Detailed Translations for trompetgeschal from Dutch to English
het trompetgeschal (geschetter)
the blare; the flourish of trumpets; the sound of trumpets; the sound of horns; the blast of trumpets
Translation Matrix for trompetgeschal:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
blare | geschetter; trompetgeschal | |
blast of trumpets | geschetter; trompetgeschal | |
flourish of trumpets | geschetter; trompetgeschal | |
sound of horns | geschetter; trompetgeschal | hoorngeschal |
sound of trumpets | geschetter; trompetgeschal | hoorngeschal |
Verb | Related Translations | Other Translations |
blare | luidkeels iets verkondigen; schetteren; tetteren |
External Machine Translations: