French to English: more detail...
blanc de peur:
blanc de peur → white as a sheet, white with fear, white as a ghost
Detailed Translations for blanc de peur from French to English
blanc de peur: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- blanc: pale; white; ashen; drained of colour; pallid; white as a sheet; unmarked; plain; crude; unfinished; unvarnished; clear; grey; colourless; grey-headed; colorless; blank; blanc; unwritten; space; recess; fissure; opening; crevice; cranny; washed out; off colour
- de: ever since; off; from; out; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; of; on the side of
- dé: dice
- Peur: Fear
- peur: anxiety; fear; fright; upset; repulsion; consternation; terror; panic; dread; confusion; dismay; alarm
Wiktionary Translations for blanc de peur:
blanc de peur
(figuré) terrifié, terrorisé.
- blanc de peur → white as a sheet; white with fear; white as a ghost