
Detailed Translations for forces from French to English


forces [la ~] nomen

  1. la forces (pouvoirs)
    the powers
  2. la forces (puissance)
    the power
  3. la forces (courants triphasés)

Translation Matrix for forces:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
highvoltage currents courants triphasés; forces
power forces; puissance approbation; aptitude; autorisation; autorité; autorités; capacité; compétence; consentement; domination; dynamique; détenteur du pouvoir; détentrice du pouvoir; empire; force; intensité; permission; pouvoir; pouvoirs; procuration; puissance; solidité; vigueur; énergie
powers forces; pouvoirs

Wiktionary Translations for forces:

  1. group that aims to attack, control, or constrain

forces form of forcer:

forcer verb (force, forces, forçons, forcez, )

  1. forcer (contraindre)
    to enforce
    • enforce verb (enforces, enforced, enforcing)
  2. forcer (obliger; imposer; contraindre; brusquer)
    to force; coerce
    – to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means : 1
    • force verb (forces, forced, forcing)
      • She forced him to take a job in the city1
    • coerce verb
    to compel; to oblige
    • compel verb (compels, compelled, compelling)
    • oblige verb (obliges, obliged, obliging)
  3. forcer (attaquer; assaillir; imposer; )
    to attack; to assault; to raid; to lay violent hands upon; to violate; to storm
    • attack verb (attacks, attacked, attacking)
    • assault verb (assaults, assaulted, assaulting)
    • raid verb (raids, raided, raiding)
    • lay violent hands upon verb (lays violent hands upon, laid violent hands upon, laying violent hands upon)
    • violate verb (violates, violated, violating)
    • storm verb (storms, stormed, storming)
  4. forcer (réussir à imposer; imposer)
    to force
    • force verb (forces, forced, forcing)
  5. forcer (enfoncer; décoder; détacher; ouvrir brusquement)
    to break open; to decode; to crack; force open; to tear open
    • break open verb (breaks open, broke open, breaking open)
    • decode verb (decodes, decoded, decoding)
    • crack verb (cracks, cracked, cracking)
    • force open verb
    • tear open verb (tears open, tore open, tearing open)
  6. forcer (fracturer; ouvrir brusquement)
    to crack; to break open; to tear open
    • crack verb (cracks, cracked, cracking)
    • break open verb (breaks open, broke open, breaking open)
    • tear open verb (tears open, tore open, tearing open)
  7. forcer (obliger; s'obliger à)
    to oblige
    • oblige verb (obliges, obliged, obliging)
  8. forcer
    to press on
    • press on verb (presses on, pressed on, pressing on)
  9. forcer (nécessiter; obliger; contraindre; )
    to compel; to oblige to; to oblige
    • compel verb (compels, compelled, compelling)
    • oblige to verb (obliges to, obliged to, obliging to)
    • oblige verb (obliges, obliged, obliging)
    to force
    – to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means : 1
    • force verb (forces, forced, forcing)
      • She forced him to take a job in the city1
  10. forcer (arracher; extorquer; soutirer; commander)
    to extort
    • extort verb (extorts, extorted, extorting)

Conjugations for forcer:

  1. force
  2. forces
  3. force
  4. forçons
  5. forcez
  6. forcent
  1. forçais
  2. forçais
  3. forçait
  4. forcions
  5. forciez
  6. forçaient
passé simple
  1. forçai
  2. forças
  3. força
  4. forçâmes
  5. forçâtes
  6. forcèrent
futur simple
  1. forcerai
  2. forceras
  3. forcera
  4. forcerons
  5. forcerez
  6. forceront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je force
  2. que tu forces
  3. qu'il force
  4. que nous forcions
  5. que vous forciez
  6. qu'ils forcent
conditionnel présent
  1. forcerais
  2. forcerais
  3. forcerait
  4. forcerions
  5. forceriez
  6. forceraient
passé composé
  1. ai forcé
  2. as forcé
  3. a forcé
  4. avons forcé
  5. avez forcé
  6. ont forcé
  1. force!
  2. forcez!
  3. forçons!
  4. forcé
  5. forçant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for forcer:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
assault agression; agression à main armée; assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; attentat; charge; hold-up; invasion; rafle; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée; viol
attack assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; charge; hold-up; invasion; rafle; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée
crack as; brisure; broyement; champion; coryphée; crac; crack; crevasse; déflagration; détonation; entrebâillement; explosion; fente; fissure; fêlure; gerçure; rupture
force actionnement; armée; capacité; contrainte; effectifs; force; force armée; force de propulsion; force de traction; force militaire; force motrice; force propulsive; forces armées; forces militaires; imposer; main-d'oeuvre; mise en marche; moteur; poussée; pouvoir; pouvoirs; propulsion; puissance; traction; violence
raid assaut; attaque; attaque à main armée; battue; charge; descente de police; hold-up; invasion; pillage; rafle; rafle de police; razzia; rush; rushes; ruée; traque
storm orage; raffale de vent; temps de chien; tempête; tourmente; vent; vent de tempête; vent orageux; vent violent
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
assault agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; brusquer; contraindre; donner l'assaut à; faire violence; forcer; imposer; prendre d'assaut; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur agresser; agresser une femme; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; brusquer; donner l'assaut à; faire violence; malmener; maltraiter; molester; prendre d'assaut; rudoyer; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur
attack agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; brusquer; contraindre; donner l'assaut à; faire violence; forcer; imposer; prendre d'assaut; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur abîmer; agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; blesser; briser; broyer; casser; corroder; donner l'assaut à; démolir; détruire; endommager; esquinter; faire mal à; fracasser; nuire; nuire à; prendre d'assaut; ronger; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur
break open décoder; détacher; enfoncer; forcer; fracturer; ouvrir brusquement écarter
coerce brusquer; contraindre; forcer; imposer; obliger
compel brusquer; contraindre; contraindre à; forcer; forcer à; imposer; nécessiter; obliger; obliger à; pousser à contraindre à faire; forcer à faire; obliger à faire; pousser à faire
crack décoder; détacher; enfoncer; forcer; fracturer; ouvrir brusquement briser; casser; cliver; craquer; craqueter; dissocier; détoner; exploser; faire claquer; faire un bruit de craquement; fendre; fissurer; fêler; gronder; hacher; rompre; scinder; se fendiller; se fendre; squattériser; séparer; tonner; violer domestic; écarter; éclater; éclater en morceaux
decode décoder; détacher; enfoncer; forcer; ouvrir brusquement déchiffrer; décoder; décrypter; résoudre
enforce contraindre; forcer appliquer; consacrer; employer; engager; faire usage de; prendre en service; utiliser
extort arracher; commander; extorquer; forcer; soutirer extorquer; faire chanter
force brusquer; contraindre; contraindre à; forcer; forcer à; imposer; nécessiter; obliger; obliger à; pousser à; réussir à imposer contraindre à faire; dicter; enjoindre; forcer à; forcer à faire; insister; obliger à faire; ordonner; pousser; pousser à faire; prescrire
force open décoder; détacher; enfoncer; forcer; ouvrir brusquement
lay violent hands upon agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; brusquer; contraindre; donner l'assaut à; faire violence; forcer; imposer; prendre d'assaut; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur
oblige brusquer; contraindre; contraindre à; forcer; forcer à; imposer; nécessiter; obliger; obliger à; pousser à; s'obliger à contraindre à faire; forcer à faire; obliger à faire; pousser à faire; servir; être au service de; être utile à
oblige to contraindre; contraindre à; forcer; forcer à; nécessiter; obliger; obliger à; pousser à contraindre à faire; forcer à faire; obliger à faire; pousser à faire
press on forcer presser sur; taper sur
raid agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; brusquer; contraindre; donner l'assaut à; faire violence; forcer; imposer; prendre d'assaut; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; donner l'assaut à; dépouiller; dévaliser; piller; prendre d'assaut; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur; voler
storm agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; brusquer; contraindre; donner l'assaut à; faire violence; forcer; imposer; prendre d'assaut; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; bouillonner; crier fort; donner l'assaut à; faire du tapage; faire rage; fulminer; gronder; hurler; hâter; injurier; insulter; lâcher des jurons; mugir; pousser qn à se dépêcher; prendre d'assaut; presser; précipiter; râler contre; s'emporter; s'élancer; se déchaîner contre; se fâcher tout rouge; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur; sortir de ses gonds; tempêter; tonner; tonner contre; vociférer
tear open décoder; détacher; enfoncer; forcer; fracturer; ouvrir brusquement déchirer; fendre; fêler; écarter
violate agresser; assaillir; assiéger; attaquer; brusquer; contraindre; donner l'assaut à; faire violence; forcer; imposer; prendre d'assaut; s'élancer; se précipiter; se ruer; se ruer sur abuser de; agresser; attaquer; diffamer; déshonorer; faire violence; offenser; porter atteinte à; se conduire mal; se méconduire; se tenir mal; tourner mal; violer

Synonyms for "forcer":

Wiktionary Translations for forcer:

  1. briser, rompre, ouvrir quelque chose avec violence.
  1. cause to occur, overcoming resistance
  2. compel (someone to do something)
  3. to use force, threat, or intimidation in attempt to compel one to act against his will
  4. to have sex with

Cross Translation:
forcer force forceren — een beslissing afdwingen
forcer force; compel dwingen — iemand tegen zijn wil iets opleggen
forcer open; break; force aufbrechen — (transitiv) öffnen, aufmachen, analysieren; auch trennen, teilen, zerteilen (oftmals im destruktiven Sinne)
forcer open; break; force aufbrechen — (intransitiv) bersten
forcer open; break; force aufbrechen — (transitiv) metaphorisch: lockern, lösen, etwas loswerden, alte Strukturen aufbrechen
forcer force; get by force; enforce erzwingenetwas (von jemandem) mit Zwang oder psychischem Druck erreichen
forcer expedite forcierenerzwingen
forcer force; compel zwingen — mit Gewalt zu etwas bringen

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for forces


Detailed Translations for forces from English to French


forces form of force:

force [the ~] nomen

  1. the force (power; strength; capacity; authority)
    la puissance; la capacité; le pouvoir; la force; le pouvoirs
  2. the force (violence; strength)
    la violence; la force; la contrainte
  3. the force (motor; drive; propulsion; propelling-force)
    le moteur; la propulsion; la traction; la mise en marche; l'actionnement; la poussée; la force propulsive
  4. the force (pressing on)
  5. the force (manpower)
    l'effectifs; la main-d'oeuvre
  6. the force (armed forces; army; military forces; )
    – a unit that is part of some military service 1
    la force armée; la forces armées
  7. the force (armed forces; army; military force; military)
    – a unit that is part of some military service 1
    l'armée; la forces militaires; la forces armées; la force militaire; la force armée
  8. the force (driving force; motive power; propulsion)
    la force motrice; la force de propulsion; la poussée; la force de traction

to force verb (forces, forced, forcing)

  1. to force (compel; oblige; coerce)
    – to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means : 1
    obliger; imposer; forcer; contraindre; brusquer
    • obliger verb (oblige, obliges, obligeons, obligez, )
    • imposer verb (impose, imposes, imposons, imposez, )
    • forcer verb (force, forces, forçons, forcez, )
    • contraindre verb (contrains, contraint, contraignons, contraignez, )
    • brusquer verb (brusque, brusques, brusquons, brusquez, )
  2. to force
    insister; pousser; forcer à
    • insister verb (insiste, insistes, insistons, insistez, )
    • pousser verb (pousse, pousses, poussons, poussez, )
    • forcer à verb
  3. to force
    imposer; forcer; réussir à imposer
    • imposer verb (impose, imposes, imposons, imposez, )
    • forcer verb (force, forces, forçons, forcez, )
  4. to force (compel; oblige; oblige to)
  5. to force (oblige to; compel; oblige)
    – to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means : 1
    obliger; contraindre; forcer; nécessiter; pousser à; obliger à; forcer à; contraindre à
    • obliger verb (oblige, obliges, obligeons, obligez, )
    • contraindre verb (contrains, contraint, contraignons, contraignez, )
    • forcer verb (force, forces, forçons, forcez, )
    • nécessiter verb (nécessite, nécessites, nécessitons, nécessitez, )
    • pousser à verb
    • obliger à verb
    • forcer à verb
  6. to force (decree; dedicate; commission; )
    dicter; ordonner; prescrire; enjoindre
    • dicter verb (dicte, dictes, dictons, dictez, )
    • ordonner verb (ordonne, ordonnes, ordonnons, ordonnez, )
    • prescrire verb (prescris, prescrit, prescrivons, prescrivez, )
    • enjoindre verb (enjoins, enjoint, enjoignons, enjoignez, )

Conjugations for force:

  1. force
  2. force
  3. forces
  4. force
  5. force
  6. force
simple past
  1. forced
  2. forced
  3. forced
  4. forced
  5. forced
  6. forced
present perfect
  1. have forced
  2. have forced
  3. has forced
  4. have forced
  5. have forced
  6. have forced
past continuous
  1. was forcing
  2. were forcing
  3. was forcing
  4. were forcing
  5. were forcing
  6. were forcing
  1. shall force
  2. will force
  3. will force
  4. shall force
  5. will force
  6. will force
continuous present
  1. am forcing
  2. are forcing
  3. is forcing
  4. are forcing
  5. are forcing
  6. are forcing
  1. be forced
  2. be forced
  3. be forced
  4. be forced
  5. be forced
  6. be forced
  1. force!
  2. let's force!
  3. forced
  4. forcing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for force:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
actionnement drive; force; motor; propelling-force; propulsion driving mechanism; driving unit
armée armed forces; army; force; military; military force armed forces; army; host
capacité authority; capacity; force; power; strength Capacity; ability; ability to achieve; adroitness; business sense; capability; capacity; cargo hold; cargo space; carrying capacity; competence; dexterity; expertise; handiness; knack; loading capacity; potential; power; quality; skill; stowage; tonnage; volume
contrainte force; strength; violence assignment; command; constraint; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; reserve; restraint; reticence; shibboleth
effectifs force; manpower
force authority; capacity; force; power; strength; violence boost; compulsion; courage; drive; energy; fervor; fervour; fiber; fibre; fierceness; fortitude; gin; gusto; impetus; impulse; incentive; influence; intensity; jenever; momentum; power; pressure; robustness; soul; spirit; spunk; spur; stimulus; strength; strongness; sturdiness; thoroughness; vehemence; vigor; vigour; violence; zest
force armée armed forces; army; force; forces; landforces; military; military force; military forces
force de propulsion driving force; force; motive power; propulsion propelling-force; propulsion; propulsive force; thrust
force de traction driving force; force; motive power; propulsion tractive power
force militaire armed forces; army; force; military; military force military force; use of force
force motrice driving force; force; motive power; propulsion
force propulsive drive; force; motor; propelling-force; propulsion boost; drive; impetus; impulse; incentive; momentum; propelling-force; propulsion; propulsive force; spur; stimulus
forces armées armed forces; army; force; forces; landforces; military; military force; military forces armed forces; military forces
forces militaires armed forces; army; force; military; military force armed forces; military forces
imposer force; pressing on
main-d'oeuvre force; manpower crew; employee; employees; laborer; labourer; manpower; personnel; work force; worker
mise en marche drive; force; motor; propelling-force; propulsion cheers; connecting; driving mechanism; driving unit; encouragement; encouraging; help; putting on; stay; stimulation; support; switching on; turning on; turning up; urging; urging on
moteur drive; force; motor; propelling-force; propulsion engine; motor
poussée drive; driving force; force; motive power; motor; propelling-force; propulsion ambition; aspirations; blow; boost; buffer; bump; bumper; drive; energy; flow; gin; impetus; impulse; incentive; influx; insistence; jab; jenever; momentum; nudge; punch; push; pushing; rush; shove; soul; spirit; spunk; spur; squash; stampede; stimulus; strength; thoroughness; thrust; urgency
pouvoir authority; capacity; force; power; strength authorities; authority; command; competence; control; dominion; establishment; mandate; mastery; power; qualification; right of say; rule; warrant
pouvoirs authority; capacity; force; power; strength authority; competence; power; powers; qualification; ruler
propulsion drive; force; motor; propelling-force; propulsion cheers; congestion; drive; driving mechanism; driving unit; encouragement; encouraging; energy; gin; help; impetus; jam; jenever; locomotion; momentum; propelling; propelling-force; propulsion; propulsive force; pushing on; putting on; soul; spirit; spunk; stagnation; stay; stimulation; strength; support; switching on; thoroughness; turning on; turning up; urging; urging on
puissance authority; capacity; force; power; strength authority; command; competence; courage; dominion; fiber; fibre; fortitude; influence; mastery; power; qualification; rule; ruler
traction drive; force; motor; propelling-force; propulsion propelling-force; propulsion; propulsive force; tractive power
violence force; strength; violence act of violence; agressiveness; bad temper; ferocity; fervor; fervour; fierceness; fieriness; intensity; molestation; nuisance; outrage; vehemence; violence
- effect; force out; force play; force-out; forcefulness; military force; military group; military unit; personnel; power; strength; violence
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
brusquer coerce; compel; force; oblige accelerate; antagonise; antagonize; assault; attack; brush off; brutalise; brutalize; bully; harass; hasten; lay violent hands upon; pester; provoke; quicken; raid; snub; speed up; storm; tease; use force; violate
contraindre coerce; compel; force; oblige; oblige to assault; attack; break in; control; enforce; keep back; keep under control; lay violent hands upon; moderate; raid; restrain; storm; subdue; suppress; train; violate
contraindre à compel; force; oblige; oblige to
contraindre à faire compel; force; oblige; oblige to
dicter charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule charge; dictate; ordain; order
enjoindre charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule
forcer coerce; compel; force; oblige; oblige to assault; attack; break open; crack; decode; enforce; extort; force open; lay violent hands upon; oblige; press on; raid; storm; tear open; violate
forcer à compel; force; oblige; oblige to
forcer à faire compel; force; oblige; oblige to
imposer coerce; compel; force; oblige assault; attack; burden; insist; keep on; lay on; lay violent hands upon; persist; press; raid; saddle up; storm; urge; violate
insister force emphasise; emphasize; insist; tear; underline; urge on; urging
nécessiter compel; force; oblige; oblige to need; require; want
obliger coerce; compel; force; oblige; oblige to oblige
obliger à compel; force; oblige; oblige to charge; command; order
obliger à faire compel; force; oblige; oblige to
ordonner charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule be in command of; call; charge; command; decree; dictate; dictate a letter; give notice of; list all the points; ordain; order; preside; proclaim; take the lead
pousser force agitate; arise from; bring forward; bud; budge; churn; come up; deter; develop; drive; evolve out of; ferment; force up; frighten away; frighten off; germinate; give a push; grow; grow up; help along; help on; insist; keep on; move over; nudge; originate; originate from; persist; press; prompt; prosper; puff up; push; push along; push on; push open; push up; rise; scare off; shake up; shove; spring; sprout; stem from; stir; thrive; undergo fermentation; urge; urging
pousser à compel; force; oblige; oblige to fan; foment; incite; stir up
pousser à faire compel; force; oblige; oblige to
pouvoir be able; be allowed to; have permission; may
prescrire charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule bid; charge; dictate; direct; instruct; ordain; order
réussir à imposer force
- coerce; draw; drive; hale; impel; pressure; pull; push; ram; squeeze; storm; thrust; wedge
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
imposer impose
- enforce; extort; wring
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
mise en marche started

Related Words for "force":

Synonyms for "force":

Antonyms for "force":

Related Definitions for "force":

  1. a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base1
    • the shortstop got the runner at second on a force1
  2. an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists)1
    • he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence in the short one1
  3. (of a law) having legal validity1
  4. physical energy or intensity1
    • he hit with all the force he could muster1
  5. a powerful effect or influence1
    • the force of his eloquence easily persuaded them1
  6. a unit that is part of some military service1
    • he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men1
  7. a group of people having the power of effective action1
    • he joined forces with a band of adventurers1
  8. group of people willing to obey orders1
    • a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens1
  9. one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority1
    • may the force be with you1
    • the forces of evil1
  10. (physics) the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity1
    • force equals mass times acceleration1
  11. impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably1
    • She forced her diet fads on him1
  12. do forcibly; exert force1
    • Don't force it!1
  13. cause to move by pulling1
  14. force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically1
  15. squeeze like a wedge into a tight space1
  16. take by force1
  17. urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate1
  18. move with force,1
  19. to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :1
    • She forced him to take a job in the city1
  20. In programming, to perform a particular action that would normally not occur. The term is most often used in the context of forcing data to be within a particular range of values-for example, forcing a divisor to be nonzero.2

Wiktionary Translations for force:

  1. cause to occur, overcoming resistance
  2. compel (someone to do something)
  1. magic trick in which the outcome is known to the magician beforehand
  2. ability to attack, control, or constrain
  3. group that aims to attack, control, or constrain
  4. physical quantity that denotes ability to accelerate a body
  5. anything that is able to make a big change in person or thing
  1. obliger quelqu’un par force, par violence ou par quelque grave considération, à faire quelque chose contre son gré.
  2. briser, rompre, ouvrir quelque chose avec violence.
  3. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  4. Mettre quelqu’un dans l’obligation de faire ou de dire quelque chose. (Sens général).
  5. Avoir un rapport sexuel avec quelqu’un sans son consentement
  1. action de se détacher ou état de celui qui s’est détaché d’une passion, d’un sentiment, de tout ce qui peut captiver trop l’esprit ou le cœur.
  2. faculté naturelle d’agir vigoureusement, en particulier en parlant de l’homme et des animaux.
  3. ensemble de personnes, voire d’animaux.
  4. pouvoir d’imposer son autorité.
  5. groupe de travailleurs attacher à un travail spécial.

Cross Translation:
force force KraftPhysik, Mechanik: Größe, die je größer desto mehr den Bewegungszustand eines Körpers verändert oder ihn deformiert, und von deren Zustandekommen die Mechanik absehen kann
force coercition Zwang — innerer oder äußerer Druck, etwas zu tun
force ouvrir; forcer; partir; fracturer aufbrechen — (transitiv) öffnen, aufmachen, analysieren; auch trennen, teilen, zerteilen (oftmals im destruktiven Sinne)
force ouvrir; forcer; partir; fracturer aufbrechen — (transitiv) metaphorisch: lockern, lösen, etwas loswerden, alte Strukturen aufbrechen
force ouvrir; forcer; partir; fracturer aufbrechen — (intransitiv) bersten
force forcer; obtenir de force; obtenir par force erzwingenetwas (von jemandem) mit Zwang oder psychischem Druck erreichen
force imposer oktroyieren — (transitiv) jemandem etwas aufzwingen, aufdrängen
force forcer zwingen — mit Gewalt zu etwas bringen
force forcer forceren — een beslissing afdwingen
force forcer dwingen — iemand tegen zijn wil iets opleggen
force pression; contrainte dwang — het uitoefenen van macht om iemand tegen diens wil iets te laten doen of laten

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