

Wiktionary Translations for noter:

  1. marquer d’un trait dans un livre, dans un écrit.
  1. to record in writing
  2. to notice with care
  3. take note of
  4. to notice, detect or discern

Cross Translation:
noter note noteren — aantekeningen maken
noter grade wertenSchule, Sport: Note, Punkte geben
noter mark zensieren — (transitiv) eine Note zu einer Leistung geben

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for note


Detailed Translations for note from English to French


to note verb (notes, noted, noting)

  1. to note (note down; register; book; )
    enregister; register; noter; consigner; inscrire; annoter; indexer
    • enregister verb
    • register verb
    • noter verb (note, notes, notons, notez, )
    • consigner verb (consigne, consignes, consignons, consignez, )
    • inscrire verb (inscris, inscrit, inscrivons, inscrivez, )
    • annoter verb (annote, annotes, annotons, annotez, )
    • indexer verb (indexe, indexes, indexons, indexez, )

Conjugations for note:

  1. note
  2. note
  3. notes
  4. note
  5. note
  6. note
simple past
  1. noted
  2. noted
  3. noted
  4. noted
  5. noted
  6. noted
present perfect
  1. have noted
  2. have noted
  3. has noted
  4. have noted
  5. have noted
  6. have noted
past continuous
  1. was noting
  2. were noting
  3. was noting
  4. were noting
  5. were noting
  6. were noting
  1. shall note
  2. will note
  3. will note
  4. shall note
  5. will note
  6. will note
continuous present
  1. am noting
  2. are noting
  3. is noting
  4. are noting
  5. are noting
  6. are noting
  1. be noted
  2. be noted
  3. be noted
  4. be noted
  5. be noted
  6. be noted
  1. note!
  2. let's note!
  3. noted
  4. noting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

note [the ~] nomen

  1. the note (annotation; scribble; scrawl; )
    la note; le brouillon; le petit mot; la notation; l'annotation; le griffonnage
  2. the note (report)
    la note; la notation; l'annotation; la déclaration; la mention; l'addition; la citation; la mention honorable; la facture; la note de frais; le mémoire des frais
  3. the note (scribble; scrawl; scribbling; )
    la note; le brouillon; l'égratignure; la coupure; le gribouillis; le petit billet; le mot; le billet; le griffonnage; le bout de papier; le petit mot
  4. the note (musical note; tone)
    la note de musique; le ton
  5. the note (certificate)
    le certificat
  6. the note (banknote; paper money; folding money)
    le billet; la coupure; le billet de banque; la bank-note
  7. the note (scribble; scribbling; scrawl)
    la note; le griffonnage; le brouillon; le gribouillis; le petit mot
  8. the note (intonation; timbre; pitch; )
    le son; la voix; le timbre; le ton; la musique; la sonorité; la teinte; la note; l'accent
  9. the note (business note)
    – An Outlook item that can be attached to a record's history log. Typically a note contains information regarding a conversation with a customer or other people in the company they work for. 2
  10. the note
    – Text entered by the user that is displayed to contacts. 2
    la note

Translation Matrix for note:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
accent intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour accent; accent mark; cadence; color; colour; dialect; emphasis; inflection; intonation; modulation; punctation mark indicating the pronunciation; shade; stress mark; tincture; tint; tone of voice; voice
addition note; report account; addendum; adding up; addition; addition sum; addition to; additive; affix; appendage; appendix; bill; chain; coming together; completion; concentration; count; extension; extra; fill up; filling; finishing; footing; invoice; joining up; new supply; padding; replenishment; score; sequence; series; stuffing; sum; supplement; total amount
annotation annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement annotation; announcing; foot-note; giving notice of; marginal comment; marginal note; proclaiming
bank-note banknote; folding money; note; paper money
billet banknote; chit; folding money; note; paper money; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper allegation; entry permit; fare; note of remittance; pass; permit; railway-ticket; receipt; remittance-note; streetcar ticket; ticket; train ticket; tram ticket; travelling ticket
billet de banque banknote; folding money; note; paper money
bout de papier chit; note; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper
brouillon annotation; chit; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; statement botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; crumpled page; crumpled piece of paper; draft; fooling around; hassle; mess up; messing about; messing around; rough book; rough draft; rough draft?; rough work; rough-copy book; scrap paper; shoddy work
certificat certificate; note allegation; award certificate; brevet; certificate; certificate of qualification; charter; declaration; digital certificate; diploma; licence; license; note of remittance; receipt; reference; remittance-note; security certificate
citation note; report call; citation; convocation; quotation; quote; subpoena; summon; summons
coupure banknote; chit; folding money; note; paper money; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper clipping; cut; cutting; gash; groove; incised wound; incision; indentation; interruption; intersection; intrusion; knife wound; nick; notch; piercing; score; section; slash; sliver; wound
déclaration note; report account; announcement; bill; clearance; clearing; comment; declaration; enunciation; expression; expression of opinion; invoice; judgement; letting out; notification; pronunciation; remark; sentence; statement; subpoena; summons; testimony; utterance; verdict
facture note; report account; bill; cash slip; charging; invoice; note of remittance; receipt; sales slip
gribouillis chit; note; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper scratch with the nails; scrawl; scribbling
griffonnage annotation; chit; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; statement draft; rough book; rough draft; rough work; rough-copy book; scratch with the nails; scrawl; scribbling
mention note; report announcement; announcing; giving notice of; message; piece of news; proclaiming; report; statement
mention honorable note; report
mot chit; note; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper speech; word
musique intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour music
mémoire des frais note; report account; bill; invoice
notation annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement charge; notation; quotation; record; report; statement
note annotation; business note; chit; intonation; mentioning; note; pitch; report; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; sound; statement; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour account; annotation; bill; charge; foot-note; grade; grading mark; invoice; mark; memorandum; reminder; report; report mark; statement; term result
note de frais note; report account; bill; bill for expenses; expense report; expense sheet; expenses claim; invoice
note de musique musical note; note; tone musical note
petit billet chit; note; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper
petit mot annotation; chit; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; statement
son intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour backbiting; defamation; gossip; mudslinging; profanity; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; vilification; wheat bran
sonorité intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour sonority
teinte intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour chromatic spectrum; color; colour; hue; range of colouring; shade; tincture; tint
timbre intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour hallmark; horizon; impress; imprint; revenue-stamp; savings stamp; seal; stamp; timber; timbre; tone; tone of voice; trading stamp; voice
ton intonation; musical note; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour cadence; chromatic spectrum; hue; inflection; intonation; key; mode; modulation; pitch; range of colouring; shade; tint; tonality; tone of voice
voix intonation; note; pitch; sound; timber; timbre; tone; tone colour backbiting; defamation; gossip; mudslinging; profanity; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; vilification; voice; vote
égratignure chit; note; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper graze; grazing shot; little scratch; scrape; scratch
- Federal Reserve note; annotation; bank bill; bank note; banker's bill; banknote; bill; billet; distinction; eminence; government note; greenback; line; musical note; notation; note of hand; preeminence; promissory note; short letter; tone
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
annoter book; enter into; inscribe; list; note; note down; record; register; write down annotate
consigner book; enter into; inscribe; list; note; note down; record; register; write down consign; put in writing; record; register; send in consignation; write down
enregister book; enter into; inscribe; list; note; note down; record; register; write down book; enlist; enrol; enroll; enter; give up; hand down; inscribe; record; register; remember; subscribe
indexer book; enter into; inscribe; list; note; note down; record; register; write down index; indexate; register
inscrire book; enter into; inscribe; list; note; note down; record; register; write down book; declare; enlist; enrol; enroll; enter; enter in the land registry; enter into; give up; hand down; inscribe; register; subscribe; survey; take down; write down
noter book; enter into; inscribe; list; note; note down; record; register; write down declare; register; take down; write down
register book; enter into; inscribe; list; note; note down; record; register; write down
- mark; mention; notice; observe; remark; take down; take note
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Note professionnelle business note; note
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- N.B.; please note
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
brouillon bewildered; chaotic; complex; complicated; confused; difficult; diffuse; disconcerted; disordered; flustered; intricate; involved; mentally confused
son her; his; its; one's; whose
ton your

Related Words for "note":

Synonyms for "note":

Antonyms for "note":

Related Definitions for "note":

  1. a characteristic emotional quality1
    • it ended on a sour note1
    • there was a note of gaiety in her manner1
    • he detected a note of sarcasm1
  2. a brief written record1
    • he made a note of the appointment1
  3. a short personal letter1
  4. a comment or instruction (usually added)1
    • his notes were appended at the end of the article1
  5. a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound1
    • the singer held the note too long1
  6. a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling1
    • there was a note of uncertainty in his voice1
  7. a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)1
    • he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes1
  8. a promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time1
    • I had to co-sign his note at the bank1
  9. high status importance owing to marked superiority1
  10. make mention of1
    • They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing1
  11. make a written note of1
    • she noted everything the teacher said that morning1
  12. notice or perceive1
    • She noted that someone was following her1
  13. observe with care or pay close attention to1
    • Take note of this chemical reaction1
  14. Additional information for the customer that should be informative but not essential to the task.2
  15. An Outlook item that can be attached to a record's history log. Typically a note contains information regarding a conversation with a customer or other people in the company they work for.2
  16. Text entered by the user that is displayed to contacts.2

Wiktionary Translations for note:

  1. to record in writing
  2. to notice with care
  1. musical sound
  2. memorandum
  1. Remarquer une chose qui avait échappé d’abord.
  2. (Généralement) Observer en faisant remarquer.
  3. écrire le nom de quelqu’un, ou prendre note, faire mention de quelque chose sur un registre, sur une liste, etc.
  4. marquer d’un trait dans un livre, dans un écrit.
  5. Faire entrer en ligne de compte
  1. Marque que l’on inscrire en quelque endroit d’un livre, d’un écrit.

Cross Translation:
note noter noteren — aantekeningen maken
note note noot(muziek) een geluid van zekere tijdsduur
note remarque BemerkungÄußerung zu einem Thema
note lazagne; biffeton; courte; message; lettre; clandestin; note; clandestine KassiberGaunersprache: unerlaubte, heimlich (oft in verschlüsselter Form) geschriebene Mitteilung eines Gefangener, die einem anderen oder Außenstehenden übermittelt wurde
note note Notiz — kurze, stichwortartige Auflistung
note note; énonciation; mention Vermerkallgemein: ein kurzer schriftlicher Eintrag, eine Anmerkung oder eine Notiz, die der eigenen Erinnerung, als Hinweis für andere und der Kommunikation mit anderen dient
note bout de papier Zettel — ein Blatt Papier, dessen Größe nicht genormt ist, für Notizen und dergleichen
note constater feststellen — etwas behaupten, mitteilen
note constater konstatieren — eine Tatsache feststellen, bemerken

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for note