French to Swedish: more detail...
- berusat; drucken; drucket; på lyset; fullt; packat; fullsatt; överfull; överfullt; fyllt; fullproppad; packad; uppstoppat; fullproppat; fyllon; urfull; urfullt; döfullt; proppad; proppat; fullstoppat; proppfullt; proppfull; redlöst; plakat; aspackat; stupffull; stupffullt; trång full; prop fullt; prop full; fyllot; döfull; stoppad; stoppat; utfylld; proppmätt
- Wiktionary:
Detailed Translations for bourré from French to Swedish
bourré (ivre; soûl; éméché; aviné; raide; gris)
bourré (aux combles)
bourré (plein; fourré; rempli; rembourré; comble)
fyllt; fullproppad; packat; packad; uppstoppat; fullproppat-
fyllt adj
fullproppad adj
packat adj
packad adj
uppstoppat adj
fullproppat adj
bourré (fin soûl)
bourré (farci; gavé)
bourré (bondé; surchargé; comble; plein comme un oeuf; bourré de; plein à craquer)
bourré (complètement bourré; ivre; complètement ivre; gris; cuite; soûl; ivre mort; complètement bourrée)
redlöst; plakat; aspackat; stupffull; stupffullt-
redlöst adj
plakat adj
aspackat adj
stupffull adj
stupffullt adj
bourré (bondé; archiplein; archicomble)
bourré (beurré; ivre; gris)
bourré (plein; rembourré; fourré; rempli; farci; comble)
fullt; fyllt; stoppad; stoppat; fullproppad; proppat; utfylld; fullproppat; proppmätt-
fullt adj
fyllt adj
stoppad adj
stoppat adj
fullproppad adj
proppat adj
utfylld adj
fullproppat adj
proppmätt adj
Translation Matrix for bourré:
Synonyms for "bourré":
External Machine Translations: