Detailed Translations for gångbar from Swedish to French
gångbar: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- gäng: bande; troupe; horde; équipe; groupe; cercle; sphère; gang; foule; masse; meute; multitude de gens; des tas de gens; grand nombre de personnes; grande quantité de personnes
- bar: auberge; zinc; salon de thé; coffeeshops; café; bar; brasserie; bistrot; bistro; taverne; débit de boissons; hôtellerie; salle de café
- gång: couloir; galerie; corridor; petit passage; coursive; bande de roulement
- bär: baie; groseille; fruit à baie
Spelling Suggestions for: gångbar
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Synonyms for "gångbar":
External Machine Translations:
Suggestions for gångbar in French
Spelling Suggestions for: gångbar
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External Machine Translations: